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Are You Gonna Vote For This Guy Because Trump Is Racist?

This whole black agenda shit is getting on my nerves. It's not that I don't believe there should be one, but standing by and watching the country go to hell because there isn't one won't help anyone. Like seriously, how will it help African Americans for Trump to get back in office and do more damage. If the whole country is irrevocably fucked up, what is the likelihood that we will manage to get our needs met then? There doesn't seem to be much logic to that ideology.

And the logic to continually voting for the same party that offers nothing beyond "we're not as bad those republicans", not to mention for a guy who had a big hand in destroying our comminity via the same laws we are fighting against now is?


If we don't demand something specifically for us then we will continue to at best get "rising tide" efforts which have been done already and advanced us how?
Honestly, I'm just gonna write my name on the ballot.

The magnitude of the problem is so enormous that Joe Biden can't fix it.

Black Americans need a sovereign nation. Joe Biden can't deliver that.

It's not about joe biden fixing the problem lmao. Get your heads out the sand.

Joe biden not finna stop the bullshit the next president after him probably not gonna stop it either. But you do the work, you go out and you vote people that will champion your issues into senate and keep trying to fight until these parties can't ignore you. It takes time. It's going to be a grind. Disengaging will only make it take longer.
And the logic to continually voting for the same party that offers nothing beyond "we're not as bad those republicans", not to mention for a guy who had a big hand in destroying our comminity via the same laws we are fighting against now is?

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If we don't demand something specifically for us then we will continue to at best get "rising tide" efforts which have been done already and advanced us how?

You can vote a third party that supports these issues and again put some asses in seats that will make yall voices heard and make it harder for the main parties to ignore your issues but you just want to pout.
Put yourselves in position to make demands that can't be ignored without consequence.
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Niggas would really just rather be mad than do something.

Then got the nerve to tell niggas what they can speak on.

Niggas worldwide rode for yall and you finna sit at home on your hands when it's time to vote? Fuck you.

Naw, niggas would rather sit in foreign countries and talk shit about how all we gotta do is vote.
When clearly voting hasn't gotten us very far.

Don't categorize everybody that is anti this two party scam as sitting on their hands. Im active out here.

Its these vote and do nothing else niggas that hold up progress.
You calling for me to be shot?
I'm saying coons who cape for white supremacist end up getting killed by the same white supremacist they cape for. So don't be surprised when Biden gets elected and you get pulled over by police and get that Jonathan treatment.
You can vote a third party that supports these issues and again put some asses in seats that will make yall voices heard and make it harder for the main parties to ignore your issues but you just want to pout.


I BEEN saying this shit

But what happens is not enough ppl get behind voting for a 3rd party, the democrats present a shitt candidate, then ppl do the whole "well this is who we got to work with" thing and here we are

Rinse and repeat

Yall niggas: vote a third party that supports these issues and again put some asses in seats that will make yall voices heard and make it harder for the main parties to ignore your issues

Commkn sense: Quit voting for these democrats that dont do shit, look for an alternative party so we can have better candidates

Yall niggas: man we aint got time for that right now

I'm saying coons who cape for white supremacist end up getting killed by the same white supremacist they cape for. So don't be surprised when Biden gets elected and you get pulled over by police and get that Jonathan treatment.

By one of your MAGA friends?

MAGA Proud Boy.

“Waste of white skin”
Too much on the line to not vote and get Trump out of office...

Trump is trying to take away healthcare/Obama Care without anything to replace it

Trump is taking away people’s Social security with nothing to replace it

Trump is fueling racial tension all across the country

Trumps terrible handling of the pandemic

I’ve never seen this much homelessness
I was riding through uptown Charlotte and seen a whole fuckin’ block filled with people sleeping in tents on the sidewalks.. That shit broke my heart.. I love Charlotte it’s a beautiful city but seeing that shit almost brought tears to my eyes.. there was a lady out there breast feeding her infant while sitting on a sidewalk...

The rich get tax breaks and get richer while the poor lose the little bit of shit they do have..

Biden is more qualified to be the president, and at least he acknowledges there’s racial inequality and is actually willing to have a conversation about change..

Trump continues to shit on the movement and will never sit down and have a conversation about black people being treated equal in this country..
It's not about joe biden fixing the problem lmao. Get your heads out the sand.

Joe biden not finna stop the bullshit the next president after him probably not gonna stop it either. But you do the work, you go out and you vote people that will champion your issues into senate and keep trying to fight until these parties can't ignore you. It takes time. It's going to be a grind. Disengaging will only make it take longer.

@King Freeman You obviously don't understand the difference between Democrats and Republicans.

Democrats think the government should solve societies problems.

Republicans don't think that. Republicans think the government plays too big of a role in society and things would be better if we just let the free market economy do what it does.

In other words, Republicans don't vote candidates into office because they want the Republican to do anything. They vote Republicans into office because they DON'T want the Republican to do anything.

I'd be perfectly happy if Trump got re-elected and didn't do anything.

