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ABW 10 Point Plan for BLACK folks

I'm not sure you can have a "for Black" or pro Black candidate as long as Black Americans aren't a united group. Despite our smaller population size, Black Americans have a lot of diversity in cultural values. Some Black people with reparations, but some Black people simply want whatever white people have (white privileges).

We were a divided group that was displaced in a foreign land. We became a united group through hundreds of years of forced breeding and slavery. I always capitalize the "B" when referring to Black Americans because we are something new from those groups that came here willingly. Our main issue is not accepting that this is us, here in America, and truthfully we are all we got and this is our home because we bled too much into it for us not to claim the soil.

A candidate that doesn't understand this can't do much. Until we as group understands this we will never unite behind a candidate that is for us...by us >_>

Since you said yes.

Those 10 items are ONLY allocated for black folks. VIP ONLY. NOBODY ELSE. These polices are only for blacks.

Remember they use to have ONLY white neighborhoods etc, well these are strictly for Black folks

You get it? Everyone can walk to, around the VIP section in club, but if you don't have a wrist band, if you wasn't born black, VIP section is off limits to you.

Everybody don't get to sit in the skybox, but if you're black, you can sit in the skybox

So, if you're a white person with a baby, you pay for day care, if you're an Asian person, you don't get a land grant.

These 2 white/clear people are NOT BLACK, they don't get the VIP Treatment.
Since you said yes.

Those 10 items are ONLY allocated for black folks. VIP ONLY. NOBODY ELSE. These polices are only for blacks.

Remember they use to have ONLY white neighborhoods etc, well these are strictly for Black folks

You get it? Everyone can walk to, around the VIP section in club, but if you don't have a wrist band, if you wasn't born black, VIP section is off limits to you.

Everybody don't get to sit in the skybox, but if you're black, you can sit in the skybox

So, if you're a white person with a baby, you pay for day care, if you're an Asian person, you don't get a land grant.

These 2 white/clear people are NOT BLACK, they don't get the VIP Treatment.
Got it
What was the first law put in place in the 1920s that got passed under Obama administration? Native Americans were pushing for what for decades?

list these things will you please sir

The Indian Citizenshp Act was put into place in 1924. Most of these other acts have been built on the foundation started with that. You're forgetting that Native Americans technically have their own country within the U.S. The reservations are their land. All these things you claim they are getting from the government are actually just allowances to do thing things they want to do anyway.

For example, Obama signed the Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010 and all that did was expand their tribal courts' right to hand out sentences and punishments. He signed EO 13175 which just required the U.S. to consult them on matters that had to do with their land. He signed some other things that had to do with housing, farming, and education and those were things that the Natives had been requesting for decades.

You're also acting like every other group but us gets this treatment. They don't. It's really only the Native Americans, the group from which the U.S. stole the whole damn country and almost exterminated.
Since you're saying that black folks won't get the things we asked for, not 10.

Let's do this:

Realistic list the things that you can see Kamala doing for black folks only in 4 years that will help 80% of black folks that voted for her.

Let's see what you think can happen in reality, since my list won't happen lol

Assuming we get a Democrat majority in Congress.

She could probably improve the Healthcare system which would get us closer to your desire for free healthcare for all black people.
She could probably legalize marijuana and free nonviolent offender which would impact black people more than anyone else by a large margin.
She could probably get things like free pre-K and free community college since they were on the table before, those would help black people more than others.

Those are general things I think she could. From your ideas,

I honestly only think she could either the land grant or the income tax, and she would have to put heavy caveats in to get support.

This isn't me shitting on your ideas. This is just being realistic. Remember, she's got to get it through a mostly white Congress and then not have it shot down by a Red mostly white Supreme Court. Anything she does of the magnitude you're suggesting would face heavy opposition. Remember, the Supreme Court literally just ended Affirmative Action because white people tricked Asian people into thinking that Black people were getting unfair benefits. The shit you're proposing is like AA * 100.
Since you said yes.

Those 10 items are ONLY allocated for black folks. VIP ONLY. NOBODY ELSE. These polices are only for blacks.

Remember they use to have ONLY white neighborhoods etc, well these are strictly for Black folks

You get it? Everyone can walk to, around the VIP section in club, but if you don't have a wrist band, if you wasn't born black, VIP section is off limits to you.

Everybody don't get to sit in the skybox, but if you're black, you can sit in the skybox

So, if you're a white person with a baby, you pay for day care, if you're an Asian person, you don't get a land grant.

These 2 white/clear people are NOT BLACK, they don't get the VIP Treatment.

