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ABW 10 Point Plan for BLACK folks

Those big bills passed, how is that helping the country now? Is the country better or worse?

I was speaking on your mentioning about the past healthcare push that was a complete failure in my opinion, and I laid out the reasons why that I thought it was, he pushed it and it had all types of traps in that program. If she can offer a Universal Healthcare, then I am good, but to me, as you stated before, I don't think that's realistic.

I don't see how letting criminals out of prison and legalizing weed is elevating millions of black people. Pushing for crimminals to be free is not elevating the black race out of last place in my opinion, but you seem to think it will do that. But ok.

Well if you're taking from a financial standpoint with the millions already being made and more to be made with these dispensary-locations everywhere now having Black folks locked up behind a product you can now use freely hurts us. Also not allowing Black folks to profit off that industry, and it's far more to it than just selling weed as it involves multiple other industries too, hurts us too. So legalizing weed would help Black people as a whole on multiple levels.
Japanese reparations was able to get through because 3 or 4 house members and 1 senator lobbied for almost 20 years to get a bill passed. Y'all gotta stop thinking others are getting all these benefits with just a snap of their fingers.

The Marshall Plan, snap of the their fingers.

Things get done when they wanna get done by this country, we think it takes 90 years for stuff to shake.

How long did it take for that money to go them Ukranies.

Snap of the fingers
I never mentioned Obamacare as being good for black people though. When I say something that will help black people, I'm talking about Universal Health Care.

lol If you don't think that freeing thousands of black people who are doing years for petty crimes and getting rid of the crime that has basically allowed the government to lock up our people would be good for our people, I don't know what to tell you. You're literally the first supposed pro-black person I've ever encountered that didn't support that idea.

I'm saying that's unrealistic, so do you have another item that you can see Kamala doing?

Universal Health Care is in the same boat as reparation as I see it, like how you see reparation as a far fetch thing to achieve, I see this healthcare wish the same way. I don't to see it happening, it's never been done before

No, I don't think letting out criminals will elevate my people's progression or position. I don't see any progress in freeing criminals but again you see tremendous progress as a whole.
Well if you're taking from a financial standpoint with the millions already being made and more to be made with these dispensary-locations everywhere now having Black folks locked up behind a product you can now use freely hurts us. Also not allowing Black folks to profit off that industry, and it's far more to it than just selling weed as it involves multiple other industries too, hurts us too. So legalizing weed would help Black people as a whole on multiple levels.

Can black folks own a dispensary currently?
I'm saying that's unrealistic, so do you have another item that you can see Kamala doing?

Univeral Health Care is in the same boat as reparation as I see it. I want to see it happen, it's never been done before

No, I don't think letting out criminals will elevate my people's progression or position. I don't see any progress in freeing criminals but again you see tremendous progress as a whole.

UHC is not the same boat as reparations. The majority of the country actually wants UHC and there are already existing systems in place to facilitate the transition. Bernie had a whole plan that could be implemented the day Kamala stepped into office if she wanted. None of that is true for reparations. Black people don't even fully agree on what form it should take or who should get it.
UHC is not the same boat as reparations. The majority of the country actually wants UHC and there are already existing systems in place to facilitate the transition. Bernie had a whole plan that could be implemented the day Kamala stepped into office if she wanted. None of that is true for reparations. Black people don't even fully agree on what form it should take or who should get it.

Noone on this board can tell you how UHC will happen, nor can you. Just because folks want it doesn't mean anything. Many people want reparations, and there's actually folks who have put together a plan for black folks to receive payments for reparations, The U.S. paid out reparations before and those who received checks didn't know how they were going to get them either. Just like you mentioned Bernie, Dr. Claude Anderson has a plan for reparations to be implemented. Been advocating for this since the 50s.

Do you think the Jap/Jews/Europe/etc knew how they would want their checks??

Do you think everyone in that group ALL agreed on getting their checks?
The camps were in 1942- 1946

Congress provided $38 million in reparations in 1948 and forty years later paid an additional $20,000 to each surviving individual who had been detained in the camps.

They paid 38 million 2 years later, and paid "another" 20k 40 years later

Yes It was a snap of the fingers
What you are referencing is the Japanese American claims act when those who where sent to internments camps could claim loss of property to receive compensation. One it was hard to get and most were only given about $2500. Very similar to various programs that the feds put into place for blacks after the civil war during reconstruction. The $20,000 reparations check wasn't given until 1988 with the civil liberties act.

