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Another One Caught On Camera...Man Arrested After Attempted Break In To Woman's Home

legally the police aren't required to protect individuals

but now u are comparing a regular man to a police officer........c'mon bruh u don't think that's a reach

and yeah u are actually volunteering to jump in front of a bullet..........that's why the people who do intervene should be lauded

u don't know what that person has on them

and my fam wouldn't appreciate me risking my life for a random person who already expressed a basic lack of respect

besides u helping women only?

is it black women only or u helping other races too?

where does ur moral obligation stop?

Look i hear you and of course you never know what somebody has on them in any situation. I’m still not gonna let my neighbor go through some wild shit because they an ass. I’m not even saying you gotta jump in when they fight the girl up the street. But I thought it was a certain decency when it comes to extreme situations. If they house catch on fire you wouldn’t call 911?
It stops at white people

so u willing to see Becky getting thumped right in front of u

but u gon sit back and let her get thru it on her own.........that just tickles me for some reason

I'm crying fa real😂😂

I can't even hate bruh:aye:
u right that's a whole nother discussion

but I still wouldn't want my daughter to worry more about the legal system vs defending herself

and it's funny that we never use this same logic with a man defending himself or others

Black men are expected to protect Black women but we ain't just as susceptible to the same legal system.........and it even gets murkier once u step in to defend someone else

but if I told @HellCzar that I'm not willing to defend or save @Race Jones because of my fear of the legal system then he gon call me a whole bitch out here:hahaha:

That’s cute. I just saying because my neighbor is rude does not mean I wouldn’t help them in an extreme situation if possible. I’m not saying jump in when she fights some girl up the street but I mean I would t see somebody breaking in her crib and just turn away. They house catch on fire would you call 911?
You haven't seen me advocate for you to randomly insert yourself into a situation have you? No. So again do better.

but u still know what my point was about that

Nah not at all. My entire stance from jump is presenting a gun as the end all be all of solutions is short sighted and doesn't take many factors into account. Even your attempted "gotcha" takes that into account as women in the professions you mentioned often have multiple options for self defense at their disposal in addition to a gun and years of training that makes them more adept than the average person let alone average woman.

I even stated in this thread I'm very much pro shoot them...but I also recognize the situation doesn't just end there. And many are saying that has no bearing at all in a person's decision making when in deciding to not only own but use a gun to actually kill a person we know that's not true at all. You're better than this

at no point in this thread did I insinuate using a gun is the "know all, be all" solution

all I said is that, 1) it doesn't make sense to support laws that limit the ability to protect urself and have to rely on the charity of others when u already know u are vulnerable

2) if the threat is deadly force, then u should meet it with deadly force......the evil mofo trying to violate u don't care nothing about the law.............u shouldn't either when it comes to defending urself

and u can't ignore that basically u painted women as automatic potential victims when the same arguments are used to demean capable women who defend themselves all the time......some even do it as a profession

u can't post a "chauvinist feminist" take and then expect people not to question if ur are being hypocritical

hence u bringing up domestic violence when that isn't the issue here
That’s cute. I just saying because my neighbor is rude does not mean I wouldn’t help them in an extreme situation if possible. I’m not saying jump in when she fights some girl up the street but I mean I would t see somebody breaking in her crib and just turn away. They house catch on fire would you call 911?

which neighbor we talmbout?

is it my white neighbor's house on fire????:cont:
but u still know what my point was about that

at no point in this thread did I insinuate using a gun is the "know all, be all" solution

all I said is that, 1) it doesn't make sense to support laws that limit the ability to protect urself and have to rely on the charity of others when u already know u are vulnerable

2) if the threat is deadly force, then u should meet it with deadly force......the evil mofo trying to violate u don't care nothing about the law.............u shouldn't either when it comes to defending urself

and u can't ignore that basically u painted women as automatic potential victims when the same arguments are used to demean capable women who defend themselves all the time......some even do it as a profession

u can't post a "chauvinist feminist" take and then expect people not to question if ur are being hypocritical

hence u bringing up domestic violence when that isn't the issue here

This whole time their was no debate on using deadly force nor anybody supporting gun laws.
but u still know what my point was about that

at no point in this thread did I insinuate using a gun is the "know all, be all" solution

all I said is that, 1) it doesn't make sense to support laws that limit the ability to protect urself and have to rely on the charity of others when u already know u are vulnerable

2) if the threat is deadly force, then u should meet it with deadly force......the evil mofo trying to violate u don't care nothing about the law.............u shouldn't either when it comes to defending urself

and u can't ignore that basically u painted women as automatic potential victims when the same arguments are used to demean capable women who defend themselves all the time......some even do it as a profession

u can't post a "chauvinist feminist" take and then expect people not to question if ur are being hypocritical

hence u bringing up domestic violence when that isn't the issue here

To not care about the aftermath in the moment is one thing. To casually dismiss it like it has no bearings on how a person copes with the situation moving forward is naive. I didn't paint women as automatic potential victims. In fact I explicitly stared that women in the professions you stated are more equipped than the average woman and more often than not the average man to defend themselves. I just also gave factual counterpoint to the only other option you and others have suggested and what goes into the decision making process of a person choosing to or not to keep a gun who doesn't have that same level of training and muscle memory decision making. Even if you remove domestic violence from the situation that still doesn't negate those facts presented.

