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ABW 10 Point Plan for BLACK folks

Got caught boosting a 2L of pop - criminal
Sleeping at a bus stop (in certain municipalities) - criminal
Jaywalking - criminal.

lotta dumb shit out there classifies people as criminals.

Exactly. That's too broad of a term to use. Especially knowing how this justice system has fucked over Black folks for non violent and violent offenses
He passed two bills for Natives: One gave Native courts the ability to punish criminals more harshly, to the point where rez crimes could be prosecuted in federal court.

Not exactly a great bill...

The other one allowed Natives to be able to decide whether to take advantage of the ACA or not. You could also continue using IHS if you lived on the rez or one of the Native hospitals like the Phoenix Indian Medical Center if you lived off-rez without a penalty for not having insurance.

That's really about it. Nothing major, nothing groundbreaking, nothing to jump up and down about. Easy bills to get passed.

Those aare executive orders i.e., the things he could do by himself.

I believe Congress did a little more during his administration, but again, he needed a favorable congress to accomplish that.
Those aare executive orders i.e., the things he could do by himself.

I believe Congress did a little more during his administration, but again, he needed a favorable congress to accomplish that.

no, no... Both were laws, not executive orders. The first one I mentioned was The Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010, the second bit I wrote about actually fell under the Affordable Care Act, which obviously is for everyone but had those special provisions I laid out specifically for natives. What I was thinking of when I wrote it was the reauthorizing of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, which was also made permanent by Obama.
no, no... Both were laws, not executive orders. The first one I mentioned was The Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010, the second bit I wrote about actually fell under the Affordable Care Act, which obviously is for everyone but had those special provisions I laid out specifically for natives. What I was thinking of when I wrote it was the reauthorizing of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, which was also made permanent by Obama.

Oh ok.
Can they. Yes. Is it harder and made almost impossible in many instances. Also yes.

It's harder. It's harder to get in most industries as a black man or woman, releasing criminals, or those who broke the law, those who were charged with a crime back into society does not elevate black society.

Other groups were charged with petty crimes too, are they championing for the release of their imamates as their man thing? No. and I don't give a dayum if we have more than them. They can have just as equal amount as us, and they won't be championing for their folks who broke laws to be released over something that the free people that are in dire of help need

In my opinion, this is not a game changer for black folks and does not move the needle.

Let's go with your notion and say that we release these folks to society and 25%, 50%, 70% return back to prison because they keep breaking the law, Now what? How did releasing those black folks help black folks move out of last?

That's right, let's focus on the criminals or those black folks who break the law class before we focus on the law-abiding citizens black folks out here who actually need Kamala to get something done for them.
It's harder. It's harder to get in most industries as a black man or woman, releasing criminals, or those who broke the law, those who were charged with a crime back into society does not elevate black society.

Other groups were charged with petty crimes too, are they championing for the release of their imamates as their man thing? No. and I don't give a dayum if we have more than them. They can have just as equal amount as us, and they won't be championing for their folks who broke laws to be released over something that the free people that are in dire of help need

In my opinion, this is not a game changer for black folks and does not move the needle.

Let's go with your notion and say that we release these folks to society and 25%, 50%, 70% return back to prison because they keep breaking the law, Now what? How did releasing those black folks help black folks move out of last?

That's right, let's focus on the criminals or those black folks who break the law class before we focus on the law-abiding citizens black folks out here who actually need Kamala to get something done for them.

You saying a bunch of shit nobody said and then creating a silly scenario based on that. Then asking a question based on your own manipulated set of circumstances you created. Based on your already disproven facts in the other thread you might wanna fall back on making predictions and using numbers
You saying a bunch of shit nobody said and then creating a silly scenario based on that. Then asking a question based on your own manipulated set of circumstances you created.

Now I'm just pulling things out the air, I encourage you to read slowly to the post in the thread sir.

Folks being released out of prison for petty crimes/weed charges was discussed.

