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ABW 10 Point Plan for BLACK folks

Anybody who cosigned his post, all I asked for are the sources to back of what he is saying so that I can educate myself.

I love to read and get better understanding
My shit is wrong, but let me read and understand the correct information

Please list 2 to 3 sources or more that backs up what was replied to me about my post. My post was inaccurate and it came outta my ass, so I want the information that doesn't smell like shit

Help Knock learn more
@AP2.5 Help me out.

Put me on game, you agree with buddy right, he is correct right? My shit is outta my ass, so if that's the case. Lace Me with those sources that yall get the information from
Anybody who cosigned his post, all I asked for are the sources to back of what he is saying so that I can educate myself.

I love to read and get better understanding
My shit is wrong, but let me read and understand the correct information

Please list 2 to 3 sources or more that backs up what was replied to me about my post. My post was inaccurate and it came outta my ass, so I want the information that doesn't smell like shit

Help Knock learn more
@AP2.5 Help me out.

Put me on game, you agree with buddy right, he is correct right? My shit is outta my ass, so if that's the case. Lace Me with those sources that yall get the information from

Bro, I told you the deal. Stop trying to hold me to a standard you're not willing to meet yourself. Post the 2-3 sources that show that Asian people only deal with and spend money with other Asians. Then we can build from there.

Out of good faith, I'll drop this:

It's not really related to business, but it shuts down this idea that Asians see themselves as a monolith or that they only deal with other Asians. When you look at marriage, for example, the majority of them don't seem to care who their kids marry and if their kids marry outside of their particular ethnicity, there's really no difference to them whether it's someone from a different Asian group or a non-Asian group. They don't even have agreement across the board on who shoud be considered Asian. Doesn't that sound familiar?
Man I'm trying to stay out of this

I'ma keep this real short

There is a time in our history as immigrants started to come in droves that many of them often would stick together and it's pretty obvious why. They are new in a foreign land and the more people that look like you that you can engage with, the easier your transition will be to get acclimated. They know your language, they know your food, etc...

Yes, they built and supported each other's businesses due to close proximity which ironically is how black people behaved when we were in similar conditions.

Over time, this became less and less of a thing. If you thinking Asians are out here solely buying stuff from Temu and not supporting Amazon out of some cultural obligation, IDK what to tell you. Black people, like other cultures want a great experience while not trying to pay an arm an a leg for it which I think is just the biproduct of economics, inflation, etc...

Do I know of an Asian family or two that may have a business where other members contribute financially and receive the benefits? Yes. I also know a couple of brothas who own their own HVAC business and are trying to keep it in their family. My next door neighbor is Asian and they have their other family members over at least once a week to cook and eat food. They also travel out of town together. Are they any more familial than me and my family? No.

Are there going to be instances where maybe Asians choose to shop at their local "international" grocery store over say Winn Dixie? Absolutely, but that has more to do with products that can only be found in those stores outside of trying to have family ship them here. It's not an absolute as you keep describing it. No I'm going to cite any sources either cause I'm not trying to pass off my thoughts as law. I could probably find some but I don't see the point and I'm not trying to spend that time looking it up to prove a point.

~back to the reactions
Bro, I told you the deal. Stop trying to hold me to a standard you're not willing to meet yourself. Post the 2-3 sources that show that Asian people only deal with and spend money with other Asians. Then we can build from there.

Out of good faith, I'll drop this:

It's not really related to business, but it shuts down this idea that Asians see themselves as a monolith or that they only deal with other Asians. When you look at marriage, for example, the majority of them don't seem to care who their kids marry and if their kids marry outside of their particular ethnicity, there's really no difference to them whether it's someone from a different Asian group or a non-Asian group. They don't even have agreement across the board on who shoud be considered Asian. Doesn't that sound familiar?

If it's not related to business, don't post it. Read my response to what I said to Focal.
What does it say.

I told you that you niggas love to move the goal post. I specified what i was speaking on with my response to him.

I even gave him some examples that goes on across this country.

What you just posted has nothing to do with any of my two posts.

