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Are You Gonna Vote For This Guy Because Trump Is Racist?

There are several moving pieces to this issue

3rd party candidates will only be a viable option when people stop thinking that voting for a 3rd party is a wasted vote.

that i think is the largest issue.

I dont remember the rule about 3rd party candidates receiving funding once they receive a certain amount of votes, but its probably gonna take an election cycle to see a viable 3rd party candidate put on the ballot.

We also have to do a better job of informing our friends, relatives, etc about the importance of supporting a viable 3rd party candidate.
and Maza, if you dont chill out with that Reddit shit over here fam

we dont all have to agree, but we gon be respectful to each other. The name calling and shit is lame and doesnt add anything to the topic(s).

if you wanna be able to spew that kinda shit towards people then this not the place for you b
But wouldn't the bold underline be on us for not keeping our foot on their neck? Like have a responsibility to keep pushing

It is absolutely does fall on us, all of us. That's what's frustrating the shit outta me. There are too many of us who just want to keep voting democrat and that's it. Then once the dems are in office and they don't do shit, we don't trip because hey, they're not as bad as those other guys.

I truly truly hope that we all keep pushing for the changes that need to be made. Fuck having a black face if they ain't gon do shit (like the bitch ass KY AG) I'm just not convinced enough of us will. That's just based of off history repeating itself.

Said it once, twice and will continue to say it. trump is a piece of shit that needs to go to prison. But him being in office (not that want him to continue to be) has FORCED us to get out here in these streets and make the country take notice. For the first time you see major corporations speaking up due to the social pressure being placed. I know that's all lip service for the most part, but that kinda stuff hasn't happened on this scale before. So that means money is being interrupted or CAN be. When the money fucks up, shit happens so it's a start. The next move is to let these fucks know what they need to do for us in exchange for our vote.

Again, I want to be wrong as all hell on this one, but this is the game we fall for.
There are several moving pieces to this issue

3rd party candidates will only be a viable option when people stop thinking that voting for a 3rd party is a wasted vote.

that i think is the largest issue.

I dont remember the rule about 3rd party candidates receiving funding once they receive a certain amount of votes, but its probably gonna take an election cycle to see a viable 3rd party candidate put on the ballot.

We also have to do a better job of informing our friends, relatives, etc about the importance of supporting a viable 3rd party candidate.


And it goes right back to niggas ain't trying to hear that shit

I can't tell you how many of my friends/relatives get their panties in the bunch when I bring up a 3rd party solution. i get all the excuses

This ain't the time
A 3rd party is a wasted vote
This is what we got (a democrat candidate) so we gotta work the system

On and on. So all I'm saying is if now ain't the time then when will it be? And are we going to work beyond doing the democrats the same favor we've done since the 60s
and Maza, if you dont chill out with that Reddit shit over here fam

we dont all have to agree, but we gon be respectful to each other. The name calling and shit is lame and doesnt add anything to the topic(s).

if you wanna be able to spew that kinda shit towards people then this not the place for you b
Wow. I'm getting scolded for telling a middle eastern bigot to mind his business when talking about black American issues y'all kissass to anyone and everyone but those who fight white supremacy. Smh.
Wow. I'm getting scolded for telling a middle eastern bigot to mind his business when talking about black American issues y'all kissass to anyone and everyone but those who fight white supremacy. Smh.
Shit you should be banned honestly, we all know what you tryna do, hell atleast@the mad titan is actually making sense as to why he isnt voting for either(even tho i dont agree) you just literally goin by the undercover cac/russian bot/troll playbook to a tee, predictable as fuck, luckily most ppl have wised up from 2016 and know whats at stake so you just wasting youre time for real, hell ill be suprised if you stick around if biden wins, you'll have no purpose here anymore
Shit you should be banned honestly, we all know what you tryna do, hell atleast@the mad titan is actually making sense as to why he isnt voting for either(even tho i dont agree) you just literally goin by the undercover cac/russian bot/troll playbook to a tee, predictable as fuck, luckily most ppl have wised up from 2016 and know whats at stake so you just wasting youre time for real, hell ill be suprised if you stick around if biden wins, you'll have no purpose here anymore
Fool are you black? Where are your parents from?
And the logic to continually voting for the same party that offers nothing beyond "we're not as bad those republicans", not to mention for a guy who had a big hand in destroying our comminity via the same laws we are fighting against now is?

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If we don't demand something specifically for us then we will continue to at best get "rising tide" efforts which have been done already and advanced us how?

Bruh I feel you on all that and you make a good point and most probably do agree. But their argument is more immediate and yours is more of a long view and honestly after this nonsense of an election a lot of folks are going to be feeling that way I think. I know for sure the super liberals don’t want a top cop and the example of white liberals being president. But Trump to many people is like voting for a Confederate. Again I think what you’re saying makes perfect sense.
Deflect deflect deflect. You're racist ass didn't even deny that you middle eastern Persians and mixed Arabs Turkish dudes enslave torture and hold for ransom these people. How about this, instead of talking about what black Americans need to do Why don't you go talk to your people about not being anti black racist how about that. Fuckin' bigot.

not to be that guy but AZTG is Kurdish I believe and they are a minority
ah yes. Black folks once again mad at other Black folks for questioning why they are voting for segregationist joe biden and top cop kamala

And the logic to continually voting for the same party that offers nothing beyond "we're not as bad those republicans", not to mention for a guy who had a big hand in destroying our comminity via the same laws we are fighting against now is?

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If we don't demand something specifically for us then we will continue to at best get "rising tide" efforts which have been done already and advanced us how?

This ain't about community voting man. Nobody's saying vote for Biden because we should always vote Democrat. We're saying that in this particular election, you should vote for Biden because we all know how much worse the alternative is.
Niggas would really just rather be mad than do something.

Then got the nerve to tell niggas what they can speak on.

Niggas worldwide rode for yall and you finna sit at home on your hands when it's time to vote? Fuck you.


1. you dont live in the U.S

2. yall have all this steam for every day ppl and not the mfers you pledge your votes to

3. stfu

4. and what is @The Mad Titan supposed to do by himself when nig nogs are so deeply committed to keeping this imperalist, anti-Black, oppressive war machine going???


It's basically come to this....and that's a fuckin shame.

So be it. Never again.
This ain't about community voting man. Nobody's saying vote for Biden because we should always vote Democrat. We're saying that in this particular election, you should vote for Biden because we all know how much worse the alternative is.

Again, niggas say this EVERY election when theres a sitting republican president.

Thats my grip with all this. Its rinse and repeat. The last republican pres we had, bush, left our ppl to die during katrina(among all his other crooked shit). The whole world hated his ass. When election time came up, the same get out and vote, rock the vote, vote or die stuff was going on.

Then we got 8 yrs of obama, amd we was still being killed im the streets while he was signing blue alert EO's and providing military surplus to law enforcement.

But during that time when ppl hit the streets and demanded him and his administration do something, we got hit with "I'm not the president of black america"

And niggas excused it on some "yo the president doesn't have as much power as yall think. He can only affect your daily life so much"

Now here we are.
Bruh I feel you on all that and you make a good point and most probably do agree. But their argument is more immediate and yours is more of a long view and honestly after this nonsense of an election a lot of folks are going to be feeling that way I think. I know for sure the super liberals don’t want a top cop and the example of white liberals being president. But Trump to many people is like voting for a Confederate. Again I think what you’re saying makes perfect sense.

I hope Im wrong. I really truly do.

In the meantime, Ima keep pushing forward and serving the community however I can