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Father challenges son to a fight after he was being disrespectful

Fair or Foul?

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It should've never even gotten to that point to begin with.

Unless the dad was locked up and just came home a few years ago, he should've already instilled that kind of fear and respect in the kid when he was a lot younger.

Then again, he did say he gave him "pass after pass" so.............

Weebey shrug.gif

some people just have to learn the hard way.
A healthy relationship does not get anywhere near that point. I don't have kids and can't relate so please educate me what the correct discipline is here?

Full grown teenager, mass disrespect on his entire family on some bully shit. Threatened to whoop the dad's ass. Literally had an entire list of extreme violations. I think he was well eligible to be humbled by some hands. I need to know what you are doing differently, you putting him in the timeout corner?
damn near ever dude i know at some point felt he could physically challenge his dad.
he may have a toxic ideal of what a man is from being in the streets too much and have too many passes.

it shouldnt have gotten to tht point but we dont know all the circumstances....im happy he at least is trying to correct it.
damn near ever dude i know at some point felt he could physically challenge his dad.
he may have a toxic ideal of what a man is from being in the streets too much and have too many passes.

it shouldnt have gotten to tht point but we dont know all the circumstances....im happy he at least is trying to correct it.

Yeah, me. I was positive I'd whoop my dads ass by the time i was 16. I was never on no shit like this though. I agree with your point though.
thing is ...i told him many times. his mom was trying to allow him to get into some shit to say i was a shitty dad and file for custody back.
see how that sounds.

so when she took me to court the judge was on my side. and applauded me doing it because of the texts i showed him.

i mean the fact he thought i was gonna back down is one thing...but to approach me with someone took me to another level and i was ready to fight anyone that day. add to that his mom put him up to it...and he couldnt see the set up....so i had plenty of reasons and he got off easy frfr.

the fact he was my son stopped me from kicking him in the head

funny thing is......lil dude was saying yes dad to everything since.
i hated being seen as the mean black father after that....but i think may have saved his life. so i didnt care what them people thought.

but as i said before....any man worth his manhood and fatherly love would have did the same in my position.

You didn't answer either question I asked.
i dont remember his age at the moment....

and i told him to not be in a certain place.

i knew the local police.......they had a health respect for me..since i was always at the girlscout meetings with my daughter. they did community shit with the girlscouts so they knew who i was.
they gave me a heads up he was hanging with niggas he shouldnt be with..listening to his dumb ass mother.
who picked fair??? what healthy relationships you all must have with your family members

You don't disrespect your mother and damned sure not your grandmother. I don't know what kinda white ass "fuck you mom"-type family you grew up with, but that kinda shit don't fly 'round here. That's an asswhoopin just on GP. Then you on some "fuck you" shit with the sisters you supposed to protect? Nah bruh, that lil nigga shoulda got slept by his pops and his uncles shoulda been next in line 'cause that's their momma he said "fuck you" to.
You don't disrespect your mother and damned sure not your grandmother. I don't know what kinda white ass "fuck you mom"-type family you grew up with, but that kinda shit don't fly 'round here. That's an asswhoopin just on GP. Then you on some "fuck you" shit with the sisters you supposed to protect? Nah bruh, that lil nigga shoulda got slept by his pops and his uncles shoulda been next in line 'cause that's their momma he said "fuck you" to.

Preach the gospel bruh.
One of the things I don't like about this generation of kids is how they integrate their slang while talking to their parents. When I was a kid even if you were talking back you talked back using normal language. You didn't call you're parents "bruh" or say "facts" You would disagree and try as hard as you could to do it while sounding grown. These lil niggas today talk to their parents like they homeboys. I would never in my life call my mom bruh. I don't even call my wife that. How do you even fix your mouth to address your parents like that?

This lil nigga told his father to chill out bruh like he was a friend of his that was making a joke. All while his father was beating his ass. So even throughout the ass whoopin he was still being very disrespectful. Nigga said fuck you to his grandmama. Back in the day yo pops wouldn't even have to see you for that because the whole family would've been jumped on yo ass.
That whole generation shows such a lack of respect for authority.
long story short....i told him not to do something.....his mom told him to do it anyway and get the football coach to help protect him.
saw this shit in a text.....

i went to his school........he came out with his coach....i dropped him and went after the coach and he copped pleas saying he understands a fathers anger and just wanted blah blah blah and he sorry to get into family shit.

niggas said i wasnt right.

I'm assuming this is the bm and not wifey.

Coach either fuccin her...or TRYIN to fucc. That's why he believed only her side of the story and gettin involved. Lol
I'm assuming this is the bm and not wifey.

Coach either fuccin her...or TRYIN to fucc. That's why he believed only her side of the story and gettin involved. Lol
cmon recap

she told him to talk to the coach on some...make me out to be some kinda crazy non-listening kid isolating maniac..and maybe another man speaking to me will make me listen.

she never met the coach. she was indirectly trying to punk me.

the coach most likely listened to his sob story that his mom put him up to.

im going to try to find the phone with the texts when i get back to the states.

all i know is i made my presence felt.
So everyone here thinks beating the hell out of your kid with your fists is the way to handle this? You think this kid will now fully respect his family and pops?

How much you wanna bet? Lol
How much you wanna bet? Lol

For one, we wonā€™t know... maybe we will, if we were to know, there wld be another video.. but what if pops gets charged? if he isnā€™t there, whatā€™s he to fear? I think educating someone on stats, imprisonment, future success etc wld have done better. You need to motivate someone through teaching and knowledge to have them understand the repercussions to ones words and actions, thereā€™s value behind someoneā€™s words and actions and thereā€™s consequences both good and bad, which side of that wld one like to be on? Physically assaulting someone just makes them scared of that person, or maybe not, maybe it has a reverse effect. We donā€™t know what that household is like either.. not saying he is in the right, but something is off and it isnā€™t just the kid...
For one, we wonā€™t know... maybe we will, if we were to know, there wld be another video.. but what if pops gets charged? if he isnā€™t there, whatā€™s he to fear? I think educating someone on stats, imprisonment, future success etc wld have done better. You need to motivate someone through teaching and knowledge to have them understand the repercussions to ones words and actions, thereā€™s value behind someoneā€™s words and actions and thereā€™s consequences both good and bad, which side of that wld one like to be on? Physically assaulting someone just makes them scared of that person, or maybe not, maybe it has a reverse effect. We donā€™t know what that household is like either.. not saying he is in the right, but something is off and it isnā€™t just the kid...

I guess you missed the part where pops mentioned he gave him pass...after pass...after pass to get his shyt right.

We past teaching via words. He wanna act like a man by tellin his mama AND grandmama "Fucc you"...them he'll get beat like man.

Bet money if one of your kids tell your wife "Fucc you mom"...you're gon a unleash hellfire and brimstone on they azzz.
I didnā€™t miss that... but what were his word? pass after pass, but after what? ā€œkeep acting up and Iā€™m gonna beat your assā€ ?? teaches nothing.

I can say that in the 3mths Iā€™ve changed my views, now going to church weekly 2x, going to the menā€™s prayer days, getting involved in bible study, my oldest son coming w me, Iā€™ve seen a change in my kids and myself. Theyā€™re still moody kids here and there but they are now thinking twice and seeing value in respect and love. Been saying we love each other more. More hugs. More thanks. And Iā€™ve seen their attitudes changes. Iā€™ve seen their willingness to do their chores change. We sit and talk about the value of life, respect, love etc. we read the Word together, we interact a lot... thatā€™s what this kid is missing, not an asswhooping... that builds resentment and hate, this will not work, mark my words