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Another One Caught On Camera...Man Arrested After Attempted Break In To Woman's Home

If the system was never designed to protect us...then why put so much faith in it to protect you after taking a life?

where did I say place faith in the system? I simply said take responsibility for ur own protection

the risk factor of facing the legal system is a better alternative than hoping u survive a potentially lethal attack

I rather the laws come to arrest my daughter than to have them come to place police tape around her body
Lets keep it real...even a woman who is trained at using a weapon can still be overpowered because most men are just flat out stronger than women...but apparently acknowledging these things means you're telling women not to protect themselves. Because giving a woman a gun now means she's equipped to take out any and all threats.

agreed.....but u are ignoring how guns are supposed to work😂

the point is she has better odds with a firearm because it's a distance weapon
Oddly, Vermont and New Hampshire are pretty easy on gun ownership and they're surrounded by states that have pretty strict gun ownership requirements.

Some of those northeastern states are weird though: Maine has strict laws, however it's also an open-carry state. Maryland, where this incident took place, is also open-carry but you need a permit to do it. There's a 7 day wait period for hand guns and anything they define as an "assault rifle", but you can pick up a shotty or other long rifle same day. You also gotta pass a background check for handguns but not for long guns.

That being said, I don't see a reason why folks in Maryland don't have a rifle in the crib unless you are staunchly anti-gun. They're not that difficult to own, and if you're concerned about the recoil of something like a 12 gauge you can get into a 410 or 20 gauge or go with a carbine.
Dont know if this has been answered but it is hard as hell to get a open carry permit in Maryland. You have to have a good damn reason for wanting one before they give you one. It is not common in Maryland. A lot of stores dont allow you with guns inside them. If you have a open carry in Maryland, it might actually get you shot or booked. Again, it is not common to see so people will be on alert. Also, add too the fact we are way to close to DC.
where did I say place faith in the system? I simply said take responsibility for ur own protection

the risk factor of facing the legal system is a better alternative than hoping u survive a potentially lethal attack

I rather the laws come to arrest my daughter than to have them come to place police tape around her body

At the bold...Black folks don't have a high success rate at that. And tossing it out as it's just a simple thing to deal like some are saying in this thread with is being disingenuous. It also shows that few have actual experience dealing with criminal court and how it can literally put a full stop to your life while dealing with it but that's another discussion.
agreed.....but u are ignoring how guns are supposed to work😂

the point is she has better odds with a firearm because it's a distance weapon

No I'm acknowledging the fact that you still have to get the gun, aim and shoot...and unless the nigga is moving in slow motion he ain't about to just be a sitting target
What would have happened in this home invasion where it was 3 dudes against a woman if she DIDNT have a gun?

"now the police needs to find the 2 surviving suspects"

A man saying he can’t protect somebody because they are mean to him is crazy. If a cop said that to you you would view that as crazy factual but still crazy. I’m not gonna let a chick get stomped out or sexually assaulted cuz she called me names. I can’t see your comment any other way. I’m not saying jump in front of a bullet man

legally the police aren't required to protect individuals

but now u are comparing a regular man to a police officer........c'mon bruh u don't think that's a reach

and yeah u are actually volunteering to jump in front of a bullet..........that's why the people who do intervene should be lauded

u don't know what that person has on them

and my fam wouldn't appreciate me risking my life for a random person who already expressed a basic lack of respect

besides u helping women only?

is it black women only or u helping other races too?

where does ur moral obligation stop?
Dont know if this has been answered but it is hard as hell to get a open carry permit in Maryland. You have to have a good damn reason for wanting one before they give you one. It is not common in Maryland. A lot of stores dont allow you with guns inside them. If you have a open carry in Maryland, it might actually get you shot or booked. Again, it is not common to see so people will be on alert. Also, add too the fact we are way to close to DC.

None of this matters. Shoot first then pretend there's no aftermath.
The incident is on video. The likelihood of her going to jail is slim to none based on legal precedent in Maryland.

Let's go ahead and clear that argument out:

PG County. Woman shot a man running up on her outside her home and it was ruled a justifiable homicide.

Now, for being traumatized for being in jail vs being raped... I think you can see the lesser of the two evils here. I'd like to think my mom, sisters, cousins, and aunts would prefer dealing with the trauma of going to jail than being raped.
That’s not pg county

differnt demographic

they probably throw her parades
So what if I been tellin my nephew for yrs to respect himself 1st & it'll be easier to give respect to others

tell him not put his hands on anyone or try to harm them but, be aware & prepared to protect himself

So I been doin my part in that aspect

but in the meantime in between time, it might not hurt for anyone to look into different ways of protecting & defending oneself until the world catches up w/ how we want it to be
Agreed 🤝🏾

Let's see who else can come to this reasonable conclusion

So far, you and my guy eyerone
Can’t what?

also you said you see points from both sides. Can you elaborate on the pros you see
I'm not sure you understand my position.

If I were to answer the question in the fashion in which you asked, the pros I see are you are pro gun

Unless you meant points.

Brian B and eyerone have pretty much wrapped it up for me 🤷🏾‍♂️

Both acknowledge what you can do up to a certain point and both have made valid points about gun ownership and self defense with said guns