Don't get tight, because the shit that was stated in this thread was wash.
You saying a bunch of shit nobody said and then creating a silly scenario based on that. Then asking a question based on your own manipulated set of circumstances you created. Based on your already disproven facts in the other thread you might wanna fall back on making predictions and using numbers

You read through this whole thread or some of the post, now it's nobody said x, y and z. Nigga you quoted one of my post with me saying how releasing criminals was not something that's needed now.

That's been my whole stance towards buddy @Monk proposing to have folks release out of jail, thinking this will elevate black folks

I thought you said niggas was ready to debate in 2024. Niggas can't even stay on topic. Wash
You read through this whole thread or some of the post, now it's nobody said x, y and z. Nigga you quoted one of my post with me saying how releasing criminals was not something that's needed now.

That's been my whole stance towards buddy @Monk proposing to have folks release out of jail, thinking this will elevate black folks

I thought you said niggas was ready to debate in 2024. Niggas can't even stay on topic. Wash

You can't get on people for their debate skills when you out here debating with easily disproven facts repeatedly.

I'm not pulling things out of thin air. I answered a question and you go off with a bad prediction about what "70% of people will do". If one of the main points against the way the current system operates is the disproportionate rate at which the justice system targets Black folks then you being against correcting that and releasing people who shouldn't be locked up anymore just because you deem them less than shows you not for Black folks as a whole. You're for what makes your life individually better. And that's cool. Just say that and don't try and disguise your shit as a concern for Black people when it's really a concer about you the individual and how you can progress.
You read through this whole thread or some of the post, now it's nobody said x, y and z. Nigga you quoted one of my post with me saying how releasing criminals was not something that's needed now.

That's been my whole stance towards buddy @Monk proposing to have folks release out of jail, thinking this will elevate black folks

I thought you said niggas was ready to debate in 2024. Niggas can't even stay on topic. Wash
You're listening to respond and not to understand lol
You can't get on people for their debate skills when you out here debating with easily disproven facts repeatedly.

I'm not pulling things out of thin air. I answered a question and you go off with a bad prediction about what "70% of people will do". If one of the main points against the way the current system operates is the disproportionate rate at which the justice system targets Black folks then you being against correcting that and releasing people who shouldn't be locked up anymore just because you deem them less than shows you not for Black folks as a whole. You're for what makes your life individually better. And that's cool. Just say that and don't try and disguise your shit as a concern for Black people when it's really a concer about you the individual and how you can progress.

Facts can't be disproven. Nah I'm getting on your debating skills. You jump in the convo, I have no issues, but when I made your post/reply look stupid, it's now nobody said x, y, and z. That's wash.

In my opinion, getting black folks out of prison for less crimes or however you want to darl it up, that's not what I would ask these candidates to do for me. That's not on my list of things that I am pushing for, when I know there's plenty of things that I can ask and plenty of other things that's needed out here that FREE people can use.
Facts can't be disproven. Nah I'm getting on your debating skills. You jump in the convo, I have no issues, but when I made your post/reply look stupid, it's now nobody said x, y, and z. That's wash.

In my opinion, getting black folks out of prison for less crimes or however you want to darl it up, that's not what I would ask these candidates to do for me. That's not on my list of things that I am pushing for, when I know there's plenty of things that I can ask and plenty of other things that's needed out here that FREE people can use.

And your pov isn't the only one. Some folks are concerned about people as a whole and some are only concerned about as you just said "what can be done for me." So while you may not be able to see outside your own pov critizing others for doing so makes you look foolish. And it handicaps the efforts you're pushing for your own personal benefits.

And no facts can't be disproven which is why your attempt at stating them has been corrected multiple times in multiple threads.
And your pov isn't the only one. Some folks are concerned about people as a whole and some are only concerned about as you just said "what can be done for me." So while you may not be able to see outside your own pov critizing others for doing so makes you look foolish. And it handicaps the efforts you're pushing for your own personal benefits.

And no facts can't be disproven which is why your attempt at stating them has been corrected multiple times in multiple threads.

I never said my POV was the only one, in many of my post, I state on purpose "in my opinion" to let everyone know that it's just a thought of mines.

