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do videos of Black folks dying on camera help or harm?

holla at me when you join some organizations ok?
.maybe i will, but still..

Just sayin, after 4 pages i came in and saw its the usual suspects on their respective sides of the black ppl vs white supremacy argument. There's correlation between yall consistantly undermining pro black voices and this thread. Its all about disengagement
The same reason they staunchly undermine the conscious community. Its all about keeping their heads in the sands. Niggas want the fight against racism out of sight and out of mind, bottom line

No bro that not really it. Tell me seeing your people get the short end of the stick and meet violent deaths isn’t tiring. Not wanting to see the video does not mean you’re trying not to be aware. It’s like kids and nightmares. If we being really real can’t it be used by police as a scare tactic?
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.maybe i will, but still..

Just sayin, after 4 pages i came in and saw its the usual suspects on their respective sides of the black ppl vs white supremacy argument. There's correlation between yall consistantly undermining pro black voices and this thread. Its all about disengagement

we all are pro-Black here lmao

just your version excludes more of us than i like.

is what it is.
No bro that not really it. Tell me seeing your people get the short end of the stick and meet violent deaths isn’t tiring. Not wanting to see the video does not mean you’re trying not to be aware. It’s like kids and nightmares. If we bring really real can’t it be used by police as a scare tactic?
I get it, you don't have to explain why you don't wanna watch these videos but I'm talking about the bigger picture. Its rooted in complacency and wanting to disengage
Will any of this result in actual justice? If history is any indicator im leaning towards no.. but im hopeful these pieces of shit meet justice within the law... OR outside of it if the law fails us as it typically does
The minor optimist in me thinks that with cases like amber guyger, the climate of the shaun king type "journalism" helps cuz it puts pressure on authorities. I mean besides the fact of her being a million percent in the wrong and not having a defense at all...they knew they had to convict her cuz they know we fed tf up with shit like that and we were all watching. She still only ended up getting 10 yrs but without the collective attention she might have walked.
The minor optimist in me thinks that with cases like amber guyger, the climate of the shaun king type "journalism" helps cuz it puts pressure on authorities. I mean besides the fact of her being a million percent in the wrong and not having a defense at all...they knew they had to convict her cuz they know we fed tf up with shit like that and we were all watching. She still only ended up getting 10 yrs but without the collective attention she might have walked.

I agree and no violent video montage was needed

i hate shaun king tho