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ABW 10 Point Plan for BLACK folks

That's the point of my post... I'm saying to you, you'd need everyone to agree on a direction and not too mention you'd have to take into consideration blacks from other places less Americanized... their views arent shared amongst foreigners let alone with blacks born here. That's not a knock, but an acknowledgement to the planning that would require grassroots communication first amongst us with organizing. We got Umar and Nasheed disagreeing on shit lol

I think we gotta not take Umar and Tariq serious. Grifters
That's the point of my post... I'm saying to you, you'd need everyone to agree on a direction and not too mention you'd have to take into consideration blacks from other places less Americanized... their views arent shared amongst foreigners let alone with blacks born here. That's not a knock, but an acknowledgement to the planning that would require grassroots communication first amongst us with organizing. We got Umar and Nasheed disagreeing on shit lol


1. Just practice black economics. Hire black folks to cut your grass, go to black nail techs, hire black folks to do home & improvement, support black coffee shops, etc. Just spend your dollar with black folks. When you take trips, try and find a black person who owns an Air BnB, etc.

2. Disagreements will come about, but if you have folks (some on here) who don't understand that other groups look out for their own when it comes down to getting resources, keeping resources, then we will never get anywhere, case in point, nobody on this board is in agreement with KH or Trump sitting down with Tariq or Umar, regardless how they personally feel about those two individuals, they refuse to support that act. One poster on here brought up the dude old album or something, another one just called him a grifter, but nobody seems to care about how dude donated to pay for funerals, calls the sheriffs and police chiefs in other states/cities on behalf of families when they are jammed up. Niggas aint doing that for their "own" family members but here this man does these things. When folks get jammed up, they call Tariq, they're not calling Ricky Smiley, Not Steve Harvey, Roland Martin, etc they are calling him to help them in their situation and get the word out. He doesn't even know these folks, but he sends out the bat signal, and guess what happens, his followers, who are "grassroot" are on board with helping out those families.
Buddy paid for Dr. Henry Clarke's funeral, Dr. Francis Cress funeral. Tamar Rice funeral. Other funerals, Darren Seals out there in St. Louis another grassroot activist who was one of his followers etc. Kyrie Irving is an Executive Producer on this last film about HIp Hop. Nick Cannon fucks with the dude heavy, a lot of NBA/NFL players secretly fund his projects after he's reached out to the community with the Go Fundme. Nipsey Hussle fucked with him heavy. Young grassroot folks, the younger folks fuck with him You can have your own personal beef with buddy, but dude's track record is good as it gets.
Shit he does more than what Roland Martin do, He does more than what any other grass root persona that you can name.
Yea he cracks on 'tethers" but if you're not on that time and you support 'everybody's move, then he aint talking about you. I used to be on that time with dude and Umar until I started following their information more than who they were. Starting finding out about where they get their talking points, and the shit just made sense.

Those men have huge followings, both were on the Breakfast Club and both presences are heavy on the grassroot level. They are maybe the only ones at the grassroot level who has a huge following, maybe Jason Black can be thrown in that hat. These are the folks that the "grassroot" level black folks listen to.

3. Who else has a bigger following on the "grassroot" level besides Tariq and Umar? That can talk for the 'grassroot' to Trump and KH?? The breakfast club? lol Steve Harvey? These folks have no ear to what the 'grassroot' folks need and are asking for to get done.

4. Having this, we should include everybody has not been great for black folks, black folks been on this kick since the 70s. In the 60s black folks pressed the gov't and made the gov't change their way on how to deal with black folks which is not to do a dayum thing specifically for them. That's not how it should be.
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1. Just practice black economics. Hire black folks to cut your grass, go to black nail techs, hire black folks to do home & improvement, support black coffee shops, etc. Just spend your dollar with black folks. When you take trips, try and find a black person who owns an Air BnB, etc.

2. Disagreements will come about, but if you have folks (some on here) who don't understand that other groups look out for their own when it comes down to getting resources, keeping resources, then we will never get anywhere, case in point, nobody on this board is in agreement with KH or Trump sitting down with Tariq or Umar, regardless how they personally feel about those two individuals, they refuse to support that act. One poster on here brought up the dude old album or something, another one just called him a grifter, but nobody seems to care about how dude donated to pay for funerals, calls the sheriffs and police chiefs in other states/cities on behalf of families when they are jammed up. Niggas aint doing that for their "own" family members but here this man does these things. When folks get jammed up, they call Tariq, they're not calling Ricky Smiley, Not Steve Harvey, Roland Martin, etc they are calling him to help them in their situation and get the word out. He doesn't even know these folks, but he sends out the bat signal, and guess what happens, his followers, who are "grassroot" are on board with helping out those families.
Buddy paid for Dr. Henry Clarke's funeral, Dr. Francis Cress funeral. Tamar Rice funeral. Other funerals, Darren Seals out there in St. Louis another grassroot activist who was one of his followers etc. Kyrie Irving is an Executive Producer on this last film about HIp Hop. Nick Cannon fucks with the dude heavy, a lot of NBA/NFL players secretly fund his projects after he's reached out to the community with the Go Fundme. Nipsey Hussle fucked with him heavy. Young grassroot folks, the younger folks fuck with him You can have your own personal beef with buddy, but dude's track record is good as it gets.
Shit he does more than what Roland Martin do, He does more than what any other grass root persona that you can name.
Yea he cracks on 'tethers" but if you're not on that time and you support 'everybody's move, then he aint talking about you. I used to be on that time with dude and Umar until I started following their information more than who they were. Starting finding out about where they get their talking points, and the shit just made sense.

