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Work Out, Get Fit Thread

Single Leg squats / lunges exercise
Jumping squats
Wall plank

Squats (weights)
Single leg squats / lunges exercise (weights)
Jumping squats (weights)
Wall plank

Push- Ups
Wide pushups
Mike Tyson
Twist Push - ups
Incline / Decline push ups

Russian Twist
Leg Raises
Flutter Kicks
Hip raises

Navy Burpees
Jumping Jacks
Jog in Place - High Knees
Hip Bridges
Single Leg squats / lunges exercise
Jumping squats
Wall plank

Squats (weights)
Single leg squats / lunges exercise (weights)
Jumping squats (weights)
Wall plank

Push- Ups
Wide pushups
Mike Tyson
Twist Push - ups
Incline / Decline push ups

Russian Twist
Leg Raises
Flutter Kicks
Hip raises

Navy Burpees
Jumping Jacks
Jog in Place - High Knees
Hip Bridges
You tryna lose weight right?

And can you explain that very last one to me?
Take a hoody and cover the machine.

Or towel.

Can’t believe in a post Covid world gyms are still choosing to forgo sanitary wipes
My gym has numerous spray bottles with the antibacterial spray and enough paper towels to survive a zombie apocalypse

It's the members that don't use it. I always feel like when I'm in there I'm the only person that uses them before and after I use equipment

There are some that use them on treadmills and stuff but most of the white dudes just transfer their swear from station to station
She already has a significantly pronounced abdominal shell…

Meaning any abdominal work she would have done would have achieved those results.

Lessons in muscle memory.
Chicks be selling other chicks dreams
There is an idea of a Blafy. Some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me. Only an entity. Something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours, and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable, I simply am not there.”

Unfortunately, the injury to my left knee about 2 years ago keeps me a little limited . I still work on my legs but I know I can add more weights if my knee was like how it was before my injury.
Have you ever gone to PT?
My favorite leg machine in the world

I think you can safely load so much weight trying to rep til failure

Also something I’ve been trying on leg press and some other movements

Only going about 3/4 of the way back up on each rep instead of coming to near lockout (it’s dangerous to actually 100% lockout with this movement but that’s not the reason I do it)

I start to feel the tension in my quads let up as I approach lockout, but when I go 3/4s of the way up, that doesn’t happen and it makes lighter weight feel a whole lot heavier by the end of the set
Yeah but it’s also very quad dominant so make sure to program that with something that hits glutes/hams as well
I'm tryna get those quads b. That's exactly the muscle group I'm trying to target.
I'm tryna get those quads b. That's exactly the muscle group I'm trying to target.
Me too

I start leg day with heavy leg extensions (working up to as heavy as you can go and get 6 reps) as a warmup for my knees and to pre exhaust quads

Mfs be popping by the end of the workout
In case anyone needed another reason to get going, high intensity exercise has been proven to kill cancer cells
