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Feminism, is it for black people

The sea nigga wanna say, if Girl At 22 becomes a Math Teacher at X school she will get 10 dollars less than Boy at 22 who is a Math Teacher at the same school just because she is a woman

That's what he wanna say
The sea nigga wanna say, if Girl At 22 becomes a Math Teacher at X school she will get 10 dollars less than Boy at 22 who is a Math Teacher at the same school just because she is a woman

That's what he wanna say

And you wanna say women always had it easy and just complaining about nothing. Goofy shit
If a black HS girl works at Burger King, will she get paid less than the black male who gets hired with her doing the same job?
At the sea nigga??

Answer that.
And you wanna say women always had it easy and just complaining about nothing. Goofy shit
Black women did not need no dayum feminism goofy.

Not in 1865 -1940. They werent even included in the 1st wave

Did you know that??

Black women needed protection from white women and white men dummy. Not no dayum feminism
If a black man coming out of college gets a job as a professor teaching at LSU and a black woman gets the same job at LSU in the cafeteria, she will be paid less

What areas is inequality pay seen?
2nd wave, did it help or hurt the black family.??

1st wave didn't do shit for black women, you can say it implemented the 19th amendment but black women as I posted the article was not still able to vote

So we have one wave of feminism that wasn't shit.

Let's break down this 2nd one
Imma say this then I'm out for real. The fact I own my home, have my own bank account/credit cards, didn't get fired from my job simply because I got pregnant, was able to stay with my children after giving birth (paid leave with son #2), have access to birth control, and will be voting come November...I think I benefitted from feminism.

I appreciate your opinion.
Black women did not need no dayum feminism goofy.

Not in 1865 -1940. They werent even included in the 1st wave

Did you know that??

Black women needed protection from white women and white men dummy. Not no dayum feminism

So no black woman wanted to vote for 80 years. You got to be crazy. You gonna bring up the other waves or stand on feminism hurting us. Cuz you haven’t even proven that feminism is negative
The 2nd wave of feminism. No more housewives because of a white woman was unhappy, this is how the 2nd wave of feminism started.

n the mid-1950s, Friedan found herself as a stay-at-home housewife after a long career as a journalist, writer, and activist. When she got married and had children, Friedan left her career and moved to the suburbs with her family. Even though she continued writing freelance, she soon realized that she was unhappy solely as a housewife. However, she felt the societal pressure to find ultimate happiness as a mother and a homemaker. In 1957 at her 15-year Smith College reunion, Friedan surveyed her classmates and found that they also were unhappy being confined to the home.

For the next five years, Friedan conducted interviews with white middle-class women who were grappling with their roles as housewives. She published her findings in “The Feminine Mystique,” and instantly became a household name. In her book she criticized the separate “sphere” of motherhood and homemaking that women were relegated to. In contrast, men were allowed to flourish in the “male sphere” of work, politics, and power. Friedan’s book encouraged women to step outside of their “sphere,” and fight gender oppression, which she called “the problem that has no name
The 2nd wave of feminism. No more housewives because of a white woman was unhappy, this is how the 2nd wave of feminism started.

n the mid-1950s, Friedan found herself as a stay-at-home housewife after a long career as a journalist, writer, and activist. When she got married and had children, Friedan left her career and moved to the suburbs with her family. Even though she continued writing freelance, she soon realized that she was unhappy solely as a housewife. However, she felt the societal pressure to find ultimate happiness as a mother and a homemaker. In 1957 at her 15-year Smith College reunion, Friedan surveyed her classmates and found that they also were unhappy being confined to the home.

For the next five years, Friedan conducted interviews with white middle-class women who were grappling with their roles as housewives. She published her findings in “The Feminine Mystique,” and instantly became a household name. In her book she criticized the separate “sphere” of motherhood and homemaking that women were relegated to. In contrast, men were allowed to flourish in the “male sphere” of work, politics, and power. Friedan’s book encouraged women to step outside of their “sphere,” and fight gender oppression, which she called “the problem that has no name

Ok so how did this hurt the black community?
The 1st wave of feminism started because white women didn't like the fact that they couldn't vote. They saw black men voting and were upset.

Had nothing to do with black women or helping them.

The 2nd wave of feminism started because again, a white woman was unhappy being a housewife. She wanted to be like her white husband

Again, had nothing to do with black women.

Black men in the 60s and 70s worked in factories. I don't think black women wanted to give up their roles to become factory workers.

The wage gap itself isn't a myth. The idea that the wage gap stems from women being purposely paid less is a myth. Your own source confirms that.

Much of the gender pay gap has been explained by measurable factors such as educational attainment, occupational segregation and work experience. The narrowing of the gap over the long term is attributable in large part to gains women have made in each of these dimensions.

This is indicative of a bigger problem with feminists and the gender war. A lot of them want to chalk every difference in how men and women are treated up to sexism. That's silly. Men and women are fundamentally different. They say they want equality under the law, which is good. The problem comes with their expectation that if women get that equality then everything should be the same for men and women. That's not necessarily true.