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FEATURED Woman Gets Hit With A Brick After Not Giving Guy Her Number: Update, turns herself in to police after story was found to be not true

Because that can manifest itself in similar fashion across the board

But I see you're not aware of some of them Somali niggas

If you only knew what them Somali men are saying about her and Black American men
They are calling her a Ho
An Ex Muslim
A Westernize Somali Woman.....
Damn shame. Hope she’s okay in the future.

But I’m not going to fault anybody that didn’t help.

99% of people are scared to death to put themselves in situations that can get them seriously hurt. Including y’all on here

There is nothing wrong with the bold. The problem is the portion of that 99% that present themselves as otherwise and/or feign ignorance when women say they have the reservations they do. I remember when the topic of women feeling uncomfortable if they're alone in an elevator with a man and how they often would get off on the wrong floor or not go directly to their door and there was a good number who reacted negatively to that and had a problem with people taking that precaution. People are all for taking precautions until they're on the other end of the assumption they might be harmful to someone else. Then it becomes an issue.
There is nothing wrong with the bold. The problem is the portion of that 99% that present themselves as otherwise and/or feign ignorance when women say they have the reservations they do. I remember when the topic of women feeling uncomfortable if they're alone in an elevator with a man and how they often would get off on the wrong floor or not go directly to their door and there was a good number who reacted negatively to that and had a problem with people taking that precaution. People are all for taking precautions until they're on the other end of the assumption they might be harmful to someone else. Then it becomes an issue.
My statement is for men and women.

Protect women goes far beyond just the physical and men do that.

The odds are slim to 0 that any of us are in a situation where we have to physically protect a strange women from another man.

And I find it very ingenuous to fault anybody for not protecting a stranger in any circumstance because yiu don’t know the situation.

Protecting kids is the only one I can completely agree with. If you don’t help a child you deserve to be beaten
My statement is for men and women.

Protect women goes far beyond just the physical and men do that.

The odds are slim to 0 that any of us are in a situation where we have to physically protect a strange women from another man.

And I find it very ingenuous to fault anybody for not protecting a stranger in any circumstance because yiu don’t know the situation.

Protecting kids is the only one I can completely agree with. If you don’t help a child you deserve to be beaten

If 10 people stand and watch one person get assaulted then that's something that shouldn't be rationalized unless it's extreme circumstances. Dude didn't have a gun, knife etc. He took a brick and hit a woman. If out of those 10 people not 1 stood up then that's a problem. There's nothing about that situation that would justify what happened to her for simply turning down his advances.
I hate how some of y’all think that it’s a common occurrence that a stranger that’s a man are beating a stranger that’s a women

None of us are coming across those situations and to act like y’all are some tough ass dude is weird

That's what I was getting at, it's extraordinarily rare for some shit like this to happen in the first place. And nobody can sit here and tell story after story after story about shit like this ever happening that they've personally witnessed... Except maybe @Duwop, weird shit seems to happen around him on the job.
Did anyone actually say it's a common occurrence? Or was it said that when this shit happens people try to explain it away and/or find reasons to justify it? There's this weird thing that happens whenever certain topics are brought up and attempted to be dismissed because "it doesn't really happen". The fact is in this instance it did happen and you've had a woman poster say it happens more than people want to acknowledge. Why not just talk about that instead?
If 10 people stand and watch one person get assaulted then that's something that shouldn't be rationalized unless it's extreme circumstances. Dude didn't have a gun, knife etc. He took a brick and hit a woman. If out of those 10 people not 1 stood up then that's a problem. There's nothing about that situation that would justify what happened to her for simply turning down his advances.

Which is why I said:

I've maintained through this thread that she didn't deserve to get hit with a brick.

For me, tho, I don't think that's all that happened. The only way I could justify it in my head is if ole girl pulled a weapon of some sort and dude picked up a brick in retaliation; that's it. Past that? Naw, nothing could have been so serious that a nigga had to pick up a brick but I'm still curious as to how the shit really went down.

I don't know where that broad in the other video got "10 men", it really didn't look like that many, but lemme look again just to make sure.
Which is why I said:

I don't know where that broad in the other video got "10 men", it really didn't look like that many, but lemme look again just to make sure.

There's another video where she pans the camera and you can see a group standing behind her and hear them say "well what did you want us to do?"
There's another video where she pans the camera and you can see a group standing behind her and hear them say "well what did you want us to do?"

I counted 4 dudes and a woman in that video. Two dudes behind her, she pans, there one dude walking away, a woman and a dude standing near the woman (with her?). Gotta pay attention and not count the shadows against the walls (no, I'm not being funny).
I counted 4 dudes and a woman in that video. Two dudes behind her, she pans, there one dude walking away, a woman and a dude standing near the woman (with her?). Gotta pay attention and not count the shadows against the walls (no, I'm not being funny).

Even if it's just 4...that's 4 on 1. Niggas have jumped a nigga for far less than hitting a woman with a brick without thinking twice about it.
Hope she’s okay. And that she don’t suffer permanent losses behind this, and that she’s able to heal swiftly. Hope they catch that guy too. Glad this wasn’t any worse though.

And I’m not surprised “victim-blaming entered the chat”, but I’m surprised it didn’t happen on page one.

Anyways, let her change her heart and put on some sense of shame about what she represents online, then let her turn to the Lord for help going forward, post about that instead and watch the blessings pour out. Praise God and his great name forever.
Some shit ain’t got nothing to do with me, depending on the circumstances this could be one of em.

I ain’t Superman wearing capes and saving these hoes, and I’m not immune to bricks…

Woman got held up in Dubai for running her mouth, now she got hit in the face with a brick for probably running her mouth…whats the next example folks won’t learn from?