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Should be a category called “If there is a God, I trust that he’s smart enough to understand why I don’t believe in his invisible ass”

Sorry I could not make it bigger but this is the best explanation I could find.
What’s the difference between Christianity and your spiritual journey?
Jesus the Virgin Mary most of the stuff in between. Religion tend to separate people’s belief in God. I am not saying religion is bad or anything because some people need that kind of structure and to be told how they should interact with God. But my spirituality starts with the words I and I which translated means me and the most high. There isn’t anything in between us. Now I read the Bible regularly and have read the Quran and other books of knowledge. But without getting too deep. I will not believe that a virgin can get pregnant because someone translated words wrong and took a word that meant young girl and changed into one who didn’t have sex. ( just pointing one thing out not trying to offend anyone)
I really been on the fence about this shit since a teen

I was only made to go to church in the summers w/ my grandparents and that was only up til 4th grade maybe.

To answer the question I was baptized and made a "member" of a baptist church as a kid but I would say I really identify by that

I went to Catholic church sometimes too.....Get this, my grandparents were opposite....Pop went to his baptist church and Mom went to her Catholic church and they did this for 50+ years

No mooslims on ABW?

my dad is a "jailhouse muslim"

started writing me letters in all arabic lookin shit and allah everything

he still "practices" this shit and goes to mosques and all that but still in the damn street smh
my biggest issue right now is I have no idea which direction to lead my children into on this matter

got both grannies vaguely telling them things I may not completely agree with

I really have no choice but to further my knowledge because otherwise Im either knowingly leading them in the wrong direction, or just leaving it up to their surroundings to mold them smh
yikes.....see Im not ready for that

I couldnt just leave it at that tho, i'd be forced to share my opinions

which I cant be sure are right or wrong

I must still believe somewhat, because im conflicted and feel bad about dismissing it sometimes

need to find my way quick
My son is really into science like the Big Bang, Cosmos, birth of stars & planets, ect....

And if u look at the world from a scientific standpoint i believe he drew the correct conclusion.