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Woman Gets Hit With A Brick After Not Giving Guy Her Number: Update, turns herself in to police after story was found to be not true

Yea but I don’t see say women not believing in all the gender roles allows for this. It’s basic human decency to help people when they are hurt. So my wife wants to work or some lady up the street says she can raise her kids by herself. It’s still basic shit from a social standpoint. Folks can’t complain about being about being selfish and then go reinforce it.

A lot of y’all say crime was worse in the 80s and 90s y’all think shit like this just started happening. To me we live in a society at least for those who grew up on rap where some of the most popular rap songs was about how bitches ain’t shit and lion where we are? Those same songs talked about killing all the time and look where we are. Yes we had balance from other acts but the damage is done.

So what we supposed to do

That's not just something we say, crime WAS far worse in the 80's and 90's and the statistical data proves it. The 80's was possibly the most violent, crime riddled decade in US history. Only the 70's and 90's comes close. And we're including the mob wars of Prohibition, ain't nothing got shit on the 80's.
This woman got hit in the face with brick because she didn't want a dude to have her number. What she said and did in the past isn't a reason for her to get assaulted. No point in bringing this other stuff up.

It could be relevant because we don't have video leading up to it. Did she slap the nigga like she did that white boy? And, no, I'm not saying that she deserved it at all ('cause she didn't), but there's a reason why cops try to piece together everything leading up to an event.
That's not just something we say, crime WAS far worse in the 80's and 90's and the statistical data proves it. The 80's was possibly the most violent, crime riddled decade in US history. Only the 70's and 90's comes close. And we're including the mob wars of Prohibition, ain't nothing got shit on the 80's.

Ok and I feel like maybe the individualism of the 80s has spread too long and like it’s expected
It could be relevant because we don't have video leading up to it. Did she slap the nigga like she did that white boy? And, no, I'm not saying that she deserved it at all ('cause she didn't), but there's a reason why cops try to piece together everything leading up to an event.

She said she told dude no and he hit her with a brick like cmon. And still a brick is most times too far unless it’s a street brawl.
She said she told dude no and he hit her with a brick like cmon. And still a brick is most times too far unless it’s a street brawl.

It could be relevant because we don't have video leading up to it. Did she slap the nigga like she did that white boy? And, no, I'm not saying that she deserved it at all ('cause she didn't), but there's a reason why cops try to piece together everything leading up to an event.

I've maintained through this thread that she didn't deserve to get hit with a brick.

For me, tho, I don't think that's all that happened. The only way I could justify it in my head is if ole girl pulled a weapon of some sort and dude picked up a brick in retaliation; that's it. Past that? Naw, nothing could have been so serious that a nigga had to pick up a brick but I'm still curious as to how the shit really went down.
Which is what unfortunately, happens a lot in these discussions. Women telling men how much they can do things without us and how much they don’t need us, and then when they get hit, which was wrong for that male to do, they wonder where the protection is.

Which is gender role based.

Its an offshoot of your role in a woman’s life based on community.

Again I don’t wanna go in that tangent, but these gender war arguments keep going because women don’t wanna admit basic things they claim to be against.

If I stepped out my house to take care of business in relation to my family, and I see a random woman getting hemmed up? Many women of today believe you’re supposed to stop it but my allegiance is to the women in my life, not strangers. A man isn’t less of a provider because you didn’t protect random women. It’s like calling a woman a bad wife because she didn’t cook for someone who isn’t her husband.

There's definitely a disconnect in acknowledging the reality of the dangers of stepping in a domestic violence situation but that isn't something that appeared out of thin air. This actually isn't what some take issue with from what I've seen and heard when reading and talking to women about these instances. It actually kinda ties back into a video/thread I posted before with Dr. Umar getting on these 2 dudes for preaching about community and community building while actively stating they do not see the community as their responsibility.

So the conflict comes in when those same people who are the loudest about community needing to step up often overlap with the people who also say shit like what happened to that young lady isn't their responsibility to help. Either people want that role or they don't. But folks can't be out here preaching protecting the community, community policing, handling shit in house to keep white folks out but also loudly saying "nah I ain't helping out an innocent person being assaulted." Of course the people who tend to find themselves on the end of those assaults more are gonna have a gripe.

Then there's also just the basic idea that if we all willingly acknowledge that the world is dangerous and people need to protect themselves...people often get upset or offended when they're on the receiving end of a person protecting themselves ie giving out a fake phone number...not wanting to invite someone to your house and/or be alone with them too soon. As a society we give off crazy mixed messages when it comes to telling people when and how to protect themselves.
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