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ABW 10 Point Plan for BLACK folks

I’m all for reparations, but let’s have systems in place to effectively manage finances.

And some of those reparations should be in the form of government programs to also help black communities.

Start with better backing of black-owned banks.
I ain't really interested in another back and forth with you. If someone told me to try and jump to the other side of the grand canyon, I'm not going to do it. Why? Because I know its impossible. Some of the shit you're saying is just as impossible, and you can't or won't see it because you're too busy trying to dismiss what others say with personal attacks. As someone who has debated you and observed your exchanges with others, you're not really doing your side any justice. Even with the way you describe our exchange in this very post. If you think that we just went around in a circle with our discussion and I came to say the same thing you said, then you don't really understand anything I was saying, and that's the problem. You basically just respond to respond and don't really get the points that are being made.

Take what you will. I don't think you're a bad poster or that the things you say are out of line. I think you're sincere and want the best. I just don't think you extend that grace to the people that you engage with, so you're busy trying to tear down the other side rather than build with them. That's unproductive. Like I said, don't be like the other clown on here.
I know I'm not a bad poster. I challenge folks to think beyond the surface level. That's what I get disgusted about this board, it's basic level, nobody's dropping gems, nobody's researching the opposite than what they've been taught all their lives, basic and when I come with new information or something different, cats act obtuse or join in groups like girls and lol and play dumb when challenged with different information from the norm.
I sit back and laugh or post I thought these niggas wanted to debate, which basically means niggas still stuck on the same shit. Basic level.
Poster still saying, folks shouldn't do interviews because of what someone did 40 years ago smh. Scare tactics still being used on here to scare votes to vote. Shaming tactics, like really, yalll still on that wave, not making points smh.
I'm surprised niggas ain't on here saying oh if you don't vote for Kamala, you don't like black women

I was going to pick this post apart piece by piece again but it's not worth it because I'll be wasting my words and I said I was done with that.
Folks like to convince themselves that they are doing something but all one is doing is running 100 mph and not going nowhere but backwards. Many black folks are no better off than you were when Biden addressed the country 4 years ago with the same thing in fact many are behind the 8ball complaining. I don't hear too many black folks happy about the current state that they are in.

But as I said, I will bow out unless it's worth my time and someone would actually listen and see the bigger picture that's taking place.
Folks say in one breath, we need black media, leaders to sit down with these folks, we get a Cube, we get a Tariq who all have black following, who all have sat down with the likes of folks who rocked with Malcolm, MLK, Farrakhan, the Henry Clark's, etc studied their work, but black folks wanna say, oh that's not what's needed. Wash.

So at this point, you just gotta let people bump their heads and learn the hard way or watch them turn over later in life.
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The problem is you continue to speak in absolutes and any attempt at you using some nuance is overshadowed by your next absolute statement

An example

This is what you just posted

Many black folks are no better off than you were when Biden addressed the country 4 years ago with the same thing in fact many are behind the 8ball complaining.

YOU may not have personally been impacted in a meaningful way by whatever metric you've set up to gauge success, But there are many black people that have had their lives altered even if it's not something as bold as reparations. The Biden administration has not been perfect by any means but this also needs to be discussed acknowledging things they wanted to do that got held up by a Republican lead Congress.

Maybe people aren't sitting with Tariq because he's not an actual journalist. I honestly don't know. Maybe they feel he will not have a good faith based conversation. I also honestly don't know but to me, the black lead agendas need to start with boots on the ground campaigns. You actually feel that in your day to day living
The problem is you continue to speak in absolutes and any attempt at you using some nuance is overshadowed by your next absolute statement

An example

This is what you just posted

Many black folks are no better off than you were when Biden addressed the country 4 years ago with the same thing in fact many are behind the 8ball complaining.

But there are many black people that have had their lives altered even if it's not something as bold as reparations. The Biden administration has not been perfect by any means but this also needs to be discussed acknowledging things they wanted to do that got held up by a Republican lead Congress.

Maybe people aren't sitting with Tariq because he's not an actual journalist. I honestly don't know. Maybe they feel he will not have a good faith based conversation. I also honestly don't know but to me, the black lead agendas need to start with boots on the ground campaigns. You actually feel that in your day to day living

See what I mean, you just saying stuff to say things.

Back up what you said about many black folks being are better off than they were 4 years under this admin provide something to back up this claim where I can read and learn

This is what I am talking about.
See what I mean, you just saying stuff to say things.

Back up what you said about many black folks being are better off than they were 4 years under this admin provide something to back up this claim where I can read and learn

This is what I am talking about.
College loan forgiveness is right there
The problem is you continue to speak in absolutes and any attempt at you using some nuance is overshadowed by your next absolute statement

An example

This is what you just posted

Many black folks are no better off than you were when Biden addressed the country 4 years ago with the same thing in fact many are behind the 8ball complaining.

But there are many black people that have had their lives altered even if it's not something as bold as reparations. The Biden administration has not been perfect by any means but this also needs to be discussed acknowledging things they wanted to do that got held up by a Republican lead Congress.

