Welcome To aBlackWeb

ABW 10 Point Plan for BLACK folks

Just site your sources when debunking me or it's full of shit or just an opinion.
Niggas go learn to come correct when responding to some shit because they wanna be a foe.

I like to read. Show your work. I'm all for one for showing mines when asked. If it's inaccurate, provide your sources that you are learning from so we all can learn

Yall go come correct or we can just moosey on along. I'm good wit that too

Lol when that was done before you moved the goal posts. As for showing you how you're wrong...the fact that you don't even acknowledge the differences in the ethnic groups of the folks you are sighting shows your faulty premise. You made a claim so it's on you to back that claim up. It's not on your audience to prove anything. That's like a nigga saying he can dunk...somebody saying prove it and that initial person saying "why? Just take my word for it."

That's not how facts work. You say something as a fact, which you've done repeatedly, then get salty when folks either ask for further proof or debunk it. You go off what you heard and that's something alot of people do when discussing politics. They go off what they heard or been told instead of actual facts.
Bro, I just explained it. I need you to start reading to understand and stop responding to respond.

All of this discussion stems from your claim that all other groups move as when it comes to business or getting things for their group. I posted that particular source because it refutes that basic claim you're pushing. The fact that it doesn't address business is irrelevant because it shows that Asians do not even think of themselves as one group in the way that you're claiming. That blows your whole argument up.

Asian Americans weren't unified in trying to end Affirmative Action

Hispanic Americans aren't unified on immigration

Jews aren't unified on support for Israel

Black people aren't a monolith and neither are these other groups. Now I fully expect you to ignore all of this and write a long post saying a lot of nothing, because contrary to what you're claiming. You don't care about learning or good faith discussions. You just like arguing in bad fatih.

You keep on saying this. Where are your citations?

Did you did not say that the very first article you posted is NOT business related?

Yes or No.

That's all I need bro.

All that other stuff you are trying to jam in to save face is nothing related to my post
I don't need a scholar to tell me what I see for myself everyday b

Not sure why this isn't connecting

I gave you very tangible examples. You just arguing for the sake of it now

Ok. So what you saying is your shit is law but when I post, and shit I see in my everyday life and read about, it's not on the same scale as you??

Is this how we riding from now on?

I just need to know. We going off of everyday life experiences and shit we see.

Did you answer the questions.

Is was a true or false and you didn't state what you disagreed with in his post

But I find it cool how you chopped up my post and said how I was thinking in semantics and using generals but yet, you ducking my question about what you found fault in his B

What's good with that champ??

It's Kool and a green light to chop up Knock post and think what Knocks think and talking in but we don't move like that with other poster

Do you agree with his whole post. If so. Just say that
I did ask you question
3rd time
Did you did not say that the very first article you posted is NOT business related?

Yes or No.

That's all I need bro.

All that other stuff you are trying to jam in to save face is nothing related to my post

Now I fully expect you to ignore all of this and write a long post saying a lot of nothing, because contrary to what you're claiming. You don't care about learning or good faith discussions. You just like arguing in bad fatih.

We're done here.
Nigga post a whole article about something that's not even what the fuck I said and you got niggas in here caping for the goofy shit to save face and keep friends

Boy yall need to cut it out man.

One minute the nigga need clarification, next minute he post an article about shit that ain't got shit to do with what I said..then he said he ain't got 2 to 3 sources.

Nigga just say you posting shit from your heart. I'll take that dayum
Niggas love to head Hunt knock but Knock see the play.

Niggas need to stand on that shit with a source or it's shit out the ass or heart when it comes to these type of topics.
Lock this pussy shit
Every time I come on here it's the same shit. Niggas doing silly shit and when get press it's 20 v 1.
Yall gotta stop. You can't grow the board like that man
lol My dog acting like people ganging up on him when he was literally bringing people into the fight because he didn't like them reacting to posts.

And he's still whining about people not providing sources, when as far as I know, he hasn't sourced a single thing he's said in the entire thread.