If you're not presenting guns as the end all be all fine. But you've yet to state anything else same as the majority of others who've only offered that as a solution. And again nobody is saying that's not a viable one. But if thats the only part of an issue that calls for multiple solutions that you've managed to express then that's on you to speak on the other issues that others have dismissed as playing no part or else your argument shows no difference from theirs.
:wtf20: so then what have we've been arguing about??

Y’all be wanting to argue. I stated and others stated yes protect yourself. But that this is also deeper than just protection. Y’all said we wanna talk it out with rapists and killers lol. We said and mainly scandalust said we should try harder to check wild behaviors in our homies and the youth. Y’all somehow twisted that to say we want a utopia and women don’t need guns.

I don’t know how you don’t see it.
Y’all be wanting to argue. I stated and others stated yes protect yourself. But that this is also deeper than just protection. Y’all said we wanna talk it out with rapists and killers lol. We said and mainly scandalust said we should try harder to check wild behaviors in our homies and the youth. Y’all somehow twisted that to say we want a utopia and women don’t need guns.

I don’t know how you don’t see it.

That’s already being done. You literally don’t know anybody that teaches the youth to be that way.
Y’all really out here thinking it’s common that folks are being taught to be predators.
I'll ask you again, what message, either directly or indirectly do you think Boosie sends to his son and nephew to have sex with older women that he facilitated?

Are the grown ass women not predators to the young boys?

Do you not think Boosie is telling his son/nephew that it's ok to have sex with a much older woman at their age?

I'm not saying he is literally saying it verbally either. I'm talking about it says indirectly as a message to them that they normalize having sex with much older women or the fact he's promoting them having sex period at their age
I'll ask you again, what message, either directly or indirectly do you think Boosie sends to his son and nephew to have sex with older women that he facilitated?

Are the grown ass women not predators to the young boys?

Do you not think Boosie is telling his son/nephew that it's ok to have sex with a much older woman at their age?

I'm not saying he is literally saying it verbally either. I'm talking about it says indirectly as a message to them that they normalize having sex with much older women or the fact he's promoting them having sex period at their age

Bringing up one person means absolutely nothing.

So my stance will remain the same regardless if EVERY PERSON IN THE WORLD was thought what’s right and what’s wrong because folks are crazy regardless how they was brought up and it’s countless examples of that. Catholic priest, Columbine etc….

So again

women and men protect yourselves at all cost and don’t rely on others to do that.
Bringing up one person means absolutely nothing.

So my stance will remain the same regardless if EVERY PERSON IN THE WORLD was thought what’s right and what’s wrong because folks are crazy regardless how they was brought up and it’s countless examples of that. Catholic priest, Columbine etc….

So again

women and men protect yourselves at all cost and don’t rely on others to do that.
I asked you what you thought the message that one person is sending because he has a pretty strong following of people that think the exact same way he does. Those people have people that think like them, so on and so forth.

If you not on that kinda time, that's great but that doesn't mean other people aren't.

Why can't you just answer what I asked you? It's not a gotcha question. It's not a trap.
I asked you what you thought the message that one person is sending because he has a pretty strong following of people that think the exact same way he does. Those people have people that think like them, so on and so forth.

If you not on that kinda time, that's great but that doesn't mean other people aren't.

Why can't you just answer what I asked you? It's not a gotcha question. It's not a trap.

The time I’m on and will always be on is protect yourself and don’t count on others to do it so to bring him up is irrelevant to my message
The time I’m on and will always be on is protect yourself and don’t count on others to do it so to bring him up is irrelevant to my message
It's hilarious and sad the mental gymnastics people perform to not do some shit that benefits everybody, including themselves.

The same way we've been socialized to get this point, is the same way we can begin the process to socialize the undoing of this kind of shit. Y'all waiting on women to do it (we're trying!)? Congress? Anybody but you, huh? <-- All rhetorical

No one said it will happen overnight, no one said we can reach every-damn-body, and no one said it would be easy...but someone has to, at least, start the process. Soooo many of you are so resistant/against any type of change in your thinking/behaviors, that you'd rather sit back and just let shit be but, have the nerve to tell women what they should do. Phuck what women have been saying for ages, you "big, strong, all-knowing" men have all the answers for eveyone else, except for what you should be doing to create a better society for your sons, daughters, mothers, sisters, neices, nephews...your neighborhoods, schools, etc.

Nah..."go get a gun "sister" and this type of stuff will never happen again. #PBW"


P.S. I stated what I have to say this morning...there's no real dialogue to be had with y'all, so do not @ me. Gracias.
Y’all really out here thinking it’s common that folks are being taught to be predators.
Are y'all MFs slow???

Just b/c people are saying there isn't enough checking the effed up thinking and behaviors that lead to these types of incidents, doesn't mean we're saying that people are teaching predatory behaviors. Le fuq?

It's becoming increasingly more difficult to believe I'm among adults (and to sit on my hands and not go all the way tf in).
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