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do videos of Black folks dying on camera help or harm?

I also think people sharing the videos in spite of family member's often wishes to not have the videos all over the place is crazy. It's one thing to want to get your point across. It's another to intentionally subject a family to more pain in order to prove said point.
It’s the world we live in today
Stopped watching them years ago. Too much of a bad trigger. I get the thought process behind the "why" people feel the need to share them but ultimately unless they result in some sort of actual consequences, which they rarely if ever do, then it's pointless and just fodder for racist assholes to create memes and gifs to use.

couldnt have said it better.

i remember venturing into racist white twitter one day after being harrassed by some troll and they had so many memes of alton sterling.

i was sick and disgusted.
I also think people sharing the videos in spite of family member's often wishes to not have the videos all over the place is crazy. It's one thing to want to get your point across. It's another to intentionally subject a family to more pain in order to prove said point.

i hate when yall reduce my thoughts to trolling, its so fucking stupid and dismissive.

“oh you trolling now” lmao why? because i fed your line back to you?
i hate when yall reduce my thoughts to trolling, its so fucking stupid and dismissive.

“oh you trolling now” lmao why? because i fed your line back to you?
This is what I said.
“We’ve had injustices but we’ve had our fair share of justice because their actions were leaked.

Your response was this.
“you just said the videos provide justice”

That’s trolling.