You're fishing for an angle that's not their buddy, trying to shame because, you can't penetrate what I'm saying with my post. Most people do that when they can't properly combat the talking points, try and shame instead of addressing the points that were made with "stronger" points.

This whole "what can be done for me" is a prime example that I'm talking about to shame: Instead of coming with stronger points or another strong stance, you say this weak shit smh.

I listed 10 things in this very thread that you are posting in currently, 10 things that's not something I want all for myself, these are 10 things that can benefit black folks not named Knock. I even mention something along the lines of a G.I Bill being addressed to the black vets. Knock is not a vet. @AP2.5 made the comment saying as such.

I even stated to @AP2.5 that everything on the list will not apply to everyone or some. How is it all about what can be done for me again champ??

I stated in my opinion, releasing folks out of prison for petty crimes won't lift black folks out of the last position, in my opinion it's not something we should have in the top 3 of things we want our candidates to be focusing on. I said it can be item number 77. This aint it, it won't do anything to help the intellectual intelligence of black society. Black folks, the FREE black folks need to be help first.

Facts that I put out there with a source is something that was not corrected sir. Again, you trying to tear it down and you can't.

You told me these niggas was ready to debate in 2024. Niggas still get mad and go to shaming smh. 5 year olds do that man. You niggas pushing 54 and still shaming. smh. @AP2.5 You said these niggas were ready to debate in 2024
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I never said my POV was the only one, in many of my post, I state on purpose "in my opinion" to let everyone know that it's just a thought of mines.

You're fishing for an angle that's not their buddy, trying to shame because, you can't penetrate what I'm saying with my post. Most people do that when they can't properly combat the talking points, try and shame instead of addressing the points that were made with "stronger" points.

This whole "what can be done for me" is a prime example that I'm talking about to shame: Instead of coming with stronger points or another strong stance, you say this weak shit smh.

I listed 10 things in this very thread that you are posting in currently, 10 things that's not something I want all for myself, these are 10 things that can benefit black folks not named Knock. I even mention something along the lines of a G.I Bill being addressed to the black vets. Knock is not a vet. @AP2.5 made the comment saying as such.

I even stated to @AP2.5 that everything on the list will not apply to everyone or some. How is it all about what can be done for me again champ??

I stated in my opinion, releasing folks out of prison for petty crimes won't lift black folks out of the last position, in my opinion it's not something we should have in the top 3 of things we want our candidates to be focusing on. I said it can be item number 77. This aint it, it won't do anything to help the intellectual intelligence of black society. Black folks, the FREE black folks need to be help first.

Facts that I put out there with a source is something that was not corrected sir. Again, you trying to tear it down and you can't.

You told me these niggas was ready to debate in 2024. Niggas still get mad and go to shaming smh. 5 year olds do that man. You niggas pushing 54 and still shaming. smh. @AP2.5 You said these niggas were ready to debate in 2024

Shame? I'm not trying to shame you. If you feel shame towards your pov then that's on you. I explicity said there's nothing wrong with your pov you just need to be honest that you're more concerned with you as an individual than the whole as a group. And yeah your "facts" have been disproven by 3 or 4 different posters already. You just pretended the responses didn't exist.

You keep trying mention Ice Cube plan and "Trump was willing to talk to him" like that's a sign of progress. Trump also spoke with the NABJ and we all saw how that went. Great progress there to show how he seriously he takes the concerns of the Black voting block.

If you can't see how enacting change to a justice system that disproportionately targets and sentences Black folks would help Black people as a whole in an immediate and in some areas necessary way then you're showing your own bias. It's why you keep harping on the word "criminals". You're the one trying to shame with your word and tone choice on that one.
Shame? I'm not trying to shame you. If you feel shame towards your pov then that's on you. I explicity said there's nothing wrong with your pov you just need to be honest that you're more concerned with you as an individual than the whole as a group. And yeah your "facts" have been disproven by 3 or 4 different posters already. You just pretended the responses didn't exist.

You keep trying mention Ice Cube plan and "Trump was willing to talk to him" like that's a sign of progress. Trump also spoke with the NABJ and we all saw how that went. Great progress there to show how he seriously he takes the concerns of the Black voting block.