Where do ya'll find these people?
Ok. So what you saying is your shit is law but when I post, and shit I see in my everyday life and read about, it's not on the same scale as you??

Is this how we riding from now on?

I just need to know. We going off of everyday life experiences and shit we see.

Did you answer the questions.

Is was a true or false and you didn't state what you disagreed with in his post

But I find it cool how you chopped up my post and said how I was thinking in semantics and using generals but yet, you ducking my question about what you found fault in his B

What's good with that champ??

It's Kool and a green light to chop up Knock post and think what Knocks think and talking in but we don't move like that with other poster

Do you agree with his whole post. If so. Just say that
I did ask you question
3rd time
Ah ok

lol My dog acting like people ganging up on him when he was literally bringing people into the fight because he didn't like them reacting to posts.

And he's still whining about people not providing sources, when as far as I know, he hasn't sourced a single thing he's said in the entire thread.

Where do ya'll find these people?

See this what I'm talking bout. This shit here.

You said my post was outta my ass. I said ok fine

All I asked was for you to give me the sources that you gather your information that supports your posts. 2 to 3.

My post is out of the question, no need for sources if my shit came outta my ass right?? But now you wanna ask for sources?

Again bro. You're saving face and doing too much to save face.
You wanna not be seen as a bullshitter because I'm calling you out and making you stand on your shit. The other poster did that in the other thread and you tried to back peddle your way by saying some shit that didn't make any sense to duck your bullshit.

You posted an article (just so you can can Well I gave you a source) that did not come near to anything I said in my post. You even double down on saying man, it's not business related but yet you tried to use it to save face, to try and seem like you know what the fuck you talking about when in fact the shit you posted is completely wrong with what I am talking about
Then you asked for clarity after jumping off in that water first and I pressed yo ass to back up what you're saying.
Nobody ain't did that before, but I'm about to start now if I decide to keep posting on here.

I asked anybody who cosigned you to drop the sources that they get their info from since yall all agreed to be opposed to what I said..only fair, my shit came outta my ass, yours didn't, ok Kool

So show me where yo shit came from?
You move just like the niggas that cosign you.

As long as I decide to type in these type of threads and you wanna reply any of you niggas, you niggas better come with receipts or the shit is just an opinion and how you feel.
I don't have any problem backing up my shit.

I called bullshit when I smell it. I should have been pressed you niggas from the start of this thread. I let shit fly because I thought niggas were trying to talk but niggas just saying shit to be contratrian.
Ok that's Kool but you go stand on that shit if you playing in my face.
This nigga still ain't answer smh

That's cold blooded.

Any wrong parts. You pulled the wrong shit you ain't like out of my posts.

We what we doing here champ?

Favoritism? What's up.
I'm the only post to have something wrong in it..??
Lol when that was done before you moved the goal posts. As for showing you how you're wrong...the fact that you don't even acknowledge the differences in the ethnic groups of the folks you are sighting shows your faulty premise. You made a claim so it's on you to back that claim up. It's not on your audience to prove anything. That's like a nigga saying he can dunk...somebody saying prove it and that initial person saying "why? Just take my word for it."

That's not how facts work. You say something as a fact, which you've done repeatedly, then get salty when folks either ask for further proof or debunk it. You go off what you heard and that's something alot of people do when discussing politics. They go off what they heard or been told instead of actual facts.
Ima respond to you because you wanna be in it so bad. And this post makes no sense. So follow me.
Let me lead you to how things actually happened.

What you and bud said was my post was inaccurate, Kool.

What he replied was supposedly facts right

I asked for his sources and any other nigga who cosigned him can post the sources to your accurate information that debunks my post. You still haven't posted anything. He did not see that play coming because nobody has ever pressed him on the bullshit yall post on here, him or yall.

He tried to recant and ask me for clarification. Why?? When my statement/post came outta my ass.
I could have went back and gave another example but that would have let him off the hook from him posting his sources, we would have been on something else...moving the goal post, so I said, just post, he added 50/11 different things trying to create babble to keep from owning up to the bullshit he posted.

