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Any Flat Earthers?

Ok so just so I understand correctly...in a thread about flat earth you brought up heliocentric models which have nothing to do with flat earth and then got mad cuz I didn't understand why you even brought that into the discussion?

Are you saying gravity is a white lie?? Big bang theory is a lie?

NASA threatening the public with threats of a alien invasion?????

You trolling I got you keep doing ya thing I almost fell for it good work

I'm not mad ahk I bought it up because it relates. We subscribe to the heliocentric model so how does that not have to do with Flat Earth if the topic is the shape of the Earth?? wtf are you talkin about yo lol

I'm not trolling i stated facts and answered your questions.
Earth is Not A Globe is a book that can be found online. Published in the 19th century by some guy named Rowbatham. I’ve skimmed thru some of it but that’s it.

I am not a flat earther
The Earth is not flat I'm going to need all of you to get on board with this. We may argue everyday on this forum but I don't you dumb niggas walking around believing and telling other dumb niggas shit like the Earth is flat.

There's literally nothing flat in our solar system....nothing Earth included
Not that many.

sadly it started as a joke and ppl took it serious.

and black ppl sound insane saying this when it was Africans who showed the world that the earth was a sphere.


if you could read the comments of the post he shared w/ that pic above

it seemed like over half of the mf were flat earthers smh

now I kno fb comments on a post aren't indicative of the whole populace but got damn


kinda off topic

but I was talkin to sum folks last night & these mf didn't understand that our sun is jus another star & the stars in the sky are basically other suns

they actually thought our sun was the biggest sun in the universe


I've pretty much given up hope that humanity will get it together
That ends the ridiculous argument. Its over

unfortunately it doesn't

cuz they'll jus ask more idiotic questions

like this shit my homie tagged me in the other day


they'll have fifty-leven questions like this

& even if you debunk 1, they'll jus keep questioning smh
it doesn’t ?
news to me
