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"You Look Average At Best. You're Gonna Die Alone" Dating Consultant Gives Woman A Savage Response When She Says She Wants A 6-Figure Man!

I knew it was Kevin Samuels as soon as I saw the thread title.

Tough love, but it's exactly what some people need to hear.

Too many people are so delusional about the expectations they have for a prospective s/o.................that they're too oblivious to realize that they themselves fall well short of the standards of the type of person they want to be with.

Same. The hard truth hurts.
5 figures can take you in vaays more than twice a year. People need to live within their budget.
And two five figure people could save a good amount of money.

I think people always assume 5 figure means only up to 30k or something.

Like what if a dude has his house and car paid off and making 60k. That's a lot of money left over. People don't like to see potential...They only want results.
5 figures can be 99k

and you are absolutely correct. its all about budgeting

5 figures can def get you high end designer shit and some foreign luxury cars not named BMW and Mercedes

there is not much difference between a 2015 Panamera and a 2020 other than price

Trust me I know....
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5 figures can be 99k

and you are absolutely correct. its all about budgeting

5 figures can def get you high end designer shit and some foreign luxury cars not named BMW and Mercedes

there is not much difference between a 2015 Panamera and a 2020 other than price

Trust me I know....

You know how many used Maserati Quattroporte's are out there for $30k or less right now? Porsche Boxters for under $10k? All these broads know is the badge on the hood or the grille. Drop some keys to a 2002 Maserati coupe you copped for $15K and see if she complains.
Nigga sound hurt. Shit was funny but sad at the same time. She will be aite though. She just gotta work on herself and build her personality. Folks put too much stock in looks and not enough in personality

Looks opens the door. Personality keeps you in the building. A lotta men and women with average looks but amazing personalities get overlooked because of their looks. They usually end up with someone they got to know on a different level.
he gave shorty a gift even tho she didn't want to receive it

too many people (especially women) have no idea of what really attracts the type of person they are looking for

nothing wrong with a woman looking for a dude w/ 6 figs...............but she got to understand what really comes w/ trying to drive in that particular lane

a lot of men really don't care what type of money a woman makes, so it's got to be devastating for a woman to have to realize all the extra accomplishments don't compensate for what they weren't naturally born with?
Here's the thing,

You wanna shut that shit down.... Shut down her line of thinking.

If you think 6 figure salary is a dating requirement, you're placing a price on your head. Which in turn places you in a pool of women that are there essentially to be bought if you got the money.

It's at that point your worth to that man is determined on things that you may or may not be very unique at. You're directly placing an importance on something that is pretty much counterproductive to a mutual attraction between two people.

Like understand and recognize what you are asking for and what comes along with it. Just so there are no surprises. This will not be a relationship built off of anything you really bring to the table outside of your physical appearance.

I would have left it at that. I wouldn't have told her she just average... Cuz she might misinterpret that as maybe I gotta get surgery or something to look more appealing....

Then again.... If that's the direction she wanna go...so be it...... My whole point is she's chasing a superficial relationship, and those end horribly if you looking for anything real from it

I am printing this out and showing it to the chickenheads. Can't guarantee they will read or understand it. You couldn't have been any clearer on this. Great post.
Like if you legit looking for a date, look for someone who you laugh with.

Starting off.... Like in the very beginning, laughing with other, sharing the same sense of humor is the 100% best way to start off every single time.....

You can make decisions about other shit down the road later, cross those bridges when you get to them.... But if y'all first conversation is with smiles and laughter...that shit way more important than most the other shit people think they should look for first ??‍♂️
Here's the thing,

You wanna shut that shit down.... Shut down her line of thinking.

If you think 6 figure salary is a dating requirement, you're placing a price on your head. Which in turn places you in a pool of women that are there essentially to be bought if you got the money.

It's at that point your worth to that man is determined on things that you may or may not be very unique at. You're directly placing an importance on something that is pretty much counterproductive to a mutual attraction between two people.

Like understand and recognize what you are asking for and what comes along with it. Just so there are no surprises. This will not be a relationship built off of anything you really bring to the table outside of your physical appearance.

I would have left it at that. I wouldn't have told her she just average... Cuz she might misinterpret that as maybe I gotta get surgery or something to look more appealing....

Then again.... If that's the direction she wanna go...so be it...... My whole point is she's chasing a superficial relationship, and those end horribly if you looking for anything real from it
Pastor Du at it again.

this shit here is fire.

im not adding shit.......this need to just sit here.
Here's the thing,

You wanna shut that shit down.... Shut down her line of thinking.

If you think 6 figure salary is a dating requirement, you're placing a price on your head. Which in turn places you in a pool of women that are there essentially to be bought if you got the money.

It's at that point your worth to that man is determined on things that you may or may not be very unique at. You're directly placing an importance on something that is pretty much counterproductive to a mutual attraction between two people.

Like understand and recognize what you are asking for and what comes along with it. Just so there are no surprises. This will not be a relationship built off of anything you really bring to the table outside of your physical appearance.

I would have left it at that. I wouldn't have told her she just average... Cuz she might misinterpret that as maybe I gotta get surgery or something to look more appealing....

Then again.... If that's the direction she wanna go...so be it...... My whole point is she's chasing a superficial relationship, and those end horribly if you looking for anything real from it

I agree w/ the whole basis being a superficial relationship

but there is nothing wrong with prerequisites or firm standards for yourself

the problem is that mofos aren't honest about what they qualify for

nothing is wrong with saying u don't want to be with a certain type of person..........to do otherwise would just be "settling" which is the worst thing u can do if u are looking for a long term relationship

if she genuinely looking for a certain dude I wouldn't tell her to settle for the guy who doesn't meet her standards just cuz another guy can stimulate an emotional connection with her............there are some people that ain't good for us no matter what type of genuine vibe we can make w/ them
i was always stuck on the 6 figures..

like thats the answer to money problem and can give you the life.

people forget they live according to what they make......you can be broke on 6 figures and living beyond your means and in debt still.

shit if 6 figure was an end all be all .....millionaires and billionaires should never go bankrupt.
I also don't really understand why some people don't understand subjectivity. That woman is average at best to HIM. She's average at best to ME. She's average at best to Y'ALL. But I can promise you that somewhere, there are plenty niggas walking around with a 6-figure income who would find her way more than 'average at best'.