I said nothing about marriages, or any other shit that this article states which further proves to me that you just be talking outta your ass.

You feel a type a way about the messager and I can't help you on that bud. I ain't here to be liked. I just post

Nothing relates to the shit I posted about in any of my post between him and I.

Post the shit that debunks or shits on my inaccurate posts about resources.
Post 2 to 3 sources about that
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No, I get what you're saying. I was more commenting the convo you guys were having. On this board, it's a common thing for people to throw out comments like "Asians keep all their money in the community and we don't." That's an overly general statement at best and flat out wrong at worst. Throw out shit like that is anti-productive. We just wind up holding ourselves to unrealistic standards that nobody can meet.
*salute* excellent point!
I'm about to make you niggas start standing on the shit yall post

You want me to prove my shit but you replied saying that it came outta my ass..I said ok Kool

Now provide sources 2 to 3 that backs up the shit you posted?

You post about some other shit or you can't provide anything for me to learn new information to get a better understanding.
Instead, you start off by saying this article ain't what you were talking about butttt it talks about some other shit that has nothing to do with my two or your reply posted to my posts

So in order words, your shit came out yo ass??

I ain't see nobody come to your aid to help you out either.

You asked for clarity, after the fact, you tried to shit on my post, or inaccurate information, Kool

Post the shit that's accurate 2 to 3 sources so I can stop saying such thing and then I and my ppl can get a new better understanding

You post that bullshit to save face.

Man if you don't stop playing in my face and get the fuck on

I'm about to make you niggas stand on the shit yall throw against the wall or for here on out the shit came outta yo ass.

I can quote the scholars I fuck with and shit that they say and lead you to their work and information.

Do the same when you post shit that you feel like it's factual or get the fuck on.
If it's not related to business, don't post it. Read my response to what I said to Focal.
What does it say.

I told you that you niggas love to move the goal post. I specified what i was speaking on with my response to him.

I even gave him some examples that goes on across this country.

What you just posted has nothing to do with any of my two posts.

I said nothing about marriages, or any other shit that this article states which further proves to me that you just be talking outta your ass.

Nothing relates to the shit I posted about in any of my post between him and I.

Post the shit that debunks or shits on my inaccurate posts about resources.
Post 2 to 3 sources about that

Bro, all the business talk came from you saying this:

When it comes to getting money and things for their group, other groups move like one

I just posted something that shows that's not true. Asians can't possibly move as one when it comes to getting money if they don't even view themselves as one. This is why I say you need to provide sources because you post unfounded claims and then want to try and pick apart what other people say because they don't provide 3 research papers refuting a claim that never had any basis in reality anyway.
Bro, all the business talk came from you saying this:

I just posted something that shows that's not true. Asians can't possibly move as one when it comes to getting money if they don't even view themselves as one. This is why I say you need to provide sources because you post unfounded claims and then want to try and pick apart what other people say because they don't provide 3 research papers refuting a claim that never had any basis in reality anyway.

I know what I posted. I promise you I do.

Did you or did you not say that the article is not business related??

And yet you start with your new post saying that you posted something that's debunking the shit I am talking?

Nigga are you there.??

Second I said groups, there more groups than the Asians.

Don't move that goal post.

But again you so quick to head Hunt me and you can't even get yo shit right

Breh for now on, you need to stand on the shit you speak

I wanna read the scholars and ppl you follow and see what kind of time they on

That will really tell me more about you and your thinking process

Another poster @ChicagoFigure already called you out about how you back peddle, switch up, go to another topic, do the most when you get called out or your shit is inaccurate.

I wanna go a bit further now since you and others like to oppose what I say 95% of the time, the info who I pull from black scholars and ask you to back up your information from black scholars. See where you get this bullshyt you post. I wanna see what kind time they on.

Any of you niggas that cosign his posts. Help me out and pull your sources, let me see where you are getting these crazy ass thoughts and shit from

I love to read
Man I'm trying to stay out of this

I'ma keep this real short

There is a time in our history as immigrants started to come in droves that many of them often would stick together and it's pretty obvious why. They are new in a foreign land and the more people that look like you that you can engage with, the easier your transition will be to get acclimated. They know your language, they know your food, etc...