Lol. You take that approach you not getting 10 items passed.
Since you said yes.

Those 10 items are ONLY allocated for black folks. VIP ONLY. NOBODY ELSE. These polices are only for blacks.

Remember they use to have ONLY white neighborhoods etc, well these are strictly for Black folks

You get it? Everyone can walk to, around the VIP section in club, but if you don't have a wrist band, if you wasn't born black, VIP section is off limits to you.

Everybody don't get to sit in the skybox, but if you're black, you can sit in the skybox

So, if you're a white person with a baby, you pay for day care, if you're an Asian person, you don't get a land grant.

These 2 white/clear people are NOT BLACK, they don't get the VIP Treatment.

So who decides who's "Black" and who's Mullato. Kamala Harris herself is half Indian so how would that work?
The Indian Citizenshp Act was put into place in 1924. Most of these other acts have been built on the foundation started with that. You're forgetting that Native Americans technically have their own country within the U.S. The reservations are their land. All these things you claim they are getting from the government are actually just allowances to do thing things they want to do anyway.

For example, Obama signed the Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010 and all that did was expand their tribal courts' right to hand out sentences and punishments. He signed EO 13175 which just required the U.S. to consult them on matters that had to do with their land. He signed some other things that had to do with housing, farming, and education and those were things that the Natives had been requesting for decades.

You're also acting like every other group but us gets this treatment. They don't. It's really only the Native Americans, the group from which the U.S. stole the whole damn country and almost exterminated.

I don't even know how I can attack this, but this is so out of order, the Native Americans, the 5 tribes (which there are many more, which majority if not all are BLACK people who are in fact Natives to this land. See the Dawes Roll) but the U.S. recognize the 5 Tribes, the white majority ones who actually fought with the Confederate against the US, they get 416 million or Billion dollars a year, disperse to them from the reserve that Obama signed off on. They did not campaign for this money.

The land is not only their land, black folks had ownership in this land before any of the "white" clear looking Native Americans arrived here. This their land myth can easily be debunked. Most/majority of the Native Americans that are on this land today, and who claim to be Native Americans are white folks, 5-dollar Indians.
Assuming we get a Democrat majority in Congress.

She could probably improve the Healthcare system which would get us closer to your desire for free healthcare for all black people.
She could probably legalize marijuana and free nonviolent offender which would impact black people more than anyone else by a large margin.
She could probably get things like free pre-K and free community college since they were on the table before, those would help black people more than others.

Those are general things I think she could. From your ideas,

I honestly only think she could either the land grant or the income tax, and she would have to put heavy caveats in to get support.

This isn't me shitting on your ideas. This is just being realistic. Remember, she's got to get it through a mostly white Congress and then not have it shot down by a Red mostly white Supreme Court. Anything she does of the magnitude you're suggesting would face heavy opposition. Remember, the Supreme Court literally just ended Affirmative Action because white people tricked Asian people into thinking that Black people were getting unfair benefits. The shit you're proposing is like AA * 100.

Assuming we get a democratic majority in Congress like we had when Obama was in Office.

Improve it how, could you explain how that would look for black people? babies, teens, adults, elder, are you talking close to free? What does that look like for black folks?

I don't do drugs, most black folks don't smoke weed. I'm not an offender, most black folks are NOT offenders.

Free pre-k? Isn't that free already?? Every black man don't have a baby.

The only one that may stand out, if free CC, why not do Free University?? Why would one want to go to a community college? Majority of black folks? Why not do free Universities? Which one out of the two is deem high?
I don't even know how I can attack this, but this is so out of order, the Native Americans, the 5 tribes (which there are many more, which majority if not all are BLACK people who are in fact Natives to this land. See the Dawes Roll) but the U.S. recognize the 5 Tribes, the white majority ones who actually fought with the Confederate against the US, they get 416 million or Billion dollars a year, disperse to them from the reserve that Obama signed off on. They did not campaign for this money.

The land is not only their land, black folks had ownership in this land before any of the "white" clear looking Native Americans arrived here. This their land myth can easily be debunked. Most/majority of the Native Americans that are on this land today, and who claim to be Native Americans are white folks, 5-dollar Indians.

Bruh, I'm not getting into any of that with you. I don't care what color you think the Natives are.

