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WWE WrestleMania (4/2/22 - 4/3/22)

Imagine if they went on RIGHT AFTER Stone Cold. The energy from that excitement would've been sucked out b4 the bell even starts their match.

I was like a lot of yall questioning why KO Show/SC match was main eventing. But understanding why made a lot more sense. If she didn't know that...then someone should've explained it to her.

“Ronda thought that she was going on last. She wasn’t. The Kevin Owens Show was going on last. And when she found out she was furious, I was told. One person who knows her, so I presume that this is true, said she was so mad Friday that she walked out. So she wasn’t at the Hall of Fame. Cooler heads prevailed, I guess, and she showed up today. … She was ANGRY that they did not go on last.”


she should be furious over her performance last night
Imagine if they went on RIGHT AFTER Stone Cold. The energy from that excitement would've been sucked out b4 the bell even starts their match.

I was like a lot of yall questioning why KO Show/SC match was main eventing. But understanding why made a lot more sense. If she didn't know that...then someone should've explained it to her.

She shouldn't have to be explained that..its stone cold in Texas with the possibility of wrestling...was she living under a rock after her matches were over in the UFC...I think this is all an ego thing w her..
undertaker won the RR and his WM “main event” was the 4th match of the night

john cena won the RR and his WM “main event” was third from the bottom

yes the RR winner should headline WM but exceptions have been made in the past. some made sense. others didn’t. last nights decision made sense

ronda needs to get over it, if those reports are true
She shouldn't have to be explained that..its stone cold in Texas with the possibility of wrestling...was she living under a rock after her matches were over in the UFC...I think this is all an ego thing w her..


Could be that she thought she had same "cache" she had when was in the UFC. Thinkin her draw was bigger than a SC moment.
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WWE learned its lesson because they ran into this issue a few times notably having HHH / Jericho go last over Rock / Hogan and having HHH / Orton go last over HBK/ Taker.

They may do questionable shit 98% of the time but they got it right this time lol

For Vince to have all this power...he could've called an audible on that Rock/Hogan match.

The flip side...I don't think anyone could've predicted just how BIG that moment was gonna turn out. The fans reactions for both of them probably caught them off guard. So I can't blame them for having that match b4 HHH/Jericho. It just sucked for HHH & Jericho. Lol

Could be that she hought she had same "cache" she had when was in the UFC. Thinkin her draw was bigger than a SC moment.

Yea..check her shit at the door..I bet when she stormed out most people were like.."...ummmm ok."

Then she realized nobody gives a fuck n she would be fucking up her money so she decided to come back..
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Yea..check her shit at the door..I bet when she stormed out most people were like.."...ummmm ok."

Until she realized nobody gives a fuck n she would be fucking up her money..

Oh I'm sure someone had to talk her down from that ledge.

Had she walked out...I wonder what they would've done to replace her?

Fucc it...have Bianca face Charlotte for the title. Those two put on a classic match on Raw the last time they faced each other. 2 Horsewomen in one nite? Now that would've been a WM curveball. Bianca Two Belts...then just unify them.

Just throwing an idea out there.
Yep. And there’s been plenty of times where the winner of the rumble doesn’t main event a Wrestlemania
You think casuals and the majority know that? Especially when every year Wwe tells you that the rumble determines the main event at wrestle mania? I don’t tell you that, Wwe tells you that. Especially with how hard Roman went to make sure that Edge picked him last year.
Oh I'm sure someone had to talk her down from that ledge.

Had she walked out...I wonder what they would've done to replace her?

Fucc it...have Bianca face Charlotte for the title. Those two put on a classic match on Raw the last time they faced each other. 2 Horsewomen in one nite? Now that would've been a WM curveball. Bianca Two Belts...then just unify them.

Just throwing an idea out there.

Not gon lie that would be LIT. She’s already their chosen superstar so that would only solidify her even more
And if stone cold in Texas is so big why not close out the weekend like that after Roman and Brock?
Because Roman/Brock is the biggest match of all time according to them. Can’t be mad at that but you’ll obviously find a way to be lol
And according to them the winner of the rumble main events at wrestle mania. But like I said fans getting their intelligence insulted and no long term booking
Oh I'm sure someone had to talk her down from that ledge.

Had she walked out...I wonder what they would've done to replace her?

Fucc it...have Bianca face Charlotte for the title. Those two put on a classic match on Raw the last time they faced each other. 2 Horsewomen in one nite? Now that would've been a WM curveball. Bianca Two Belts...then just unify them.

Just throwing an idea out there.

Honestly I would like to see that! Bianca v Charlotte title for title. Shit would be dope.
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Lol and folks had a problem with Austin closing before hand. Nothing was going to follow their biggest star ever return at Mania. Folks realize they bitch about nothing sometimes...