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Are You Gonna Vote For This Guy Because Trump Is Racist?

Again, niggas say this EVERY election when theres a sitting republican president.

Thats my grip with all this. Its rinse and repeat. The last republican pres we had, bush, left our ppl to die during katrina(among all his other crooked shit). The whole world hated his ass. When election time came up, the same get out and vote, rock the vote, vote or die stuff was going on.

Then we got 8 yrs of obama, amd we was still being killed im the streets while he was signing blue alert EO's and providing military surplus to law enforcement.

But during that time when ppl hit the streets and demanded him and his administration do something, we got hit with "I'm not the president of black america"

And niggas excused it on some "yo the president doesn't have as much power as yall think. He can only affect your daily life so much"

Now here we are.

I can't speak for every nigga. 2012 would have been a great year for blacks to sit out. 2016 before Trump revealed himself to be a super saiyan asshole would have been a good year. Sitting out or leaving the Dem party are not bad ideas. However, this election is worse, we see how much carnage Trump has caused with four years. Nobody should want to take that chance. Like what do you even hope to gain? You think the Dems will come with a black agenda if they lose because blacks take a hike? No, they' just do what they did to Bernie supporters last time and blame their failure on blacks. This strategy ya'll keep pushing isn't nearly as sound as ya'll are making it seem.
At this point, if that Dickwad gets re-elected, i honestly hope the Dems flip the Senate to minimize his damage. That's the only silver lining to any of this.

However, even THAT is a tall order. Mitch McFuckcac will probably stay where he is, and I have a terrible feeling that spineless jellyfish Lindsey Graham will weasel his way back. I don't trust South Carolina - or any part of the South - to do the right thing when it comes to outing corrupt white devils.
I can't speak for every nigga. 2012 would have been a great year for blacks to sit out. 2016 before Trump revealed himself to be a super saiyan asshole would have been a good year. Sitting out or leaving the Dem party are not bad ideas. However, this election is worse, we see how much carnage Trump has caused with four years. Nobody should want to take that chance. Like what do you even hope to gain? You think the Dems will come with a black agenda if they lose because blacks take a hike? No, they' just do what they did to Bernie supporters last time and blame their failure on blacks. This strategy ya'll keep pushing isn't nearly as sound as ya'll are making it seem.

It aint about soeaking for everybody. You dont remember this same shit playing out when bush was in office? You really dont remember how bad he fucked up the country?

And the bolded.....the dems will do this regardless. And you know whats worse, yall are complicit

Just look at how yall blaming us in here.
I've voted 3rd party since 2008. Never really cared or thought twice about afterwards.

As much as I WANTED to voted for Jo Jergensen, I can't this time.

1) She's not that good.
2) FUCK this mammal, Donnie Dickface. I cannot stress that enough.

But, I live in NY. It doesn't matter who I vote for at this point.

This is for pretty much everyone not in NY, CA, IL. If you live in Ohio, Wisconsin, PA, or NC, y'all need to make this shit right.

Which also pisses me off that this old archaic system of the Electoral College is STILL around.
He's sounded like that but then niggas say he's pandering for black votes or doing too much. Ain't shit more he can really do. Niggas gonna see what they want to see and believe what they want to believe.

And no I don't think he's gonna save blacks from systemic racism but he's better than the alternative by a large margin and it's not even close.

But niggas will consider not voting because of some shit he said 25 years ago. Instead of considering everything that's happening in front of them right now.

The fact this is even a topic of discussion is fucking crazy
. Lol. Were 2 weeks removed from trump telling the proud boys to stand back and stand by when asked to condemn white supremacy. But niggas worried about what biden said 25 years ago.

Yep. That is why i have not posted in this thread. Its utter madness

Dude is a reality tv star. He is not a real person. This cant be life.

He spent his entire time at Walter Reed planning his comeback, like it was a movie script. Nigga signed his name to a blank piece of paper to try n look busy.

There is no debate. This is NOT funny.

#BidenHarris2020 pls for christ's sake.

@King Freeman
And while Im here, lemme preach my daily sermon

From the book of Ammunitions, chapter 9, verse 17

"And it is written, that in the day of the orange one, there shall be great turmoil and gnashing of teeth. But do not fear nor be afraid, for these are the times to gird thyself with them thangs and train. For the wicked shall surely fuck around amd find out"
It aint about soeaking for everybody. You dont remember this same shit playing out when bush was in office? You really dont remember how bad he fucked up the country?

And the bolded.....the dems will do this regardless. And you know whats worse, yall are complicit

Just look at how yall blaming us in here.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. Bush fucked up the country but no one was trying to guilt trip people into voting for Obama. Obama ran a populist campaign. Part of the reason he was so popular was because he basically convinced everyone that he was going to bring the change they wanted. It's not the same situation as now. That's why I said 2012 would have been a good year to take a walk. By that time we knew what Obama was. We knew he wasn't much better than Romney, but all this "let's not vote unless there is a black agenda" rhetoric was nowhere to be heard then. Ya'll want to start this shit in 2016 and escalate in 2020 when the alternative was one of the most inept, incompetent, and monstrous people to ever run for office.

