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Are You Gonna Vote For This Guy Because Trump Is Racist?

I was watching The Breakfast Club earlier today and Charlamagne The God said something interesting.

They were talking about Trump and his comments on the Coronavirus and how he called LeBron James a "hater".

Then CTG said, "Trump is better at campaigning than Biden", he went on to say, "Did Joe Biden say anything over the weekend?" and there was silence.

Whenever Trump says, or Tweets something it's news. But you never hear anything from Joe Biden. If it wasn't for the debates, I wouldn't know anything about Joe Biden or what his platform is. Campaigning isn't Biden's strong suit.

This is a list of all of the policies that Joe is pushing for in This election..

It’s a pretty solid plan !!

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I’m not voting for Uncle Joe.

I’m voting for the end of Betsy DeVos as SEc if Education, the end of Bill Barr as Attorney General, the end of Uncle Ben at the Sec of Housing.

Im voting to get normalcy back in DC, or at least less loony muhfuckas back.

I’m voting to get this fuckin dipshit out of that chair. He doesn’t being in it. He never did.
This is a list of all of the policies that Joe is pushing for in This election..

It’s a pretty solid plan !!

There's 48 different topics on his agenda. Realistically, with a democratic house and senate he wouldn't even get half of them accomplished.

I think his problem is that he's promising the voters too much. Which makes him seem unfocused. He should narrow it down to the 4 or 5 most important issues. Because I don't think he can get those 48 things accomplished, certainly not in one term.
I was watching The Breakfast Club earlier today and Charlamagne The God said something interesting.

They were talking about Trump and his comments on the Coronavirus and how he called LeBron James a "hater".

Then CTG said, "Trump is better at campaigning than Biden", he went on to say, "Did Joe Biden say anything over the weekend?" and there was silence.

Whenever Trump says, or Tweets something it's news. But you never hear anything from Joe Biden. If it wasn't for the debates, I wouldn't know anything about Joe Biden or what his platform is. Campaigning isn't Biden's strong suit.
What does he know about government I bet he can't even name the 3 branches of the government trump has nothing no wall no health care nothing he's busy fighting not getting his taxes released not going to jail for being coconspirator#1 not having his daughter wife go to jail for tax fraud all he does is bring up Hillary how he won't accept the results of the election if he doesn't win how he loves dictators and how he told the proud boys to stand back and stand by that's not a platform that's an idiot rambling let's not forget he just called off negotiations on a Covid relief bill and the arrest of Obama Hillary and Joe Biden what platform is that
There's 48 different topics on his agenda. Realistically, with a democratic house and senate he wouldn't even get half of them accomplished.

I think his problem is that he's promising the voters too much. Which makes him seem unfocused. He should narrow it down to the 4 or 5 most important issues. Because I don't think he can get those 48 things accomplished, certainly not in one term.
What did trump promise
What does he know about government I bet he can't even name the 3 branches of the government trump has nothing no wall no health care nothing he's busy fighting not getting his taxes released not going to jail for being coconspirator#1 not having his daughter wife go to jail for tax fraud all he does is bring up Hillary how he won't accept the results of the election if he doesn't win how he loves dictators and how he told the proud boys to stand back and stand by that's not a platform that's an idiot rambling let's not forget he just called off negotiations on a Covid relief bill and the arrest of Obama Hillary and Joe Biden what platform is that
What did trump promise

Not to sound like a hotep, but I'm starting to think it's all a shell game. The country is naturally divided 1/3 Red States. 1/3 Blue States, and 1/3 Swing States that could go either way depending on the candidates. If you ever followed campaigning and elections, the candidates don't campaign in the Blue states or the Red states because it's a waste of time and energy. They campaign in the swing states because those are the states that matter;

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If you live in a red state or a blue state, chances are that the media is biased towards their party. This means that the news, newspapers and radio shows are going to favor one candidate over the other. I live in New Jersey and the media is constantly Trump bashing. Most of my friends on social media are Black/democrats so they are constantly Trump bashing. But that's what I see.

I'd imagine if I grew up around rednecks and hillbillies in Texas or Alabama I'd probably see a lot of Joe Biden bashing in the traditional media (news, newspapers, radio) and on social media.

As it stands I don't know anybody in real life or on social media that thinks Trump is a good president, but I think that's more of a reflection of my social circle rather than pure statistics, so my vision is skewed. I remember back in 2004 when President Bush was running for re-election. His platform was that he was going to, "kill the terrorists". John Kerry's platform was that he, "voted for the war before he voted against it" and the term flip-flopper became a part of our national lexicon.

Personally I think Joe Biden is a weak candidate. It really showed in the debates imo. Trump just has a stronger personality and he's better at public speaking. Not saying I like him, or that you should vote for him, but it is what it is. Having a strong voice and being a good public speaker is what wins elections, not your lyrics. Also, Joe Biden made the mistake of picking Kamala Harris, which is going to alienate a lot of White women who won't admit that they're racist towards "people of color". There's a lot of people that won't vote for Biden because he picked Kamala Harris. Not saying there's anything wrong with her, or that she isn't qualified for the job, but I think there's more White people that won't vote for the Biden/Harris ticket than White people that won't vote for Trump because he's incompetent.

I'll repeat that last sentence

I think there's more White people that won't vote for the Biden/Harris ticket than White people that won't vote for Trump because he's incompetent.

It's actually getting to the point where you're voting against a candidate rather than voting for a candidate.
Im voting for kanye
both candidates are trash but with Biden you can slow the US descent into fascism and focus on 2024.

for me that’s the real stakes. It will be the far left wing of the party vs the neo liberal wing.
Trump isn't just racist. He's racist, exceptionally corrupt, unhinged, and incompetent. Joe Biden is not a good choice for president by any measure. He is better than Trump by almost all measures. I don't think a Biden presidency will be good for anyone, but he won't be as bad as Trump.
Because Trump is racist? More like because Trump is literally trying to become a goddamn dictator lmao

These smartdumb niggas really think they gettin reparations if dude pull a Revenge of the Sith and become President for Life?


Shiiiiiiet, even callin dude racist is an understatement after he spent the summer hugging confederate statues and supporting cac militias

To add on, although he is the best incumbent on the ballot...we should not forget his actions on the crime bill

I'm bout to start some shit now.. (enlighten me)

With prior knowledge of this what was Obama's purpose having him by his side knowing this?