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Any Flat Earthers?

I wouldn't be surprised if the Earth is flat.

My co-worker is a strong believer in that tho. Said it's written in the book of Enoch or something.
I can never tell if a flat-earther is being serious.

Also time doesn’t exist in the realm of eternity, but as far as God is concerned it exists here in this realm with us since there was a beginning to all this - that is, everything in the physical universe as we know it. And everything in the physical universe moving, so that’s what time is used for measuring. It’s how we measure how fast things are moving from one point to another, fundamentally. It’s not for recording necessarily, like why writing exists. In order for time to not exist in this realm literally everything would have to stop moving.
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Flat earth is bullshit and every celestial is spherical, but not earth? Then people using ancient religious writings as evidence, seriously? Despite the scientific evidence? This religiosity got ya'll in a chokehold or I should say dogma.

Augustine talks about the relationship of science and religion and how Christians shouldn't be so anti-intellectual and think they can read passages and it fully explains the physical world.
