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Do You Believe In Dinosaurs?

Where are you getting your information about the Earth growing or shrinking? NASA states the measurement (0.004 inches) is insignificant.

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You (or NASA) say that the Earth is only growing 0.004 inches per year.

But who's to say that this growth is linear? They said they used data from as far back as the 20th Century, but we all know that anything could have happened between 100 million - 200 million years ago that may have caused the Earth to shrink or grow at a different rate than history has recorded.
I think because we haven't found out how they did shit, how we got here, how the pyramids work and where they at, and how they get here and why they leave.

It would appear to me they have superior knowledge.

First of all, we dont even have proof that they exist.

I totally believe in the existence of aliens btw. Im just not going to attribute things "they" accomplished to them cause we have no proof they ever existed.

But, in the case that aliens do exist and that they did build the pyramids, just because they were technologically superior to me doesnt make them higher beings.

Thats like saying humans today are higher beings than humans 2000 years ago because they rode horses and we drive cars.

The string theory theorizes that that there are anywhere from 12 to an infinite number of dimensions.

We only occupy three. Time is not a dimension. Its something else completly. Human beings are three dimensional beings, and unless these so called aliems occupy 4 or more, they not higher beings.
First of all, we dont even have proof that they exist.

I totally believe in the existence of aliens btw. Im just not going to attribute things "they" accomplished to them cause we have no proof they ever existed.

But, in the case that aliens do exist and that they did build the pyramids, just because they were technologically superior to me doesnt make them higher beings.

Thats like saying humans today are higher beings than humans 2000 years ago because they rode horses and we drive cars.

The string theory theorizes that that there are anywhere from 12 to an infinite number of dimensions.

We only occupy three. Time is not a dimension. Its something else completly. Human beings are three dimensional beings, and unless these so called aliems occupy 4 or more, they not higher beings.

The fifth dimension is life
First of all, we dont even have proof that they exist.

I totally believe in the existence of aliens btw. Im just not going to attribute things "they" accomplished to them cause we have no proof they ever existed.

But, in the case that aliens do exist and that they did build the pyramids, just because they were technologically superior to me doesnt make them higher beings.

Thats like saying humans today are higher beings than humans 2000 years ago because they rode horses and we drive cars.

The string theory theorizes that that there are anywhere from 12 to an infinite number of dimensions.

We only occupy three. Time is not a dimension. Its something else completly. Human beings are three dimensional beings, and unless these so called aliems occupy 4 or more, they not higher beings.
OK......Since we often put intellect in higher status than most things or the fact someone may be better we refer to them as superior in some ways.......So they have the title.

Now if they come back and with all their kniedge you still put them in a head lock ...Then I guess you would be superior.
And an earthly thug
OK......Since we often put intellect in higher status than most things or the fact someone may be better we refer to them as superior in some ways.......So they have the title.

Now if they come back and with all their kniedge you still put them in a head lock ...Then I guess you would be superior.
And an earthly thug

Nah because a higher being in this case was referred to from a planes standpoint. Like aliens are from higher planes than us. Thats the part that didnt make sense to me. Like why is an alien on a random planet a higher level being to me.

Also, does that mean that we as humans are higher level beings than other less advance aliens.

If we could in our state be higher level beings, then what does that say about mfers that we put on a pedestal as higher level beings?

Im getting too deep
Socrates was also the most arrogant mfer in the world and got killed because of it.

Cool little quote credited to socrates, which, he probably never even said. If he did say it, he said it cause it sounded good.

But the real socrates was a really smart mfer who would use logic to destroy your way of thinking for sport. That mfer knew that he knew.

And he would be dragging all yall in here that even give a second thought to dinosaurs not existing.

Thats from his biographies btw. Its cool to pull up a quote from dude, but read his whole life and you see he was a world class dick.

Im a fan of his way of thinking though. Its all about logic. Logic beats everything according to him

Dude, the point I am making is to just listen to people without automatically dismissing them because you don't agree. That is being close-minded.

A mega dude into philosophy. Wow.


Nah I been reading up on a lot of philosophers . It's often crazy how people stay in a mode of thinking and never question their own beliefs and if what they believe was built on a fucked up and toxic foundation. Which can think make how they search and process information.

And it's also hard to debate a stance if you don't understand what you are against.

Bruh, we got some smart dudes over in the Mega thread.

You (or NASA) say that the Earth is only growing 0.004 inches per year.

But who's to say that this growth is linear? They said they used data from as far back as the 20th Century, but we all know that anything could have happened between 100 million - 200 million years ago that may have caused the Earth to shrink or grow at a different rate than history has recorded.

We can only make deductions based on what we can currently measure.

How far do you want to speculate?
Dude, the point I am making is to just listen to people without automatically dismissing them because you don't agree. That is being close-minded.

Bruh, im not gonna listen to mfers saying dinosaurs never existed for the sake of open mindedness. Same as the earth being flat.

Lmao. We can discuss and disagree about real science and philosophies for days.

I draw my the line for my openmindedness at psuedoscience.
Nah because a higher being in this case was referred to from a planes standpoint. Like aliens are from higher planes than us. Thats the part that didnt make sense to me. Like why is an alien on a random planet a higher level being to me.

Also, does that mean that we as humans are higher level beings than other less advance aliens.

If we could in our state be higher level beings, then what does that say about mfers that we put on a pedestal as higher level beings?

Im getting too deep

Something to consider is that aliens might not be in the same generation as us.

Meaning; if you landed on Earth in the year 1900, your opinion of humans would be completely different than if you landed on Earth in 2020. Nowadays a person in New York can talk to a person in real time to somebody in Hong Kong, which is on the other side of the planet. We have planes, helicopters, even satellites. in the year 1900 we had none of that.

So if the aliens landed in 1900 they'd think one thing, if they landed in 2020 they'd judge us differently.
Nah because a higher being in this case was referred to from a planes standpoint. Like aliens are from higher planes than us. Thats the part that didnt make sense to me. Like why is an alien on a random planet a higher level being to me.

Also, does that mean that we as humans are higher level beings than other less advance aliens.

If we could in our state be higher level beings, then what does that say about mfers that we put on a pedestal as higher level beings?

Im getting too deep

If those "aliens" had a hand in the creation of humans, you don't consider them a "higher" being?
Nah because a higher being in this case was referred to from a planes standpoint. Like aliens are from higher planes than us. Thats the part that didnt make sense to me. Like why is an alien on a random planet a higher level being to me.

Also, does that mean that we as humans are higher level beings than other less advance aliens.

If we could in our state be higher level beings, then what does that say about mfers that we put on a pedestal as higher level beings?

Im getting too deep
Nah ya not.
I like the line of questioning. Makes people think and answer what and why they believe.

But as you once stated you are an arrogant mf...So your ideals falling into line with people needing to prove other beings are superior to you.

But from religious texts across the world all speak about beings from the sky. And like I said earlier....The intellect they most posses are more advanced than our own....But what makes they "superior" to us but us not to other beings we have no connection is is that they were here and it's implied that they created us.

We are superior to what we create until it overtakes us.
.right now we are superior to AI.....Until.....