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Yeezy a Billionaire?

I’m not impressed by crackers till they end white supremacy. Ain’t like she changed prison conditions in the US.

not even that. Black activist, community leaders and lawyers have been working tirelessly to free humans facing incarceration. it was Black women that worked to free mothers from jail that couldnt afford bond in Bmore and Cali.

im not undermining Kim Ks “efforts” but i also aint dumb enough to believe the rich are freeing ppl out of the kindness of their hearts. she knows how to leverage media attention for personal and public gains.

furthermore, i dont give corny applause and tokens to the bougieous for helping others. thats everyones moral obligation especially when you have power and influence.

im just not about praising white men and women for coopting the efforts of Black men and women who have been in the field for decades and will die poor and nameless.
because you start bitching when I bring it up and now we here.
see now you going on hoe shit,.

i said you dont have to like the man....he can be a coon and no one is excusing what he did......

but it is what it is...i see it how i see it.

great journey
an he was shredded too on this site.
because he has a white wife and is a venture capitalist.

just fuck all the black people he helped.

I mean he a billionaire he can’t buy a project building and remodel that shit and hire blue collar workers to work on it? Don’t you do that all the time? If he did that wouldn’t be any complaints. But then y’all would say why help niggas if they just gonna xyz
I mean he a billionaire he can’t buy a project building and remodel that shit and hire blue collar workers to work on it? Don’t you do that all the time? If he did that wouldn’t be any complaints. But then y’all would say why help niggas if they just gonna xyz
the man paid off a whole graduating class of black mens school loans.
then he went and paid off all they parents debt.

so whats more important....the black men he helped or the white chick in his bed?
anywho, at the basic level, dick eating the rich is just silly. you have 0 in common with the bourgeious. like i said before, you have more in common with the homeless man outside the papi store than you do with kanye or diddy or your daddy hov

you turn your noses up at Black folks in historically looted areas that are forced to sell drugs because thats the only viable economic sys in their neighborhood and dick bump yourselves to death over the fortunes of rich Black folks that have only gained that level of wealth via exploitation.

and yes you are part of the exploited group ...sorry lol

fact is, you praise the oppressor and hate those that are oppressed because society said you too can get rich one day via bootstrapism

reality is, the majority of you will never be a millionaire and that will be to no fault of your own.
its strategically designed that a few eat and many starve.

pick up a damn pitch fork and cancel your forbes subscription

eat the rich or die trying
the man paid off a whole graduating class of black mens school loans.
then he went and paid off all they parents debt.

so whats more important....the black men he helped or the white chick in his bed?

you talking about Kanye or the other dude I thought this was about Kanye. Oprah paid niggas school and you can’t stand her. Did you give her her flowers too?
This funny cuz Cory Holcomn on his show once said Kanye not even from Chicago, and didnt even hang in the city. Said hes from somewhere just outside of it, but just claimed it.

But its really sad the way some of you worship wealth. A nigga can rob 100k poor people, but if yall hear he/she super rich, its an instant "salute" this and "black excellence" that. It instantly doesnt mean shit if someone black got a lot of money, but they fuck with the enemy. That means they're gunna make sure only them and their kids are the only POC at the party.

Its 2020 and yall still acting so damn slave, like you never seen a nigga with money before. Want everyone black int he country to pause and cry into their bible because you heard a nigga made some money or got into a good school. How much longer till some of you stop acting like we're inferior to white people? Cant keep preacher black power this and that but are shocked and amazed that one of us got into Harvard like some white racists.

Niggas rich af braggin about how much of a boss they are, till you press them on what they doing to help POC in America. Then all of a sudden they got their hat in their hand telling us we gotta understand that they're trying, but theres only so much they can do, because they dont have as much power and influence as we think. FOH
anywho, at the basic level, dick eating the rich is just silly. you have 0 in common with the bourgeious. like i said before, you have more in common with the homeless man outside the papi store than you do with kanye or diddy or your daddy hov

you turn your noses up at Black folks in historically looted areas that are forced to sell drugs because thats the only viable economic sys in their neighborhood and dick bump yourselves to death over the fortunes of rich Black folks that have only gained that level of wealth via exploitation.

and yes you are part of the exploited group ...sorry lol

fact is, you praise the oppressor and hate those that are oppressed because society said you too can get rich one day via bootstrapism

reality is, the majority of you will never be a millionaire and that will be to no fault of your own.
its strategically designed that a few eat and many starve.

pick up a damn pitch fork and cancel your forbes subscription

eat the rich or die trying
This funny cuz Cory Holcomn on his show once said Kanye not even from Chicago, and didnt even hang in the city. Said hes from somewhere just outside of it, but just claimed it.

But its really sad the way some of you worship wealth. A nigga can rob 100k poor people, but if yall hear he/she super rich, its an instant "salute" this and "black excellence" that. It instantly doesnt mean shit if someone black got a lot of money, but they fuck with the enemy. That means they're gunna make sure only them and their kids are the only POC at the party.

Its 2020 and yall still acting so damn slave, like you never seen a nigga with money before. Want everyone black int he country to pause and cry into their bible because you heard a nigga made some money or got into a good school. How much longer till some of you stop acting like we're inferior to white people? Cant keep preacher black power this and that but are shocked and amazed that one of us got into Harvard like some white racists.

Niggas rich af braggin about how much of a boss they are, till you press them on what they doing to help POC in America. Then all of a sudden they got their hat in their hand telling us we gotta understand that they're trying, but theres only so much they can do, because they dont have as much power and influence as we think. FOH
There's a lot of pain and bitterness behind these words

Jesus Wept
So we mad at a black man for having a successful black owned business .... which he got CACs to fund

what we doing here?
As much as I want to, I cant even salute that for 1 reason. The way he went about it. Black people had Kanye back for years and that made him a millionaire rapper.

Then he wanted to go into high end fashion. Then if my memory is correct, those racist white people shunned him and reminded him what color he is and where hes from. After that who had his back? Of course black people. Instead of riding with us again to even more success, he groveled on his hands and knees beggin and crying for those white fashion elites (that steal black american design and trends btw) to let him be their token black friend. What kinda shit is that? He didnt have to beg them for shit, he had the finance and the following to do this shit without their help or blessing.

Some yall really fought to get out the mud, just so you can join the people that were throwing mud at you, as a lackey. Even had your wife laughing at yo stupid ass for this shit


and its a lot of dick sucking behind that screen
its fucking kanye lmaooo the nigga gave yall his ass to kiss and like a lamb to the slaughter yall kissing it?????

anyways imma about to listen to rod wave yall weak and embarrassing like i said
also, get your self esteem up. only niggas with low self esteem flock after the rich in hopes of being thrown a bone.

Jesus Wept