If you can't see how enacting change to a justice system that disproportionately targets and sentences Black folks would help Black people as a whole in an immediate and in some areas necessary way then you're showing your own bias. It's why you keep harping on the word "criminals". You're the one trying to shame with your word and tone choice on that one.

1. You never said, "nothing is wrong with your POV", that's lie, you never made a statement as such so why lie and say that you said such thing. Don't do that dude. In fact, you did the total opposite of what you just stated, which is why I made the comment about me saying that my POV was not the only one that matter. You came at me saying insinuating that I think that my POV is the only one that matters.

2. I listed 10 things in this very thread that will help black people as a whole. Why would I list things that's going to help ONLY me? Did I made the dayum thread asking posters to list what things can be done for black folks.

3. I responded to every post in this thread that was addressed directly or indirectly to me, and no one prove to disrupt my facts, the only poster I haven't gotten back to was @konceptjones. I forgot my source; the answer is in Dr. Claude Anderson book "A Black History Reader 101 Questions You Never thought to ask, and one of the questions in the book is pertaining to what all Obama did for the Native Americans while he was in office. I want to show him what Obama did for the Indians in his term, I don't want to misquote.

4. The reason I brought up Cube and how he asked both parties to sit down and discuss his plan for black America was because it was stated that nobody had a plan/list of things for black folks to present to these candidates. I said Cube created a plan, sat down with black scholars and he called both parties and their team to do a meeting to discuss the plan for Black America. I said folks got mad because Trump was willing to sit down and listen to Cube, the party that KH belongs to didn't even call or attempt to meet with the dude. It's been 4 years.

What does that say about KH??

Also, you made mention about Trump sitting down with the NABJ, it went how THEY, the host, wanted it to go, when you sit down to do business and discuss serious matters, you don't jump down a person's back with your very 1st question who you are trying to conduct business with or present your plan to. You show respect and order. You ask direct questions. That meeting was a wash. Those hosts did a piss poor job of asking him questions that Black folks wanted to have him answer. They did not make him stand on nothing. So, you wanna get mad at Trump?? Nah, you should be mad at the hosts for doing a piss poor job.
Mics weren't working, they were late, but here you wanna shift blame solely on Trump?? Breh wake the fuck up.

How would you feel if you came to a parent teacher conference and the teacher was 45 minutes late, and the very 1st question to you was, why you don't help your child with their Homework, I think you should be involved more with your child studies etc?? How would you feel??

Yea yo ass wouldn't like that. Yo ass know how to do this shit in your personal life. Don't play dumb nigga,
Niggas love to not have logic when it comes to voting, but none of the shit that's being done or any decisions being made in their personal lives, they wouldn't be this dayum obtuse. Niggas have all of the logic and wisdom then.

Niggas microscope and dissect in regard to their kids, their own lives, family etc, but when it comes to voting, it's a bad thing now to use simple ass logic.

I don't feel shame at all, I just call it out when I see it. You lied many of times in that previous post and lied in this post I'm replying to, to make a point, that's weak.
Don't lie. Just come with stronger talking points, and if you can't hit the reaction button and move the fuck around. Just don't sit up and lie on a poster because you can't make a stronger point to combat what their saying.

That's the weak shit I'm talkin about. As I stated @AP2.5 I thought you said these niggas are ready to debate in 2024, Niggas still lying/shaming to make points, make them feel as if they are saying some valid shit. Wash

Say breh, what's a criminal by definition? Fuck your feelings and how you feel about the word, what does webster say about this word criminal? Apparently I can't use that word now for those who break the law? Ok, what's a better word that I can use for folks who break laws? Since I don't wanna see black folks rise, or whatever we are the world ass shit you just posted.

Cats can't use the word criminal now because it's too harsh. Niggas rob and steal, do petty crimes, but we can't say that word criminal because it's shamming.

