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Are You Gonna Vote For This Guy Because Trump Is Racist?

Lmao yo. You literally named like 4-5 different countries and situations hoping one sticks. Literally covered over 6 thousand miles of geography and was wrong everytime.

But real shit, i realize that I went back and forth with you for like a good 5-6 posts.

I fucked up. You won. You been trained well.
Deflect deflect deflect. Couldn't answer one question you love that middle eastern people can go in majority black neighborhoods and get loans from banks and live off us while not living around us y'all are the worst. Then you have the nerve to comment on what black americans need to do in the country we built where we fought white supremacist and won. Bigot wave the white flag like you're family did in your country to the British or the U.S. and keep it pushin goof. Smh.
Honestly, I'm just gonna write my name on the ballot.

The magnitude of the problem is so enormous that Joe Biden can't fix it.

Black Americans need a sovereign nation. Joe Biden can't deliver that.
I aint bout to spend my day arguing with yall niggas.

Half yall scared

The other half dont even live here.

Its a pointless discussion. Yall arguing over the least cruel of two slave masters. Ima circle back when biden and harris win and instead of keeping the same energy and moving forward to demand actual specific and exclusive actions for the black community, everybody goes back to sleep.

have some faith bro. The shit that happened with Obama won’t happen again. Or at least don’t speak it into existence.
I dont think the average black person is more scared of militias than they are police. You can shoot a militia member