Maybe people aren't sitting with Tariq because he's not an actual journalist. I honestly don't know. Maybe they feel he will not have a good faith based conversation. I also honestly don't know but to me, the black lead agendas need to start with boots on the ground campaigns. You actually feel that in your day to day living

See what I mean, you just saying stuff to say things.

Back up what you said about many black folks being are better off than they were 4 years under this admin provide something to back up this claim where I can read and learn

This is what I am talking about.

I can back up my information
The problem is you continue to speak in absolutes and any attempt at you using some nuance is overshadowed by your next absolute statement

An example

This is what you just posted

Many black folks are no better off than you were when Biden addressed the country 4 years ago with the same thing in fact many are behind the 8ball complaining.

YOU may not have personally been impacted in a meaningful way by whatever metric you've set up to gauge success, But there are many black people that have had their lives altered even if it's not something as bold as reparations. The Biden administration has not been perfect by any means but this also needs to be discussed acknowledging things they wanted to do that got held up by a Republican lead Congress.

Maybe people aren't sitting with Tariq because he's not an actual journalist. I honestly don't know. Maybe they feel he will not have a good faith based conversation. I also honestly don't know but to me, the black lead agendas need to start with boots on the ground campaigns. You actually feel that in your day to day living

I have no dog in this fight other than just pointing out the tactics. Folks complained about black media or f
leads not stepping up and again I gave you some examples. I don't care how you feel personally about the men. These folks have a black following and are in that space.

At this point, it's laughable. This is how it goes on this board, well with you dudes on here, all yall post the same when pressed
It's the excuses that's kills me.

You said or one would say, hes not a journalist, some would, when it's really you and ones like you and I'll simply say will she sit down with everyone that's only a journalist in every other race.
OR I would ask, then if you want leads and black folks to step up, who are the black journalist that she can go sit down with that will challenge her like a Cube or Umar, etc would do??

Who are these black leaders, whoops I mean black journalists that are leaders because, you said that they have to be a journalist or close to one that she can sit down with?

Then the goal post will be moved. I laugh at it.

More excuses when pressed. That's why it's a waste of time.
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I stopped after you misrepresented what I said and didn't bother to read the rest. On that note

Good day sir 🫱🏿‍🫲🏾
College loan forgiveness is right there

My guy, this blanket statement does not provide any meaning to your original post about (many) black folks saying that they are better off than they were 4 years ago.

This is what I am talking about lol. This is exactly what I'm talking about lol

If I wanted to pick this apart but I can see if many black folks even benefitted from this, let alone seeing if they are happy which was my original statement

See this is how the topic gets moved.

I gotta see if black folks are still happy today or if they are better off now under this admin by looking up college loan forgiveness. Lol.

That blanket statement won't answer my question, but a simple Google search, article can express the frustration of black or data can show you that black folks, many, are not happy or doing well 4years ago.

This is the shit that yall enjoy doing and this is the shit why gems don't get dropped, the discussion don't go no further than the basic level, niggas all stick together and don't think differently than what they've been on 4 years ago.
I stopped after you misrepresented what I said and didn't bother to read the rest. On that note

Good day sir 🫱🏿‍🫲🏾

This is what I'm talking about. Lol.
This is a tactic

So you said I didn't read the rest because you sat with me and read along with me?

Then you said you stopped reading MY post because you said I misrepresented what you said.

Would have taken another post to say, This is what I truly said, sometimes a follow up post can be made.

When folks do this on the board, you've done it plenty of times when I picked apart your post and made them look questionable.

This is what I be talking about. You can look in other threads and see this trend. I asked one cat, about who should KH sit down with, Tariq or DJ Vlad, pick one. You think he did that
Brother if I say something, don't put any spin on it which is what you did. At that point, I can't continue to engage because at a basic level, you can't even quote exactly what I said vs what you ended up interpreting my post as.

You speak in absolutes and gotchas... I don't so if an idea is presented that is not alignment with whatever bias you've already established for yourself, you feel attacked and you start attacking unprovoked when the reality is you just might not understand what someone means by their response
Brother if I say something, don't put any spin on it which is what you did. At that point, I can't continue to engage because at a basic level, you can't even quote exactly what I said vs what you ended up interpreting my post as.

You speak in absolutes and gotchas... I don't so if an idea is presented that is not alignment with whatever bias you've already established for yourself, you feel attacked and you start attacking unprovoked when the reality is you just might not understand what someone means by their response

You made a statement stating that Biden could not get much passed because of Congress. If I was to pick apart that statement I would ask, during any time in Biden's administration did he have any of the branches?
Brother if I say something, don't put any spin on it which is what you did. At that point, I can't continue to engage because at a basic level, you can't even quote exactly what I said vs what you ended up interpreting my post as.

You speak in absolutes and gotchas... I don't so if an idea is presented that is not alignment with whatever bias you've already established for yourself, you feel attacked and you start attacking unprovoked when the reality is you just might not understand what someone means by their response

You can't keep saying that I put a spin on something you said without saying what the spin is?