Yes, they built and supported each other's businesses due to close proximity which ironically is how black people behaved when we were in similar conditions.

Over time, this became less and less of a thing. If you thinking Asians are out here solely buying stuff from Temu and not supporting Amazon out of some cultural obligation, IDK what to tell you. Black people, like other cultures want a great experience while not trying to pay an arm an a leg for it which I think is just the biproduct of economics, inflation, etc...

Do I know of an Asian family or two that may have a business where other members contribute financially and receive the benefits? Yes. I also know a couple of brothas who own their own HVAC business and are trying to keep it in their family. My next door neighbor is Asian and they have their other family members over at least once a week to cook and eat food. They also travel out of town together. Are they any more familial than me and my family? No.

Are there going to be instances where maybe Asians choose to shop at their local "international" grocery store over say Winn Dixie? Absolutely, but that has more to do with products that can only be found in those stores outside of trying to have family ship them here. It's not an absolute as you keep describing it. No I'm going to cite any sources either cause I'm not trying to pass off my thoughts as law. I could probably find some but I don't see the point and I'm not trying to spend that time looking it up to prove a point.

~back to the reactions

Ain't no shit to get in. Don't paint it like that.
You can oppose the bullshit. I promise monk will be alright bro. Lol.

Ain't no shit to get in, either you agree with him or you don't

I asked you a question, do you agree with Monks post, the one he replied to me. The one where is said my shit isn't accurate, not true. What I said was not true. Do you agree with what he posted?

If so, that's either a yes and no, if no, tell me the parts you find wrong and if yes, site the sources, 2 to 3 that you and him pull from.....if not, would you say this is some shit you pulled outta yo ass??

I love to read.

Ima break up all this cosigning shit just to keep it Kool

We site some sources that we can all learn from.

I love to read
Ain't no shit to get in. Don't paint it like that.

I asked you a question, do you agree with Monks post, the one he replied to me.

If so, that's either a yes and no, if no, tell me the parts you find wrong and if yes, site the sources, 2 to 3 that you and him pull from.....if not, would you say this is some shit you pulled outta yo ass??

I love to read.

Ima break up all this cosigning shit just to keep it Kool

We site some sources that we can all learn from.

I love to read

I'm not posting any sources for something I laid out that was pretty straightforward

I do agree you are speaking very broadly and general which often tends to happen in discussions like these. Not you specifically but just in everyday interactions with shooting the shit about certain topics.

I don't have to find a source to debunk that Asians or other groups exclusively or primarily do business with their own kind as evidenced by every store I go to and see all of them trying to get the same deals as me.

Is there a preference? I will concede to that. I want to give my business to a black mechanic, HVAC repair guy, etc... But if those options are not available to me at a reasonable cost,I will shop with the business that can

I'm not posting any sources for something I laid out that was pretty straightforward

I do agree you are speaking very broadly and general which often tends to happen in discussions like these. Not you specifically but just in everyday interactions with shooting the shit about certain topics.

I don't have to find a source to debunk that Asians or other groups exclusively or primarily do business with their own kind as evidenced by every store I go to and see all of them trying to get the same deals as me.

Is there a preference? I will concede to that. I want to give my business to a black mechanic, HVAC repair guy, etc... But if those options are not available to me at a reasonable cost,I will shop with the business that can

Well, it's something you pulled outta yo ass, per Monk.

Since you critique my post.

Is he Speaking very broad and in general, whats the temperature on his post?

Break his shit down like you did mines.

You ain't touched his post and I asked you about his post, not mines bud.

What parts in his post are wrong and that you don't agree with

What parts in his post you agree with?
If so, got that thought from somewhere or did it come outta your ass or is your opinion and not a fact?

We talking about his post not mines

Yall niggas ain't go band together on Knock like yall do the Dis poster

Break his post down, be critical with his post in which I asked you about.

