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Another One Caught On Camera...Man Arrested After Attempted Break In To Woman's Home

The incident is on video. The likelihood of her going to jail is slim to none based on legal precedent in Maryland.

Let's go ahead and clear that argument out:

PG County. Woman shot a man running up on her outside her home and it was ruled a justifiable homicide.

Now, for being traumatized for being in jail vs being raped... I think you can see the lesser of the two evils here. I'd like to think my mom, sisters, cousins, and aunts would prefer dealing with the trauma of going to jail than being raped.

I just caught this...you keep talking this is in PG County...Dale City isn't PG County. So you're quoting a precedent for a completely different state.
In the opening post the situation is well past what you're talking about
This convo has taken so many turns so let me try and summarize my final thoughts.

I thought scandalust did a phenomenal job of explaining how I felt but I'll say it in my own words.

I agree there are people that are too far gone. I really do. I also agree that there are young boys/men YOU can directly influence, some at a very early age. How they view chicks in general, how they treat them, talk to them, etc...

I vividly remember the older dudes in my grandparents neighborhood that would talk about their sexual conquests. I can honestly say I've never come across anyone personally who view women as just sexual objects or the niggas who can't take no and handle rejection. However, I do feel extremely confident that if I was around that behavior, I would've definitely checked them and at that point made the decision to probably just cut them off at that point OR if it got to some criminal shit, reported it to the proper authorities.

I also recognize the significance of gun ownership while simultaneously recognizing that there is a segment of the population that just are afraid of firearms and the responsibly that come with owning one. I'm not gonna sit up here and tell someone in that group they are dumb for not owning a gun.

I also recognize different states have different laws as it pertains to guns and what happens after it's fired and a life is lost. George Zimmerman and Travonne Martin will forever be linked and I'm willing to assume there was an overwhelming majority of the Florida population as well as the rest of the country that were not familiar with the stand your ground law prior to that case. Which brings me to another point, how many people actually study the gun laws in their respective areas once they decide to own a gun and also recognize that laws have not been too kind to Black people, especially if the decision to charge them or not depends on a jury of people who have to listen to lawyers argue things to the point of a reasonable doubt.

I also recognize that these conversations are never black and white and that two things can be right at the same time.

I think that about does it for me
This convo has taken so many turns so let me try and summarize my final thoughts.

I thought scandalust did a phenomenal job of explaining how I felt but I'll say it in my own words.

I agree there are people that are too far gone. I really do. I also agree that there are young boys/men YOU can directly influence, some at a very early age. How they view chicks in general, how they treat them, talk to them, etc...

I vividly remember the older dudes in my grandparents neighborhood that would talk about their sexual conquests. I can honestly say I've never come across anyone personally who view women as just sexual objects or the niggas who can't take no and handle rejection. However, I do feel extremely confident that if I was around that behavior, I would've definitely checked them and at that point made the decision to probably just cut them off at that point OR if it got to some criminal shit, reported it to the proper authorities.

I also recognize the significance of gun ownership while simultaneously recognizing that there is a segment of the population that just are afraid of firearms and the responsibly that come with owning one. I'm not gonna sit up here and tell someone in that group they are dumb for not owning a gun.

I also recognize different states have different laws as it pertains to guns and what happens after it's fired and a life is lost. George Zimmerman and Travonne Martin will forever be linked and I'm willing to assume there was an overwhelming majority of the Florida population as well as the rest of the country that were not familiar with the stand your ground law prior to that case. Which brings me to another point, how many people actually study the gun laws in their respective areas once they decide to own a gun and also recognize that laws have not been too kind to Black people, especially if the decision to charge them or not depends on a jury of people who have to listen to lawyers argue things to the point of a reasonable doubt.

I also recognize that these conversations are never black and white and that two things can be right at the same time.

I think that about does it for me
I think most of us are speaking on when the issue is about to happen and it's go time.
No I'm acknowledging the fact that you still have to get the gun, aim and shoot...and unless the nigga is moving in slow motion he ain't about to just be a sitting target

but u just insulted and invalidated all female cops and soldiers, marines, etc.

basically u are stating that women shouldn't use guns to defend themselves because they are helpless regardless in ur own admission

don't insult the women who do hold it down with no problem on a regular basis

either u believe women are just as capable, or u don't..........keep it consistent fam
Y’all take the worse side when it comes to shit like this.

Me: protect yourselves by any means necessary

Y’all: what about going to jail and legal fees.

This world will never be the fantasy y’all think it could be.

Put your trust in yourself and not anybody. Not police, not the government and not the person down the street to raise another person right because fucked up folks will exist no matter what they was taught.
At the bold...Black folks don't have a high success rate at that. And tossing it out as it's just a simple thing to deal like some are saying in this thread with is being disingenuous. It also shows that few have actual experience dealing with criminal court and how it can literally put a full stop to your life while dealing with it but that's another discussion.

u right that's a whole nother discussion

but I still wouldn't want my daughter to worry more about the legal system vs defending herself

and it's funny that we never use this same logic with a man defending himself or others

Black men are expected to protect Black women but we ain't just as susceptible to the same legal system.........and it even gets murkier once u step in to defend someone else

but if I told @HellCzar that I'm not willing to defend or save @Race Jones because of my fear of the legal system then he gon call me a whole bitch out here:hahaha:
That’s not pg county

differnt demographic

they probably throw her parades

I just caught this...you keep talking this is in PG County...Dale City isn't PG County. So you're quoting a precedent for a completely different state.

you're right. I read that wrong. It's VA.

So, two from MD, double-checked to make sure they're relevant.

^^^ This last one, where the homeowner shot the intruder in the head has what's most relevant to the incident in this thread:

"Because police said the shooting took place during a home invasion, no charges have been filed against the homeowners..."
legally the police aren't required to protect individuals

but now u are comparing a regular man to a police officer........c'mon bruh u don't think that's a reach

and yeah u are actually volunteering to jump in front of a bullet..........that's why the people who do intervene should be lauded

u don't know what that person has on them

and my fam wouldn't appreciate me risking my life for a random person who already expressed a basic lack of respect

besides u helping women only?

is it black women only or u helping other races too?

where does ur moral obligation stop?

It stops at white people
but u just insulted and invalidated all female cops and soldiers, marines, etc.

basically u are stating that women shouldn't use guns to defend themselves because they are helpless regardless in ur own admission

don't insult the women who do hold it down with no problem on a regular basis

either u believe women are just as capable, or u don't..........keep it consistent fam

Nah not at all. My entire stance from jump is presenting a gun as the end all be all of solutions is short sighted and doesn't take many factors into account. Even your attempted "gotcha" takes that into account as women in the professions you mentioned often have multiple options for self defense at their disposal in addition to a gun and years of training that makes them more adept than the average person let alone average woman.

I even stated in this thread I'm very much pro shoot them...but I also recognize the situation doesn't just end there. And many are saying that has no bearing at all in a person's decision making when in deciding to not only own but use a gun to actually kill a person we know that's not true at all. You're better than this
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u right that's a whole nother discussion

but I still wouldn't want my daughter to worry more about the legal system vs defending herself

and it's funny that we never use this same logic with a man defending himself or others

Black men are expected to protect Black women but we ain't just as susceptible to the same legal system.........and it even gets murkier once u step in to defend someone else

but if I told @HellCzar that I'm not willing to defend or save @Race Jones because of my fear of the legal system then he gon call me a whole bitch out here:hahaha:

You haven't seen me advocate for you to randomly insert yourself into a situation have you? No. So again do better.