And I don't want to hear anybody whining about being blamed for something when your actions in part led to that something happening. If you think not voting is the right choice and is worth Trump possibly being elected, then stand on that. Don't whine about people blaming you if he gets elected and irrevocably fucks everything up. You understood that him getting re-elected could be a consequence of your actions and you did it anyway. So do what you do, but at least stand by it.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. Bush fucked up the country but no one was trying to guilt trip people into voting for Obama. Obama ran a populist campaign. Part of the reason he was so popular was because he basically convinced everyone that he was going to bring the change they wanted. It's not the same situation as now. That's why I said 2012 would have been a good year to take a walk. By that time we knew what Obama was. We knew he wasn't much better than Romney, but all this "let's not vote unless there is a black agenda" rhetoric was nowhere to be heard then. Ya'll want to start this shit in 2016 and escalate in 2020 when the alternative was one of the most inept, incompetent, and monstrous people to ever run for office.

And I don't want to hear anybody whining about being blamed for something when your actions in part led to that something happening. If you think not voting is the right choice and is worth Trump possibly being elected, then stand on that. Don't whine about people blaming you if he gets elected and irrevocably fucks everything up. You understood that him getting re-elected could be a consequence of your actions and you did it anyway. So do what you do, but at least stand by it.

You being willfully ignorant right now. There absolutely was the vote or die shit going. Obama was just an easy sell.

Hell remember then bush/gore fiasco? Remember puffy and every other black entertainer singing bout how we gotta let our voice be heard so bush dont win again? Go back refresh yourself on how horrendus bushs 8 yr reign was.

Aint nobody in here whinning but yall.

"Pls pls vote for uncle joe yall, if trump win again, wes gon die!"

Never did I say I wasnt voting. Yall automatically assume that whenevwr someone says they aint rep or dem. Shows how engrained yall are.
You being willfully ignorant right now. There absolutely was the vote or die shit going. Obama was just an easy sell.

Hell remember then bush/gore fiasco? Remember puffy and every other black entertainer singing bout how we gotta let our voice be heard so bush dont win again? Go back refresh yourself on how horrendus bushs 8 yr reign was.

Aint nobody in here whinning but yall.

"Pls pls vote for uncle joe yall, if trump win again, wes gon die!"

Never did I say I wasnt voting. Yall automatically assume that whenevwr someone says they aint rep or dem. Shows how engrained yall are.

Yeah bruh, there are always drives to get people to vote. We live in a democracy and a surprising low number of people actually vote. But that vote or die shit is not the same thing as what were talking about here.

Look we can agree to disagree. In my opinion, Trump is a big enough threat that people should be able to put some priorities to the side to get rid of him. If you think this point in time is worth the risk of letting him be re-elected even with all the craziness we're going through now, then there's nothing left to say. We're just diametrically opposed on this topic.
The bottom line is despite who is sitting in that oval office, under the current system the black community has continued to be neglected and suffered the most.

We're voting for two different flavors of WS.

Dont think so? Then somebody please enlighten me on the succesfull actions democrats have taken whenever they have been in office to dismantle WS terrorist groups, de militarize the police, punish race soldiers and provide assistance to the black community.
Yeah bruh, there are always drives to get people to vote. We live in a democracy and a surprising low number of people actually vote. But that vote or die shit is not the same thing as what were talking about here.

Look we can agree to disagree. In my opinion, Trump is a big enough threat that people should be able to put some priorities to the side to get rid of him. If you think this point in time is worth the risk of letting him be re-elected even with all the craziness we're going through now, then there's nothing left to say. We're just diametrically opposed on this topic.

Yep we disagree on this and that's absolutely fine.
I’m not voting, but I will say this:

Trump has stated that the words “BLACK LIVES MATTER” is a symbol of hate.

Seriously, that motherfucker actually said that.

And yet, he wants confederate flags and statues of confederate soldiers to be displayed in this country for eternity.

He doesn’t consider THOSE to be “symbols of hate”.

Nah, this peckerwood gotta go.
I’m not voting, but I will say this:

Trump has stated that the words “BLACK LIVES MATTER” is a symbol of hate.

Seriously, that motherfucker actually said that.

And yet, he wants confederate flags and statues of confederate soldiers to be displayed in this country for eternity.

He doesn’t consider THOSE to be “symbols of hate”.

Nah, this peckerwood gotta go.

Pls vote
Also high voter turnout favors democrats as well, thats why republicans stay tryna cheat with voter suppression and shit, if we show out in force like its looking, then all that cheating shit doesnt work, alotta ppl are afraid to vote by mail cause trump and his thugs been trying to fuck with the postal service etc, but even with that mail ins is still about to be record breaking, in my opinion we got this, we take the office, we takin senate, but at the end of the day fuck the numbers fuck the polls, vote like we tied in this shit
Niggas really getting trolled with the same shit they got trolled with 4 years ago. Like a cut of the same cspan hilary was on. Yall retarded. Good luck.