I answered your question directly. They got their citizenship act in 1924 and most of the acts that have gone to them since then have addressed how the U.S. is allowed to interact with the Reservations. Period. That includes much of what Obama signed for them.
Push For and institute the MORE Act/SAFER Banking Act ensuring 30% of all medicinal/recreational licenses be allocated to members of the Black Community; Furthermore stating that any excise tax levied on Production, Processing, Sale, and transport marijuana related products or Businesses be allocated to trust funds or the development of credit unions in the Black Communities of America afflicted by the war on drugs. Currently these bills are backed in parts by republicans and democrats alike and is currently being held up due to the Social Equity pieces meaning they are trying to cut out correcting the wrongs in our communities affected by this. It would be tough for Republican AGs to have standing ground in light of the Opioid ruling.

Just a thought. Kamala H. sponsored a version of the Safe Banking Act so makes sense to put her feet to the flames.🔥
Assuming we get a democratic majority in Congress like we had when Obama was in Office.

Improve it how, could you explain how that would look for black people? babies, teens, adults, elder, are you talking close to free? What does that look like for black folks?

I don't do drugs, most black folks don't smoke weed. I'm not an offender, most black folks are NOT offenders.

Free pre-k? Isn't that free already?? Every black man don't have a baby.

The only one that may stand out, if free CC, why not do Free University?? Why would one want to go to a community college? Majority of black folks? Why not do free Universities? Which one out of the two is deem high?

Yes, Obama had a supermajority, and he never tried to get anything done specifically for Black people and never said he would try, so I'm not sure why you're bringing him up.

Go look up Universal Healthcare man, I don't feel like going through all the details here nor am I the most qualified. All I'll say is that tax money would be used to give everyone in the country including black people free healthcare. Since it would be funded by taxes, impoverished people would really be paying much if anything towards the system. Since black people are disproportionately in poverty, this is something that would help black people more than anyone else.

Ok, but you didn't say it had to help you. You were asking for things that would help black people. The jails are bursting at the seems with black people serving hard time for minor shit. Does that not matter to you?

Pre-K is not free universally. That is a problem for poor people who can't afford childcare, which again happens to be black people disproportionately. And again weren't you the one just arguing with someone that not every idea that's good for black people will help every single black person?

You can say free public universities. The government can't force private institutions to let black people in for free. Community colleges would be an easier bar to meet because they are cheaper. The government would have a hard time opening up past that without some type of tuition reform that lowered the cost of universities in general.
Yes, Obama had a supermajority, and he never tried to get anything done specifically for Black people and never said he would try, so I'm not sure why you're bringing him up.

Go look up Universal Healthcare man, I don't feel like going through all the details here nor am I the most qualified. All I'll say is that tax money would be used to give everyone in the country including black people free healthcare. Since it would be funded by taxes, impoverished people would really be paying much if anything towards the system. Since black people are disproportionately in poverty, this is something that would help black people more than anyone else.

Ok, but you didn't say it had to help you. You were asking for things that would help black people. The jails are bursting at the seems with black people serving hard time for minor shit. Does that not matter to you?

Pre-K is not free universally. That is a problem for poor people who can't afford childcare, which again happens to be black people disproportionately. And again weren't you the one just arguing with someone that not every idea that's good for black people will help every single black person?

You can say free public universities. The government can't force private institutions to let black people in for free. Community colleges would be an easier bar to meet because they are cheaper. The government would have a hard time opening up past that without some type of tuition reform that lowered the cost of universities in general.

I brought it up to show you that they had all of the branches and still nothing was done for black folks, and the healthcare bill, those who were working, their insurance premiums/deductibles shot up so that they can pay for another motherfuker who qualified for this Obama care bullshit. 100 folks pay more for their premiums/deductibles for 100 folks to that can qualify for Obamacare get to have free insurance. Yea that's awesome lol.

It won't help black folks, because most black folks don't qualify, it's all kinds of red tape to even qualify for that mess. And when you do qualify, you are limited to the kinds of prescriptions that you need lol come on dude.

That does not help me. I'm not a criminal, I couldn't care less, minor or major, don't do crime. They don't benefit my everyday life, nor my family, and i have family whose lock up on some petty shit. How does releasing criminals out to society a W for black folks as a whole?? how will that improve/elevate the black race.

Pre-K is not free universally but it's free in most states/areas. Pre-K is free for the most part. That's not a W.

I'm seeking for things that will elevate my people, releasing criminals will not get black men and women outta of the bottom position, this can be item 77 on the list not in the TOP 3 of things.
If Kamala aint the person to convince to get things passed, then why do the Native Americans, Asians, and other groups have things in place??