Ima break all this banding together shit up when it comes to posting lol

You broke down my post but didn't touch Monk post, treated it like Covid

Nah buddy, stay here. Ain't shit to get in, none of that. Don't even try and paint it as such.

Whats the good word with Monks post and his posting style sinc

e we broke mines down lol
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Just like you laid down something straight forward and haven't gotten any smoke for it., or any push back. You pulled that outta your head. Your own thoughts.
Niggas ain't head hunting your posts

Kool beans, beautiful day.

I wanna do the same thing with mines and if niggas wanna head Hunt my post (no problem) but back that shit up with some sources that you getting your information from or get the fuck on..

You was straight forward long winded with your post, I wanna do the same

And nigga cosigning shit, site your shit.

Break up all this bullshit in these threads, niggas just say anything but when it's time to walk the walk, oh I ain't get a clarification on what you said, oh this ain't bout what u said but it's says this here.

Nah. You go play them Crack head games with someone else.

You ain't go play in my face
Well, it's something you pulled outta yo ass, per Monk.

Since you critique my post.

Is he Speaking very broad and in general, what the temperature on his post?

Break his shit down like you did mines.

You ain't touched his post and I asked you about his post, not mines bud.

What parts in his post are wrong and that you don't agree with

What parts in his parts you agree with?

We talking about his post not mines

Yall niggas ain't go band together on Knock like yall do the Dis poster

Break his post down, be critical with his post in which I asked you about.

Ima break all this banding together shit up when it comes to posting lolm

If you're actually reading my posts, it's obvious and apparent what I agree with as I carefully crafted my response to highlight those specific parts

Also, Internet 101, I don't have to agree with a post verbatim to co-sign it, but if I understand the overall sentiment, then I'll co-sign

But since you asked, this is exactly what I agree with

No, I get what you're saying. I was more commenting the convo you guys were having. On this board, it's a common thing for people to throw out comments like "Asians keep all their money in the community and we don't." That's an overly general statement at best and flat out wrong at worst. Throw out shit like that is anti-productive. We just wind up holding ourselves to unrealistic standards that nobody can meet.

And it exposes just how little they think of Black folks too. Niggas consistently parrot the worst about us and think it's helpful when it does the opposite

THIS exchange is how we landed where we are

@Knock_Twice Black ppl ARE NOT a monolith...

When it comes to getting money and things for their group, other groups move like one
He tells you we aren't a monolith, you said and I quote, "when it comes to getting money and things for their group, other groups move like one"

Translation, black people don't move like a monolith when it comes to getting money and things.

While you don't explicitly state Asians, @BlackRain and @The Lonious Monk used an example to say people like to say things like "Asians keep all their money in the community and we don't".

You're getting caught up in semantics cause you know you've heard someone in your life at one point or another say something like "Asians look out for each other" , "Jews do xyz for each other", etc... You saying other groups is the same thing.

If you're actually reading my posts, it's obvious and apparent what I agree with as I carefully crafted my response to highlight those specific parts

Also, Internet 101, I don't have to agree with a post verbatim to co-sign it, but if I understand the overall sentiment, then I'll co-sign

But since you asked, this is exactly what I agree with

THIS exchange is how we landed where we are

He tells you we aren't a monolith, you said and I quote, "when it comes to getting money and things for their group, other groups move like one"

While you don't explicitly state Asians, @BlackRain and @The Lonious Monk Monk used an example to say people like to say things like "Asians keep all their money in the community and we don't".

You're getting caught up in semantics cause you know you've heard someone in your life at one point or another say something like "Asians look out for each other" , "Jews do xyz for each other", etc... You saying other groups is the same thing.

I know what I said and how it got started, quoting it doesn't take any steam off them dudes to me. Maybe to you and the others, because you and him requoted my post as if something was lost.
It's not that hard breh. I know what I said. I said it.

You doing too much. You ain't being direct, you trying too much.

And yet you still haven't focused on that dude post.

