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do videos of Black folks dying on camera help or harm?

the theory that these videos/images should be traded back and forth like cards because they bring change doesnt hold up when faced with reality.

these videos do not

A. stop or combat police terrorism

B. garner material change on a large scale

C. provide justice to those at the community level (less police presence in underserved communities, requiring police to live in the communities they service, strengthen the relationship between police and the community)

thus rendering these videos pointless and tedious
we all have different ideas on what justice is

in 2020, justice for me is not 3 or 4 cops going to jail when police departments are riddled with corruption from the top to the bottom

My thoughts on this in particular...

if those 3 or 4 cops go to jail because some video comes out of them doing some fuck shit.... the likelihood of other cops and people in their position repeating said fuckery would decrease....

IF justice was handed out REGULARLY and OFTEN for that type of shit... the problem is that it's not... and we get slapped in the face way too often when we can see clear as day that the cop/cops are dead wrong on video and they still get away with it
the theory that these videos/images should be traded back and forth like cards because they bring change doesnt hold up when faced with reality.

these videos do not

A. stop or combat police terrorism

B. garner material change on a large scale

C. provide justice to those at the community level (less police presence in underserved communities, requiring police to live in the communities they service, strengthen the relationship between police and the community)

thus rendering these videos pointless and tedious

What are the benefits of not showing them?
In war you see death and you see the dead.

We are in a state of modern warfare. The fuck do you expect? Censorship?

no i expect you, me, us niggas to get off social media and start coming up with ways to protect not only ourselves but our community.

they show you these videos day in and day out and you go on social media to discuss it (no harm there) but thats it.

and they know thats all we are going to do.

can we start maybe looking at community policing? what can we do to keep police out of our hoods?

or am i the only one still living amongst poor Black ppl?
My thoughts on this in particular...

if those 3 or 4 cops go to jail because some video comes out of them doing some fuck shit.... the likelihood of other cops and people in their position repeating said fuckery would decrease....

IF justice was handed out REGULARLY and OFTEN for that type of shit... the problem is that it's not... and we get slapped in the face way too often when we can see clear as day that the cop/cops are dead wrong on video and they still get away with it
Like I said these are different issues being bunched up
the theory that these videos/images should be traded back and forth like cards because they bring change doesnt hold up when faced with reality.

these videos do not

A. stop or combat police terrorism

B. garner material change on a large scale

C. provide justice to those at the community level (less police presence in underserved communities, requiring police to live in the communities they service, strengthen the relationship between police and the community)

thus rendering these videos pointless and tedious

I agree for the most part but I cant say it renders the videos completely pointless. Sucks to say but on a rare occasion it does bring some level of justice to the perpetrators.

What I'd like to pivot this conversation to is... if sharing videos of fuckery isn't working... what can we do to right the wrongs these assholes are perpetuating on us and people that look like us.

In my mind exposing them.. their crimes... their names... their addresses and the connections to people of power that they have could go a long way in deterring that type of behavior. What yall think?
Oh I get it.

This is the weak asking for protection for their sensitive sensibilities. Ladies and children and such.

The rest of us that are emboldened don't need shelter from the sight of gore.
We all get making it known to public. But it’s been like 100s of videos since Trayvon Martin situation. At some point it’s going to hurt how we feel. And because we blatantly see cop get off it makes you feel worse. I’m torn because we need awareness but fuck.
i mean we have seen our deaths in real time, like never before and yet the brutalization continues.

plus at the basic level, i care too much about Black ppl to watch us die over and over again.

i can mourn without a video. why cant you?
We all get making it known to public. But it’s been like 100s of videos since Trayvon Martin situation. At some point it’s going to hurt how we feel. And because we blatantly see cop get off it makes you feel worse. I’m torn because we need awareness but fuck.

not to mention the intended party we want these videos to reach and influence dont give a rats ass

so we are left to mourn time and time again.
yes and if you need a video or picture to empathize with those killed extrajudicially by police, you are the reason why theyre dead in the first place
How am I the reason they are dead in the first place?


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If there wasn’t video Rodney King would have just been a nigga w a pumpkin head in the ER.... who would have taken him seriously if he tried to file charges against those cops?