Breh yall dudes man

@AP2.5 let me know when these niggas are ready to debate on some shit man. This is comical
1. You never said, "nothing is wrong with your POV", that's lie, you never made a statement as such so why lie and say that you said such thing. Don't do that dude. In fact, you did the total opposite of what you just stated, which is why I made the comment about me saying that my POV was not the only one that matter. You came at me saying insinuating that I think that my POV is the only one that matters.

2. I listed 10 things in this very thread that will help black people as a whole. Why would I list things that's going to help ONLY me? Did I made the dayum thread asking posters to list what things can be done for black folks.

3. I responded to every post in this thread that was addressed directly or indirectly to me, and no one prove to disrupt my facts, the only poster I haven't gotten back to was @konceptjones. I forgot my source; the answer is in Dr. Claude Anderson book "A Black History Reader 101 Questions You Never thought to ask, and one of the questions in the book is pertaining to what all Obama did for the Native Americans while he was in office. I want to show him what Obama did for the Indians in his term, I don't want to misquote.

4. The reason I brought up Cube and how he asked both parties to sit down and discuss his plan for black America was because it was stated that nobody had a plan/list of things for black folks to present to these candidates. I said Cube created a plan, sat down with black scholars and he called both parties and their team to do a meeting to discuss the plan for Black America. I said folks got mad because Trump was willing to sit down and listen to Cube, the party that KH belongs to didn't even call or attempt to meet with the dude. It's been 4 years.

What does that say about KH??

Also, you made mention about Trump sitting down with the NABJ, it went how THEY, the host, wanted it to go, when you sit down to do business and discuss serious matters, you don't jump down a person's back with your very 1st question who you are trying to conduct business with or present your plan to. You show respect and order. You ask direct questions. That meeting was a wash. Those hosts did a piss poor job of asking him questions that Black folks wanted to have him answer. They did not make him stand on nothing. So, you wanna get mad at Trump?? Nah, you should be mad at the hosts for doing a piss poor job.
Mics weren't working, they were late, but here you wanna shift blame solely on Trump?? Breh wake the fuck up.

How would you feel if you came to a parent teacher conference and the teacher was 45 minutes late, and the very 1st question to you was, why you don't help your child with their Homework, I think you should be involved more with your child studies etc?? How would you feel??

Yea yo ass wouldn't like that. Yo ass know how to do this shit in your personal life. Don't play dumb nigga,
Niggas love to not have logic when it comes to voting, but none of the shit that's being done or any decisions being made in their personal lives, they wouldn't be this dayum obtuse. Niggas have all of the logic and wisdom then.

Niggas microscope and dissect in regard to their kids, their own lives, family etc, but when it comes to voting, it's a bad thing now to use simple ass logic.

I don't feel shame at all, I just call it out when I see it. You lied many of times in that previous post and lied in this post I'm replying to, to make a point, that's weak.
Don't lie. Just come with stronger talking points, and if you can't hit the reaction button and move the fuck around. Just don't sit up and lie on a poster because you can't make a stronger point to combat what their saying.

That's the weak shit I'm talkin about. As I stated @AP2.5 I thought you said these niggas are ready to debate in 2024, Niggas still lying/shaming to make points, make them feel as if they are saying some valid shit. Wash

Say breh, what's a criminal by definition? Fuck your feelings and how you feel about the word, what does webster say about this word criminal? Apparently I can't use that word now for those who break the law? Ok, what's a better word that I can use for folks who break laws? Since I don't wanna see black folks rise, or whatever we are the world ass shit you just posted.

Cats can't use the word criminal now because it's too harsh. Niggas rob and steal, do petty crimes, but we can't say that word criminal because it's shamming.

Breh yall dudes man

@AP2.5 let me know when these niggas are ready to debate on some shit man. This is comical

You're for what makes your life individually better. And that's cool

My direct quote. So you're now proving you're not even reading. Just responding. If you can't even have your 1st point be correct and factual then...

And you're still wrong as hell about why folks said Cube was foolish for meeting with Trump. You can't get out of your own way with this topic. You keep repeating things that are already proven to go against your pov. Your facts about Natives and Latino voters both were proven to be extremely incorrect. You just ignored it. You think you're being logical but your logic is very flawed.
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