When folks say I put a spin on something, I go over what I said and asked them to address the spin that i put down, against what they said.

I responded to what you posted.

Just say the spin, instead of adding other things to make it seem otherwise.

It's OK to try and make your point more than one or it's OK to correct someone in a fashion way that addresses their what they made have said wrong.

That's how discussion works.
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You made a statement stating that Biden could not get much passed because of Congress. If I was to pick apart that statement I would ask, during any time in Biden's administration did he have any of the branches?

And you should give me those years.
And I should then ask, we'll, why didn't he push these plans when he had control.

Or to kill this, you should day, during Biden's term Knock. Biden did not have any control of any of the branches to get things passed

So I asked again, Did Biden have any of the branches during his terms?
When it comes to getting money and things for their group, other groups move like one
True... they do... but in general that hasn't been the case with us... we have diverse movements... think Martin, Malcolm, Marcus, and Clarence 13X... think lower, middle, and upper class, think urban, suburban, and rural... religious, etc... we don't move in one line... so its hard to have a universal direction when you think on the actual needs and wants of each group
True... they do... but in general that hasn't been the case with us... we have diverse movements... think Martin, Malcolm, Marcus, and Clarence 13X... think lower, middle, and upper class, think urban, suburban, and rural... religious, etc... we don't move in one line... so its hard to have a universal direction when you think on the actual needs and wants of each group

That's not really true. White people do not move as one and make money as a group. The exploit the fuck out of each other. That's why poor whites are misdirected to hate minorities, because elite whites know what they're doing.

Asians and Hispanics don't move across racial lines either. For example, Koreans might look out for other Koreans, but they ain't jumping to help Japanese people get over. Mexicans don't really fuck with South Americans like that. We got to stop acting like we're terrible and everybody else does things the right way.
True... they do... but in general that hasn't been the case with us... we have diverse movements... think Martin, Malcolm, Marcus, and Clarence 13X... think lower, middle, and upper class, think urban, suburban, and rural... religious, etc... we don't move in one line... so its hard to have a universal direction when you think on the actual needs and wants of each group

Yes they do.
Asians sell to Asians, and will not allow black folks or many other cultures to enter into their community

Try opening up a black business in an Asian community and see if they patronize it.
Do the same thing in a Chinatown or a Lil Italy and see who they allow in to setup shop.

In our community, we have Arabs, Chinese, Asians etc and we patronize their business, we put their kids through school, etc but you rarely see them supporting black folks businesses.
Whites sell and look out for whites or Asians who they can control.

Their money stay within their community for days our money stays at the very least 6hrs and it's in the hands of someone else.

They move as a monolith when it comes to business and getting resources for their group

They look out for their own group, not other groups like we do

Black folks are the only one's who don't move like a monolithic force when it comes to gaining resources and getting money for our own. We want to include everyone
They don't do that.

At the end of MLK, he was starting to see the views of the nation and others. If you read some of his later work and what others said, he was understanding what resources black folks needed. He was understanding that trying to fit in with others was not the answer.
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That's not really true. White people do not move as one and make money as a group. The exploit the fuck out of each other. That's why poor whites are misdirected to hate minorities, because elite whites know what they're doing.

Asians and Hispanics don't move across racial lines either. For example, Koreans might look out for other Koreans, but they ain't jumping to help Japanese people get over. Mexicans don't really fuck with South Americans like that. We got to stop acting like we're terrible and everybody else does things the right way.

Yeah this idea that other races and ethnic groups somehow have figured out something Black people haven't is insulting as fuck for real. They're no better than Black people and I hate the idea that "other races known how to move but Black people don't" is so easily believed by other Black people.
Yes they do.
Asians sell to Asians, and will not allow black folks or many other cultures to enter into their community

Try opening up a black business in an Asian community and see if they patronize it.
Do the same thing in a Chinatown or a Lil Italy and see who they allow in to setup shop.

In our community, we have Arabs, Chinese, Asians etc and we patronize their business, we put their kids through school, etc but you rarely see them supporting black folks businesses.
Whites sell and look out for whites or Asians who they can control.

Their money stay within their community for days our money stays at the very least 6hrs and it's in the hands of someone else.

They move as a monolith when it comes to business and getting resources for their group

They look out for their own group, not other groups like we do

Black folks are the only one's who don't move like a monolithic force when it comes to gaining resources and getting money for our own. We want to include everyone
They don't do that.

At the end of MLK, he was starting to see the views of the nation and others. If you read some of his later work and what others said, he was understanding what resources black folks needed. He was understanding that trying to fit in with others was not the answer.
That's the point of my post... I'm saying to you, you'd need everyone to agree on a direction and not too mention you'd have to take into consideration blacks from other places less Americanized... their views arent shared amongst foreigners let alone with blacks born here. That's not a knock, but an acknowledgement to the planning that would require grassroots communication first amongst us with organizing. We got Umar and Nasheed disagreeing on shit lol