Those men have huge followings, both were on the Breakfast Club and both presences are heavy on the grassroot level. They are maybe the only ones at the grassroot level who has a huge following, maybe Jason Black can be thrown in that hat. These are the folks that the "grassroot" level black folks listen to.

3. Who else has a bigger following on the "grassroot" level besides Tariq and Umar? That can talk for the 'grassroot' to Trump and KH?? The breakfast club? lol Steve Harvey? These folks have no ear to what the 'grassroot' folks need and are asking for to get done.

4. Having this, we should include everybody has not been great for black folks, black folks been on this kick since the 70s. In the 60s black folks pressed the gov't and made the gov't change their way on how to deal with black folks which is not to do a dayum thing specifically for them. That's not how it should be.

I’m all for spending money with black folks but we just had some brothers work in the house and they fucked up. I get it because we want to support each other but never go with shotty work. Shit be stressful
That's not really true. White people do not move as one and make money as a group. The exploit the fuck out of each other. That's why poor whites are misdirected to hate minorities, because elite whites know what they're doing.

Asians and Hispanics don't move across racial lines either. For example, Koreans might look out for other Koreans, but they ain't jumping to help Japanese people get over. Mexicans don't really fuck with South Americans like that. We got to stop acting like we're terrible and everybody else does things the right way.
Maybe I'm not saying what I mean correctly... diversity in our group is a benefit, finding the common goal is the key... but what some believe is a necessity or how business should be done may not be the same view to others. I always feel like taking the pieces or reps to the table to see the various ways of thinking is important
I’m all for reparations, but let’s have systems in place to effectively manage finances.

And some of those reparations should be in the form of government programs to also help black communities.

Start with better backing of black-owned banks.
I think the bolded something that very well could happen. Continued large investments in HBCUs is also something very tangible...
Maybe I'm not saying what I mean correctly... diversity in our group is a benefit, finding the common goal is the key... but what some believe is a necessity or how business should be done may not be the same view to others. I always feel like taking the pieces or reps to the table to see the various ways of thinking is important

No, I get what you're saying. I was more commenting the convo you guys were having. On this board, it's a common thing for people to throw out comments like "Asians keep all their money in the community and we don't." That's an overly general statement at best and flat out wrong at worst. Throw out shit like that is anti-productive. We just wind up holding ourselves to unrealistic standards that nobody can meet.
I think the bolded something that very well could happen. Continued large investments in HBCUs is also something very tangible...
Funding of hbcu's is also a state issue. While I think the president can do stuff to intervene, the lack of funding and misappropriation of funding is largely at the state level
No, I get what you're saying. I was more commenting the convo you guys were having. On this board, it's a common thing for people to throw out comments like "Asians keep all their money in the community and we don't." That's an overly general statement at best and flat out wrong at worst. Throw out shit like that is anti-productive. We just wind up holding ourselves to unrealistic standards that nobody can meet.

Can you provide something in writing that states your claim or a source so I can read this information on what you saying or are you saying this out of feelings?

I wanna read or listen/sub to where you got your information saying what you are stating in your post.

Just post 2 to 3 sources so that I can see this information. That's all I need, what you are saying may be accurate. I just would like to see this information.

i just want some sources that I can read that echos what he's saying. I just would like to get that same information that he is getting. See what sources he's reading and pulling from.
Do you have any information on what he is saying??

Maybe you can share some links to what he is saying in his post. Do you agree, if so, put me on some game.
Let me be better informed so I can stop saying these things on this board
No insult.
Appreciate it
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No, I get what you're saying. I was more commenting the convo you guys were having. On this board, it's a common thing for people to throw out comments like "Asians keep all their money in the community and we don't." That's an overly general statement at best and flat out wrong at worst. Throw out shit like that is anti-productive. We just wind up holding ourselves to unrealistic standards that nobody can meet.

And it exposes just how little they think of Black folks too. Niggas consistently parrot the worst about us and think it's helpful when it does the opposite
Can you provide something in writing that states your claim or a source so I can read this information on what you saying or are you saying this out of feelings?

I wanna read or listen/sub to where you got your information saying what you are stating in your post.

Just post 2 to 3 sources so that I can see this information. That's all I need, what you are saying may be accurate. I just would like to see this information.

i just want some sources that I can read that echos what he's saying. I just would like to get that same information that he is getting. See what sources he's reading and pulling from.
Do you have any information on what he is saying??