However, he turned me off when that riot in Ferguson happened and he said there were good people on both sides. Also when he said the White supremacists to stand by and stand down.

I don't think Trump is necessarily any worse than other presidents, although I must admit I liked Obama.

I BEEN saying this shit

But what happens is not enough ppl get behind voting for a 3rd party, the democrats present a shitt candidate, then ppl do the whole "well this is who we got to work with" thing and here we are

Rinse and repeat

Yall niggas: vote a third party that supports these issues and again put some asses in seats that will make yall voices heard and make it harder for the main parties to ignore your issues

Commkn sense: Quit voting for these democrats that dont do shit, look for an alternative party so we can have better candidates

Yall niggas: man we aint got time for that right now

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You don't have time for it RIGHT NOW cause the necessary work of putting asses in seats hasn't been done over the last 3 years to make that happen. All you can do RIGHT NOW is get trump outta here. You gotta make the idea of a 3rd party palatable then get on code.
@King Freeman You obviously don't understand the difference between Democrats and Republicans.

Democrats think the government should solve societies problems.

Republicans don't think that. Republicans think the government plays too big of a role in society and things would be better if we just let the free market economy do what it does.

In other words, Republicans don't vote candidates into office because they want the Republican to do anything. They vote Republicans into office because they DON'T want the Republican to do anything.

I'd be perfectly happy if Trump got re-elected and didn't do anything.

However, he turned me off when that riot in Ferguson happened and he said there were good people on both sides. Also when he said the White supremacists to stand by and stand down.

I don't think Trump is necessarily any worse than other presidents, although I must admit I liked Obama.

I don't understand why yall are tied to the idea that it has to be one or the other in the long term.
You don't have time for it RIGHT NOW cause the necessary work of putting asses in seats hasn't been done over the last 3 years to make that happen. All you can do RIGHT NOW is get trump outta here. You gotta make the idea of a 3rd party palatable then get on code.

That would be true if the "nows not the right time" didn't happen everytime a republican gets in office

Everytime a republican is in office there's the push to get them out because they always doing crooked shit and the only option is a democrat because nobody wants to vote 3rd party.

So, we get the same two villians playing us during election seasons. This is why I said its one thing to read about u.s. politics and another to live in them. Too many of us black folks are dedicated to the democratic party for no reason. Thats stops our progress.

Like I said before, Id be all on board with biden being an interim solution if I knew we were going to keep the same energy. I dont have the faith that most of us are and I hope Im wrong as hell.
That would be true if the "nows not the right time" didn't happen everytime a republican gets in office

Everytime a republican is in office there's the push to get them out because they always doing crooked shit and the only option is a democrat because nobody wants to vote 3rd party.

So, we get the same two villians playing us during election seasons. This is why I said its one thing to read about u.s. politics and another to live in them. Too many of us black folks are dedicated to the democratic party for no reason. Thats stops our progress.

Like I said before, Id be all on board with biden being an interim solution if I knew we were going to keep the same energy. I dont have the faith that most of us are and I hope Im wrong as hell.

You refusing to keep that energy tho so why do you get to stand there pointing the finger at niggas, talking shit and disengaging. Make it make sense.
You refusing to keep that energy tho so why do you get to stand there pointing the finger at niggas, talking shit and disengaging. Make it make sense.

Refusing to keep what energy? Who said I was disengaging? Im just not voting for trump or biden. I been on this shit for the last decade. Voting locally, serving my community, and strapping the fuck up for any racist that wanna meet his maker.

What are you saying here?
Refusing to keep what energy? Who said I was disengaging? Im just not voting for trump or biden. I been on this shit for the last decade. Voting locally, serving my community, and strapping the fuck up for any racist that wanna meet his maker.

What are you saying here?

"riight" u see how that office aged Obama? I'd be surprised if he made it past year two. In fact, I'm surprised Trump isnt saying that
Presidency isn't easy, but the things you sign off on and the stressors you have to live with is stays with you for a life time
But wouldn't the bold underline be on us for not keeping our foot on their neck? Like have a responsibility to keep pushing
If you think the anti biden/harris sentimemt among some of us is based soley on what they have said, then you havent look at whats been posted regarding their actions. Or you're just burying your head in the sand cuz you scared.

Biden has spent his career authoring bills with proud staunch raciststo lock up black people. That's a fact. One which he has never denied nor apologized for. So do you think he's had a change of heart? A man doesnt change what he's done unless he sees issue with it. Social secuirty and medicaid? Biden has ttied to cut that shit every chance he got. Do your resesrch.

Check out kamala no im not doing anything specifically for black ppl harris' record and the shit she did to help out ppl like steve mnuchin.

My biggest problem is that this kicking the can down the road shit hasn't worked and it never will. As soon as biden gets elected, which I believe he will, black ppl will feel like we've won and all this energy now will disappear. Just like it did in 08.

If we were determined enough to keep the same energy and not let the dems continue to give us nothing burgers, I wouldnt have an issue. But watch what happens
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