Why would you ask someone what they meant when you already have debunked what the post stated
He knew he fucked up. I didn't want to divert so he can say, or post something that aligns to what I been said. Go all over the world, he does that and many you do, only to say the same shit that you debunk in the beginning. Like he did before.

Do you understand that?

You niggas writing checks with your eyes close.
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Well this tread went down an unexpected road...

Gotta make folks stand on what they talking bout.

My post was false. Kool.

I simply asked show me your sources, let me see the playbook that makes your shit accurate.
Where you getting your plays from.

Niggas couldn't do that. It's becomes a why you wanna do that or why I gotta do this.

Don't go crawfishing now, now that a nigga wanna see your plays. Remember my plays come outta my ass so show me where yo plays come from.

Niggas don't have a playbook all of a sudden

Niggas write checks with their eyes close in these topics
Then the nigga got some nerve to be talking like he ain't the one that's on the bullshit.

I ain't even do nothing.

Boy. Lol.
Yall let too much shit slide like this..nigga get to hide behind shit like that, no accountability
Then the nigga got some nerve to be talking like he ain't the one that's on the bullshit.

I ain't even do nothing.

Boy. Lol.
Yall let too much shit slide like this..nigga get to hide behind shit like that, no accountability

I'm still waiting on your 3 sources. Like I said before, you'll get mine after I see yours. We're holding each other accountable right.
I'm still waiting on your 3 sources. Like I said before, you'll get mine after I see yours. We're holding each other accountable right.
Now you saving face because you know you on some bullshit
My shit is false. Ain't no need for sources.

All I asked you was to show your playbook.
You posted 2 to 3 posts on why this and that and then you tried to recant on asking me for clarification. Why
Trying to get in a victim mode and all I ask you was show your playbook.

Next post should have been, here is where I gathered my information from that disputes what your post read and all would have been good.
You posted 2 to 3 post on why you gotta do this and do that, then you asked for clarification smh, after you shitted on the post (wtf) then you posted something that had nothing to do with anything I stated in my post. Absolutely nothing. Nothing in that article talked about your reply or you debunking my shit.
You just posted it because you again tried to save face because I called you out on your bullshit and you knew if you kept posting without a source, or something I was gonna keep pressing your ass and those who cosigned that bullshit..so you threw something out just to say here.

Bro. I do this shit in real life with my women and niggas like you, I knew your plays before you even made them.
Own up to your fuck up

All what I'm doing now or did was to shine light on the bullshit you and others at times pull when talking within these kinds of topics. Feelings base and opinions, being contraian just because you feel some way about the poster, which i couldn't care less..but you know how to come at me the next time when you throw bullshit at the wall trying to debunk what I say.

I'm done wit it bro.

You learned about me today though.

Week 0 starts on Saturday bro.

Go Saints

Stay safe
Ima respond to you because you wanna be in it so bad. And this post makes no sense. So follow me.
Let me lead you to how things actually happened.

What you and bud said was my post was inaccurate, Kool.

What he replied was supposedly facts right

I asked for his sources and any other nigga who cosigned him can post the sources to your accurate information that debunks my post. You still haven't posted anything. He did not see that play coming because nobody has ever pressed him on the bullshit yall post on here, him or yall.

He tried to recant and ask me for clarification. Why?? When my statement/post came outta my ass.
I could have went back and gave another example but that would have let him off the hook from him posting his sources, we would have been on something else...moving the goal post, so I said, just post, he added 50/11 different things trying to create babble to keep from owning up to the bullshit he posted.

Why would you ask someone what they meant when you already have debunked what the post stated
He knew he fucked up. I didn't want to divert so he can say, or post something that aligns to what I been said. Go all over the world, he does that and many you do, only to say the same shit that you debunk in the beginning. Like he did before.

Do you understand that?

You niggas writing checks with your eyes close.

I understand perfectly clear what you're trying to say. You don't seem to understand how debating and presentations of things you say are facts work. You also don't seem to understand that people can read and see when you are talking about them. It's also easily understood you're not as knowledgeable on this topic as you think you are. And that's most Americans when it comes to politics.