Maybe you can share some links to what he is saying in his post. Do you agree, if so, put me on some game.
Let me be better informed so I can stop saying these things on this board
No insult.
Appreciate it

Why are you always asking for sources after making unsourced claims? lol

Not to be combative but we've been down this road. You make claims that aren't true. I post sources that counter. You ignore the sources and continue to perpetuate those claims.

How about this. Before I give sources, let's clarify what you're actually saying. You say that Asians as a group keep all or most of their money in their community and don't really do business with people outside of their community right. Post 2 or 3 sources backing that up. And don't give me anything about their dollar circulating through the community more because I'll concede that, but that's not the same thing as claiming that they are mostly insular with their business.
Why are you always asking for sources after making unsourced claims? lol

Not to be combative but we've been down this road. You make claims that aren't true. I post sources that counter. You ignore the sources and continue to perpetuate those claims.

How about this. Before I give sources, let's clarify what you're actually saying. You say that Asians as a group keep all or most of their money in their community and don't really do business with people outside of their community right. Post 2 or 3 sources backing that up. And don't give me anything about their dollar circulating through the community more because I'll concede that, but that's not the same thing as claiming that they are mostly insular with their business.
With what you just stated in your last post can you post 2 to 3 sources ?
Since you said that I make false claims and you have been doing these posting of sources.

Ain't no back and forth, just add the source where you pulled your information from that post from.

Simple as that.

I don't need a paragraph of any extra, just drop your sources so that I can share with my people the information you bring on this board.
With what you just stated in your last post can you post 2 to 3 sources ?
Since you said that I make false claims and you have been doing these posting of sources.

Ain't no back and forth, just add the source where you pulled your information from that post from.

Simple as that.

I don't need a paragraph of any extra, just drop your sources so that I can share with my people the information you bring on this board.

I'm not going down this road with you dog. You like to pull things out of your ass., and then put the burden of proof on the other side. That's not how it works.

I can't come on here claiming Santa Claus paints his nails orange and then telling people to find sources to prove he doesn't. Either support your initial claims, or we can dead it right here.
You replied to what I said to another poster. No clarification should be needed because you made the post with understanding on what I said. And that's fair.
You ran with it.

So with your understanding on what I said, would you please provide 2 to 3 sources on what you stated in regards to what I stated so me and my people who reads this can go and get an understanding on what your information is saying.

Just drop your sources and anybody else who cosigned your post, that supports what Monk stated and I can go and educate myself on that information
2 to 3 is good, more is better. I love to read and learn

I would like to read this information so me and my people can be more informed
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I'm not going down this road with you dog. You like to pull things out of your ass., and then put the burden of proof on the other side. That's not how it works.

I can't come on here claiming Santa Claus paints his nails orange and then telling people to find sources to prove he doesn't. Either support your initial claims, or we can dead it right here.

You doing too much. Just provide the information on where you got stuff from that you said in your post.

I'm not the one whose is trying to go back and forth. I am trying to educate. Myself and others.

Do you not want us to get a better understanding?

If so, just provide 2 to 3 sources of information that backs up what you said in your post.?

You made the statement and posted to my reply, I and others just want to read the information that you are standing on.

See who shoulders you stand on see what other things that they have to say.

I just need 2 to 3. I love to read too. You can add more too.

But yea, those sources

Anybody else can point me to those sources on what Monk post stated. I wanna see where he got that information from
Can you provide something in writing that states your claim or a source so I can read this information on what you saying or are you saying this out of feelings?

I wanna read or listen/sub to where you got your information saying what you are stating in your post.

Just post 2 to 3 sources so that I can see this information. That's all I need, what you are saying may be accurate. I just would like to see this information.

i just want some sources that I can read that echos what he's saying. I just would like to get that same information that he is getting. See what sources he's reading and pulling from.
Do you have any information on what he is saying??

Maybe you can share some links to what he is saying in his post. Do you agree, if so, put me on some game.
Let me be better informed so I can stop saying these things on this board
No insult.
Appreciate it
You replied to what I said to another poster. No clarification should be needed because you made the post with understanding on what I said. And that's fair.
You ran with it.

So with your understanding on what I said, would you please provide 2 to 3 sources on what you stated in regards to what I stated so me and my people who reads this can go and get an understanding on what your information is saying.

Just drop your sources and anybody else who cosigned your post.

I would like to read this information so me and my people can be more informed

So quick question do you think all the other ethnic groups stick together but we don’t? If so why do you think that?
My stuff is inaccurate, came outta my ass. Kool. Beautiful day

So now with my shit being wrong and you proved it.

Would you please provide me the 2 to 3 sources that backs up what you stated in your post

Anybody who cosigned you, help buddy out.

My shit is wrong, so I would like to read the authors who wrote the correct information that Monk based his response on.

That's all I'm asking

I just wanna educate myself and have the correct information.
Just provided me some sources

I love to read on the plane when I fly. Makes the flights go by fast
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