These folks don't vote or convince Senators, Congressmen? How many Asian congressmen and senators do yall know?
Japanese reparations was able to get through because 3 or 4 house members and 1 senator lobbied for almost 20 years to get a bill passed. Y'all gotta stop thinking others are getting all these benefits with just a snap of their fingers.
I brought it up to show you that they had all of the branches and still nothing was done for black folks, and the healthcare bill, those who were working, their insurance premiums/deductibles shot up so that they can pay for another motherfuker who qualified for this Obama care bullshit. 100 folks pay more for their premiums/deductibles for 100 folks to that can qualify for Obamacare get to have free insurance. Yea that's awesome lol.

It won't help black folks, because most black folks don't qualify, it's all kinds of red tape to even qualify for that mess. And when you do qualify, you are limited to the kinds of prescriptions that you need lol come on dude.

That does not help me. I'm not a criminal, I couldn't care less, minor or major, don't do crime. They don't benefit my everyday life, nor my family, and i have family whose lock up on some petty shit. How does releasing criminals out to society a W for black folks as a whole?? how will that improve/elevate the black race.

Pre-K is not free universally but it's free in most states/areas. Pre-K is free for the most part. That's not a W.

I'm seeking for things that will elevate my people, releasing criminals will not get black men and women outta of the bottom position, this can be item 77 on the list not in the TOP 3 of things.

Yes, and Obama was considered a failure for most of that. The political climate has changed now. Biden was able to get more big bills passed in his first four years than Obama was in his even without a majority, so that's a null point.

I don't think you know what Universal Healthcare is. It's not something black people would have to qualify for. It's something that would be offered to all American citizens.

Elevating your people isn't just about helping you. Almost none of the things I've mentioned would help me in anyway, but I'd still support them because, at the very least, they'd lift the floor for our community which would help millions of black people. If your reasoning for not wanting to push for certain things is "It does not help me," I'd have to question if you really are trying to elevate your people or just yourself.
Japanese reparations was able to get through because 3 or 4 house members and 1 senator lobbied for almost 20 years to get a bill passed. Y'all gotta stop thinking others are getting all these benefits with just a snap of their fingers.

The camps were in 1942- 1946

Congress provided $38 million in reparations in 1948 and forty years later paid an additional $20,000 to each surviving individual who had been detained in the camps.

They paid 38 million 2 years later, and paid "another" 20k 40 years later

Yes It was a snap of the fingers
Yeah I think folks underestimate just how hard it is to get things passed and often speak as if the President makes unilateral decisions on these things. Kamala can put all of these ideas in her campaign. She'd still need the cooperation of people outside of her camp to get them done. Kamala ain't the person to convince. It's other senators and politicians who'd need to get on board for these changes to happen

Also think we put why too much on the President/Presidency. The vast majority of laws/bills passed, is done by your state representatives. They're the ones that need to be pressed first, then whoever is President.
Yes, and Obama was considered a failure for most of that. The political climate has changed now. Biden was able to get more big bills passed in his first four years than Obama was in his even without a majority, so that's a null point.

I don't think you know what Universal Healthcare is. It's not something black people would have to qualify for. It's something that would be offered to all American citizens.

Elevating your people isn't just about helping you. Almost none of the things I've mentioned would help me in anyway, but I'd still support them because, at the very least, they'd lift the floor for our community which would help millions of black people. If your reasoning for not wanting to push for certain things is "It does not help me," I'd have to question if you really are trying to elevate your people or just yourself.

Those big bills passed, how is that helping the country now? Is the country better or worse?

I was speaking on your mentioning about the past healthcare push that was a complete failure in my opinion, and I laid out the reasons why that I thought it was, he pushed it and it had all types of traps in that program. If she can offer a Universal Healthcare, then I am good, but to me, as you stated before, I don't think that's realistic.

I don't see how letting criminals out of prison and legalizing weed is elevating millions of black people. Pushing for crimminals to be free is not elevating the black race out of last place in my opinion, but you seem to think it will do that. But ok.
Those big bills passed, how is that helping the country now? Is the country better or worse?

I was speaking on your mentioning about the past healthcare push that was a complete failure in my opinion, and I laid out the reasons why that I thought it was, he pushed it and it had all types of traps in that program. If she can offer a Universal Healthcare, then I am good, but to me, as you stated before, I don't think that's realistic.

I don't see how letting criminals out of prison and legalizing weed is elevating millions of black people. But ok.

I never mentioned Obamacare as being good for black people though. When I say something that will help black people, I'm talking about Universal Health Care.

lol If you don't think that freeing thousands of black people who are doing years for petty crimes and getting rid of the crime that has basically allowed the government to lock up our people would be good for our people, I don't know what to tell you. You're literally the first supposed pro-black person I've ever encountered that didn't support that idea.