The Marshall Plan, snap of the their fingers.

Things get done when they wanna get done by this country, we think it takes 90 years for stuff to shake.

How long did it take for that money to go them Ukranies.

Snap of the fingers
And of course they're going to give to their own quickly...
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Noone on this board can tell you how UHC will happen, nor can you. Just because folks want it doesn't mean anything. Many people want reparations, and there's actually folks who have put together a plan for black folks to receive payments for reparations, The U.S. paid out reparations before and those who received checks didn't know how they were going to get them either. Just like you mentioned Bernie, Dr. Claude Anderson has a plan for reparations to be implemented. Been advocating for this since the 50s.

Do you think the Jap/Jews/Europe/etc knew how they would want their checks??

Do you think everyone in that group ALL agreed on getting their checks?

Sure, I can't see the future, so I can't tell you how something that hasn't happened yet will happen, but as I said before, there is already a fully fleshed out bill that could be implemented immediately.

How many people and in what position are pushing Dr. Anderson's plan? It's not about what the average person on the street knows. It's about what the people that have to advocate for and put into practice know and believe. Again, analysts have looked at Bernie's plan, projected how long it would take to implement and what impact it would have, and know what kind of support it would take to get pushed through. Can you say the same about Dr. Anderson's plan? Has there been an independent review with analysis that projects what kind of impact it will have on the Black community. Do we have a consensus among other Black scholars that his plan is correct or are there others that would fight its implementation because they don't believe in it? Those are the kinds of questions that would be asked before it even hits Congress. Do you know the answers?
I'm saying that's unrealistic, so do you have another item that you can see Kamala doing?

Universal Health Care is in the same boat as reparation as I see it, like how you see reparation as a far fetch thing to achieve, I see this healthcare wish the same way. I don't to see it happening, it's never been done before

No, I don't think letting out criminals will elevate my people's progression or position. I don't see any progress in freeing criminals but again you see tremendous progress as a whole.
With the release of the criminals locked up for marijuana will also follow admission that mistakes were made(The MORE Act) and these ppl and their neighborhoods were affected…Money To be Made from an industry established in the backs of Blacks American doesn’t benefit Black Americans, when white folks like Rick Scott’s wife basically run the industry here in FL using said Return On investment. Correct me if I’m wrong fam what are you speaking on???
With the release of the criminals locked up for marijuana will also follow admission that mistakes were made(The MORE Act) and these ppl and their neighborhoods were affected…Money To be Made from an industry established in the backs of Blacks American doesn’t benefit Black Americans, when white folks like Rick Scott’s wife basically run the industry here in FL using said Return On investment. Correct me if I’m wrong fam what are you speaking on???

I'm speaking on, in my opinion, releasing criminals out of prison does not elevate black society. That's my stance, and that's not a top item that I would push to a president.
All of them, she can get all 10 implemented, her and her administration. How long do you think it took for Obama and he crew to get that Native American Act passed?

Other groups don't get 2 things limited.

That's just 10 now, there's many more, the G.I. Bill for black veterans haven't been discussed, those black veterans need their payments etc.

It's alot more, you keep adding to the list, if the democratic party wants to get that vote every 4 years

He passed two bills for Natives: One gave Native courts the ability to punish criminals more harshly, to the point where rez crimes could be prosecuted in federal court.

Not exactly a great bill...

The other one allowed Natives to be able to decide whether to take advantage of the ACA or not. You could also continue using IHS if you lived on the rez or one of the Native hospitals like the Phoenix Indian Medical Center if you lived off-rez without a penalty for not having insurance.

That's really about it. Nothing major, nothing groundbreaking, nothing to jump up and down about. Easy bills to get passed.
You wouldn't get it bro. And that's ok

I need you to be specific

Are you talking about all black men/women? Some of them?

None of these people being free will help black society?
He passed two bills for Natives: One gave Native courts the ability to punish criminals more harshly, to the point where rez crimes could be prosecuted in federal court.

Not exactly a great bill...

The other one allowed Natives to be able to decide whether to take advantage of the ACA or not. You could also continue using IHS if you lived on the rez or one of the Native hospitals like the Phoenix Indian Medical Center if you lived off-rez without a penalty for not having insurance.

That's really about it. Nothing major, nothing groundbreaking, nothing to jump up and down about. Easy bills to get passed.

Give me a minute. I will respond to the things he did