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FEATURED Woman Gets Hit With A Brick After Not Giving Guy Her Number: Update, turns herself in to police after story was found to be not true

I wouldn't say a bunch, but there are a few, yes.

Bruh do you do that shit with white folks? I’ve seen you paint a lot of women with a broad brush and then complain when it’s done to men. It’s more than a few niggas who are disrespectful to women. And women keep saying this and miggas bring up how sometimes women are rude. Like are we going to be real lol
Bruh do you do that shit with white folks? I’ve seen you paint a lot of women with a broad brush and then complain when it’s done to men. It’s more than a few niggas who are disrespectful to women. And women keep saying this and miggas bring up how sometimes women are rude. Like are we going to be real lol

What the fuck are you talking about???

The numbers don't support a "bunch" of niggas out here gunnin' down chicks for rejecting their advances. Shits like a handful a year IF it's even 5. That's what I was talking about. I replied directly to a comment saying:

"Remember dude from Alabama who popped that chick cuz she wouldn’t give him her number

It’s a bunch of slow ass violent dudes walking this earth"

Within the context of that, nothing I said was wrong.

And you got a lot of goddamned nerve. YOU have been more than guilty of painting your brethren in an ill, fucked up ass light than could ever be said about me and women. If any one person is consistent in that, it's YOU bruh. Even when empirical evidence to prove you wrong has been produced, you STILL cling to your fucked up views of Black men. And that last sentence should sound awfully familiar 'cause I've said it directly to you on more than one occasion.
Yea but I don’t see say women not believing in all the gender roles allows for this. It’s basic human decency to help people when they are hurt. So my wife wants to work or some lady up the street says she can raise her kids by herself. It’s still basic shit from a social standpoint. Folks can’t complain about being about being selfish and then go reinforce it.

A lot of y’all say crime was worse in the 80s and 90s y’all think shit like this just started happening. To me we live in a society at least for those who grew up on rap where some of the most popular rap songs was about how bitches ain’t shit and lion where we are? Those same songs talked about killing all the time and look where we are. Yes we had balance from other acts but the damage is done.

So what we supposed to do

If women say they don’t believe in gender roles, then that means the right kind of action needed for a man to want to risk his life when it comes to protecting her? How can I do that for a woman who don’t think I can tell her anything from how she dresses to how she talks??? If we keep all these lines blurred, then what we doing? We basically allowing for too much confusion to build because we aren’t simplifying things to operate at their best. Then hoping nothing don’t happen.

It’s just another shaming moment women use to throw in our faces when things go wrong. Protection is more than just being reactive, cuz now you using BM as objects for your own personal defense whenever something goes wrong.

So now again, random men don’t owe women anything. If I have a girlfriend I’m dealing with, or a woman in general? That’s who I’m protecting. She’s the center of my attention. This is why women like that can’t speak towards the concept of community. How does she know those men don’t have a lady already? She can’t speak negatively on me for not defending her cuz if we got a wave of women putting men’s lives at risk you can place dozens of women at a disadvantage because one Woman can’t control herself.
What the fuck are you talking about???

The numbers don't support a "bunch" of niggas out here gunnin' down chicks for rejecting their advances. Shits like a handful a year IF it's even 5. That's what I was talking about. I replied directly to a comment saying:

"Remember dude from Alabama who popped that chick cuz she wouldn’t give him her number

It’s a bunch of slow ass violent dudes walking this earth"

Within the context of that, nothing I said was wrong.

And you got a lot of goddamned nerve. YOU have been more than guilty of painting your brethren in an ill, fucked up ass light than could ever be said about me and women. If any one person is consistent in that, it's YOU bruh. Even when empirical evidence to prove you wrong has been produced, you STILL cling to your fucked up views of Black men. And that last sentence should sound awfully familiar 'cause I've said it directly to you on more than one occasion.

Lol bruh I really don’t paint miggas in a negative light just because I think something happens more than you do. In your eyes what percentage is safe to say a lot? Does it have to be 30%? Y’all think women feeing unprotected is something that’s being lied about? Again I’m not saying every black man in America is on this but you make it seem like it happens once every blue moon and people just over exaggerate
Lol bruh I really don’t paint miggas in a negative light just because I think something happens more than you do. In your eyes what percentage is safe to say a lot? Does it have to be 30%? Y’all think women feeing unprotected is something that’s being lied about? Again I’m not saying every black man in America is on this but you make it seem like it happens once every blue moon and people just over exaggerate

When did I ever allude to that tho???
If women say they don’t believe in gender roles, then that means the right kind of action needed for a man to want to risk his life when it comes to protecting her? How can I do that for a woman who don’t think I can tell her anything from how she dresses to how she talks??? If we keep all these lines blurred, then what we doing? We basically allowing for too much confusion to build because we aren’t simplifying things to operate at their best. Then hoping nothing don’t happen.

It’s just another shaming moment women use to throw in our faces when things go wrong. Protection is more than just being reactive, cuz now you using BM as objects for your own personal defense whenever something goes wrong.

