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Are You Gonna Vote For This Guy Because Trump Is Racist?

Yeah, so instead of voting on those Democrats who may and have succumbed to some political pressure to ease up on some of those bad policies, you'd rather not vote and potentially leave the person in office that has doubled down and escalated all of those bad policies. Makes sense to me. Remember in every single one of those examples, Trump has made a point of eliminating any safeguards that were in place and made things objectively worse.
First of all, AZ has contributed way more to the topic in his responses to you than you have in trying to bait him into some racial trolling.

Second of all, the homie has made sense or rather had presented his side of the discussion without stooping down to your level.

I can agree that discussions are great when there is some discourse among the people having it however, the shit you doing ain't discourse. You're definitely taking the reddit race baiting approach. You've been very disrespectful and dismissive of his povs because he's not black. If he was on some bullshit, like you, that would be one thing but the homie been killing you with the logic and your rebuttals are to just continue to attack his ethnicity.

That's bozo shit
First off you're bias and can't intervene justly, AZ would never allow black Americans to talk about middle eastern issues in a all middle eastern forum let alone in public. If I'm lying then try for yourself and see what kind of insults you get. Since AZ is ya best friend then ask him why he thinks he has the right to speak on black American issues, ask him does he believe he knows what's best for black Americans?
It's interesting how so many people who should be old enough to remember that the democrats once said virtually the same things about the criticality of kicking Bush and McCain out of office that they're now saying about 45, don't find it at all suspicious that this same party is now in cahoots with and/or praising those same people.

At the rate we're going, liberals will be rationalizing 45 in 10 years while running democrat candidates who previously were darlings of Fox News or Breitbart.

Mark my words.

negroliberals are plum fools. if 2020 didnt make you see how much all of this is a joke, then idk what else to tell yall lmaoooo

you couldnt be more disillusioned to think biden and fucking kamala are better than trump and will bring material change.

vote for who you want to vote for but stop the mythmaking and lies.

the fact some clown ass in here said that kamala and biden will slow our descent into fascism is proof yall niggas are under a colonial neurosis, word to fanon
The issue is compassion. People are willing to accept kids in cages, kids removed from parents, more wars, more police funding, more trillion dollar tax cuts, as long as the person doing it shows compassion. Biden/Harris will show compassion while doing it.

Again, ya'll are oversimplifying and creating false equivalences. The difference between what Obama did with immigrants for example and what Trump has done is not compassion. Trump mandated separation of families. Obama did not. Trump sent families away piecemeal. Obama did not. Trump neglected to keep records about the families he separated and wound up making it nearly impossible to reunite some of the children with their families. Obama did not. Trump knowingly allowed disease and sexual abuse to run rampant through camps and allowed the deaths of children in their custody. Obama did not. Trump escalated by not only putting people in cages but actually threatening to shoot people at the border just for being there. Obama did not.

I'm not even an Obama supporter. He's a corrupt politician that used his blackness and well spoken nature to con Americans into thinking that he was going to be a populist and progressive force. That was a lie, and should be criticized for it. He's not the same as Trump though, and the difference between them is not as trivial as Obama and Biden are more compassionate.
It's interesting how so many people who should be old enough to remember that the democrats once said virtually the same things about the criticality of kicking Bush and McCain out of office that they're now saying about 45, don't find it at all suspicious that this same party is now in cahoots with and/or praising those same people.

At the rate we're going, liberals will be rationalizing 45 in 10 years while running democrat candidates who previously were darlings of Fox News or Breitbart.

Mark my words.

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barack is a cuck

them two act like they was fuckin

talkin bout they became like best friends and shit
Trump mandated separation of families. Obama did not. Trump sent families away piecemeal. Obama did not. Trump neglected to keep records about the families he separated and wound up making it nearly impossible to reunite some of the children with their families. Obama did not. Trump knowingly allowed disease and sexual abuse to run rampant through camps and allowed the deaths of children in their custody. Obama did not. Trump escalated by not only putting people in cages but actually threatening to shoot people at the border just for being there. Obama did not.

this is a blantant lie. are you famailiar with obamas immigration practices?

At this point... one would think folks that dont really wanna vote for Biden would maybe consider doing it based off of how terribly Trump and the Republicans are handing this pandemic. While other countries in the world are managing this as best they can, somewhat responsibly depending where you look, and attempting to put things in place to get back to some kind of normalcy... The US under Trump and the Republicans is talking about herd immunity which will kill millions and still think it's silly to bother wearing a fuckin mask and to physically distance when out and about.... all while actively trying to take away healthcare with nothing to replace it in the middle of a global fuckin pandemic.

Neither is a good option.. but to act as if they are the same is nuts
All of this happened under Obama also. Obama just didn’t mandate families be separated. They WERE separated under him tho. Obama even fought against immigrants getting lawyers to represent them in some cases. I’m sure all of this was happening before Obama also. Again, the issue is compassion. Who will you be able to vote for and not feel guilty.

Families were separated under Obama after the courts ruled. Obama's whole strategy was to take people in and have them deported quickly as a deterrence to people coming. When the courts stepped in, that's when the things that you're saying happened. But even then, that wasn't mandated by Obama. Trump actually mandated family separation.

Again, the point is not that Obama's policy was good. The point is that Trump came in, saw what Obama did, and made a point of being worse. It's not about compassion. Trump is objectively worse in many areas. He pulled us out of the climate accord. He got rid of the Iran Deal. He started an unnecessary trade war. He's destroying what little Healthcare progress we've made in this country. He's rolling back regulations for chemical dumping and disposal that were put in place to stop the poisoning of poor and minority groups. The list goes on. You don't have to like Obama or Biden, but stop with the false equivalences when you compare them to Trump.

People call Trump corrupt, but the accurate word is sloppy. Trump is sloppy as fuck. He’s doing what all presidents before him have done.

That's not true. Again, he's 1 upping what others have done. Yes, all these politicians are corrupt. But not all of them do shit like own hotels and put financial aid to nations on hold until those nations book rooms at his hotel. That's some shit that only Trump does, and its not a matter of sloppiness. It's brazeness.