How you go tell me what im getting caught up in when i the one who made the original post/answer and he said it came outta my ass?

all i asked was for him and those who cosigned him to provide two to 3 sources from where he got that information from.

he posted something else that was not related to what i said

True or False?? Just pick one

I don't need you to bring up old quotes. It's only two post that I made and 1 he made lol..

You doing too much bro and you still haven't answered what I asked you
Just site your sources when debunking me or it's full of shit or just an opinion.
Niggas go learn to come correct when responding to some shit because they wanna be a foe.

I like to read. Show your work. I'm all for one for showing mines when asked. If it's inaccurate, provide your sources that you are learning from so we all can learn

Yall go come correct or we can just moosey on along. I'm good wit that too
I know what I said and how it got started, quoting it doesn't take any steam off them dudes to me. Maybe to you and the others, because you and him requoted my post as if something was lost.
It's not that hard breh. I know what I said. I said it.

You doing too much. You ain't being direct, you trying too much.

And yet you still haven't focused on that dude post.

How you go tell me what im getting caught up in when i the one who made the original post/answer and he said it came outta my ass?

all i asked was for him and those who cosigned him to provide two to 3 sources from where he got that information from.

he posted something else that was not related to what i said

True or False?? Just pick one

I don't need you to bring up old quotes. It's only two post that I made and 1 he made lol..

You doing too much bro and you still haven't answered what I asked you

I'm addressing what I agreed with in their posts.

You pulled me into this. I was fine just reacting

I'm addressing what I agreed with in their posts.

You pulled me into this. I was fine just reacting

Ok. You, just like them niggas cannot site the shit you agreed with cool, so it's either opinions or shit pulled outta they asses.

Now what is it that you dont agree with in their post?

You broke my post down, let do theirs

Did his article give any relation to what I said.
You didn't answer that

True or False

If True, what if False cool
Did you or did you not say that the article is not business related??

And yet you start with your new post saying that you posted something that's debunking the shit I am talking?

Nigga are you there.??

Second I said groups, there more groups than the Asians.

Don't move that goal post.

But again you so quick to head Hunt me and you can't even get yo shit right

Breh for now on, you need to stand on the shit you speak

I wanna read the scholars and ppl you follow and see what kind of time they on

That will really tell me more about you and your thinking process

Another poster @ChicagoFigure already called you out about how you back peddle, switch up, go to another topic, do the most when you get called out or your shit is inaccurate.

I wanna go a bit further now since you like to oppose what I said who I pull from black scholars and ask you to back up your information from black scholars. See where you get this bullshyt you post. I wanna see what kind time they on.

Any of you niggas that cosign his posts. Help me out and pull your sources, let me see where you are getting these crazy ass thoughts and shit from

I love to read

Bro, I just explained it. I need you to start reading to understand and stop responding to respond.

All of this discussion stems from your claim that all other groups move as when it comes to business or getting things for their group. I posted that particular source because it refutes that basic claim you're pushing. The fact that it doesn't address business is irrelevant because it shows that Asians do not even think of themselves as one group in the way that you're claiming. That blows your whole argument up.

Asian Americans weren't unified in trying to end Affirmative Action

Hispanic Americans aren't unified on immigration

Jews aren't unified on support for Israel

Black people aren't a monolith and neither are these other groups. Now I fully expect you to ignore all of this and write a long post saying a lot of nothing, because contrary to what you're claiming. You don't care about learning or good faith discussions. You just like arguing in bad fatih.

Ok. You, just like them niggas cannot site the shit you agreed with cool, so it's either opinions or shit pulled outta they asses.

Now what is it that you dont agree with in their post?

You broke my post down, let do theirs

You keep on saying this. Where are your citations?
Ok. You, just like them niggas cannot site the shit you agreed with cool, so it's either opinions or shit pulled outta they asses.

Now what is it that you dont agree with in their post?

You broke my post down, let do theirs
I don't need a scholar to tell me what I see for myself everyday b

Not sure why this isn't connecting

I gave you very tangible examples. You just arguing for the sake of it now