So now again, random men don’t owe women anything. If I have a girlfriend I’m dealing with, or a woman in general? That’s who I’m protecting. She’s the center of my attention. This is why women like that can’t speak towards the concept of community. How does she know those men don’t have a lady already? She can’t speak negatively on me for not defending her cuz if we got a wave of women putting men’s lives at risk you can place dozens of women at a disadvantage because one Woman can’t control herself.

Look not letting a woman get her ass beat because you can tell her how to dress are far apart. Some women don’t want to be in the house cooning and raising kids and they want to work. Does that mean I shouldn’t protect her? If my daughter in the house safe and I see her friend get assaulted and I jump in it nobody is going to be talking about feminism and shit. If you personally don’t want to jump in that’s fine man. it seem like only one’s worth looking out for is the ones in your circle.

And if you want to just protect you and yours and nobody else then you can’t get mad when folks view it as selfish and think our community is lacking. Folks in here talk about lack of unity right. Is this not an example?
There's definitely a disconnect in acknowledging the reality of the dangers of stepping in a domestic violence situation but that isn't something that appeared out of thin air. This actually isn't what some take issue with from what I've seen and heard when reading and talking to women about these instances. It actually kinda ties back into a video/thread I posted before with Dr. Umar getting on these 2 dudes for preaching about community and community building while actively stating they do not see the community as their responsibility.

So the conflict comes in when those same people who are the loudest about community needing to step up often overlap with the people who also say shit like what happened to that young lady isn't their responsibility to help. Either people want that role or they don't. But folks can't be out here preaching protecting the community, community policing, handling shit in house to keep white folks out but also loudly saying "nah I ain't helping out an innocent person being assaulted." Of course the people who tend to find themselves on the end of those assaults more are gonna have a gripe.

Then there's also just the basic idea that if we all willingly acknowledge that the world is dangerous and people need to protect themselves...people often get upset or offended when they're on the receiving end of a person protecting themselves ie giving out a fake phone number...not wanting to invite someone to your house and/or be alone with them too soon. As a society we give off crazy mixed messages when it comes to telling people when and how to protect themselves.

The community based protection is based on a strong culture being established. The men wanting one to be in effect and not wanting to just be crash dummies because it isn’t? Pleighboi it just is what it is.
Lol bro again you keep arguing with me about how prevalent it is. If I say a lot you want to say some. So do you think women not feeling protected is over exaggerated

Nope, its not. A lot of Black women simply don't feel protected by Black men.

Age, however, is a qualifier to that. Older Black women might feel more protected than someone 20-35 years old. OG's still have that mentality and will likely step in. Cats my age will prolly be a mixed bag leaning towards protecting. My personal situation is a bit more unique because I'm my kids surviving parent so I don't have a choice but to move more carefully so that ain't something I can just do. Now, when you get to late 30's/early 40's I think that's where you'll really see the shift and down into the 20's shit is really bad for Black Women which appears to line up with the women being the most vocal about it in online spaces.
Look not letting a woman get her ass beat because you can tell her how to dress are far apart. Some women don’t want to be in the house cooning and raising kids and they want to work. Does that mean I shouldn’t protect her? If my daughter in the house safe and I see her friend get assaulted and I jump in it nobody is going to be talking about feminism and shit. If you personally don’t want to jump in that’s fine man. it seem like only one’s worth looking out for is the ones in your circle.

And if you want to just protect you and yours and nobody else then you can’t get mad when folks view it as selfish and think our community is lacking. Folks in here talk about lack of unity right. Is this not an example?
You can call it selfish, but is it really wrong of me? No. It’s like me saying you’re a bad person for not sending me 1000 dollars right now through Zelle. Especially when this topic is as nuanced as it is. You don’t owe me any money, and it’s not on you to have to help me. Especially if ive done things and will continue to do things that can leave you at a deficit.

In a perfect world if she would have gotten hit? Fuck jail, he would be dead. We don’t live in such. We live in a world where people like to do vile shit and you have others that slip in and out of different roles.

I didn’t say a woman should get her ass beat cuz she wore something I’d have an issue with her wearing, my point is that many women don’t want you to tell them ANYTHING. Yet I can’t tell those women how to carry themselves, but those women want you to turn yourself into a bulletproof vest for her protection. After telling you they don’t need me?

So I ain’t good enough to listen to, I ain’t good enough to have my input on how things should be valued, yet you can tell me I don’t believe in community when it comes down to jumping in to protect your life. A simple outfit change on a scale of 1-100? That’s like a 12. Yet me going out like Caine in Menace II Society is what Im supposed to do and if I don’t, now those I don’t believe in being told what to do types can make me out to be some POS?
I didn’t see anybody post this so I think that I will. I think these types of women are very interesting. I don’t believe she deserves to get hit with a brick obviously, but if a woman doesn’t believe that men are protectors and providers, why would she expect random men to do so? Her type of protection is the type that women like to talk about and it again, contradicts what women say from moment to moment.

But yet she couldn't protect her face from that brick
This woman got hit in the face with brick because she didn't want a dude to have her number. What she said and did in the past isn't a reason for her to get assaulted. No point in bringing this other stuff up.
Won't lie your Face turn been amazing so far. You my mod of the year at this rate.