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FEATURED Woman Gets Hit With A Brick After Not Giving Guy Her Number: Update, turns herself in to police after story was found to be not true

The video then reportedly shows all four people get inside the Maserati.

The unidentified man got into the driver seat, the friend got in the right front passenger seat, and Osman and Douglas entered the back, according to documents. A few minutes later, Douglas was reportedly seen getting out the back right side, and then Osman and her friend also got out.

According to charging documents, Osman and Douglas were in an argument and Douglas reportedly swung his right hand while holding what appeared to be a plastic water bottle and struck Osman in the face.

Detectives said Osman then sat in the front passenger seat of the vehicle while Douglas stepped away from her. He reportedly got into the back of the seat of an Audi A3 that had pulled up.

When Osman got out the vehicle, detectives said the unidentified man who was driving it took off.

So she gets hit with a water bottle, says it was a brick and gets charged with the fraud for the gofundme because her credibility is shot due to the past scams and it all blew up in her face. A real live version of the boy who cried wolf.
Ugh. Another black woman making it hard for us to be believed.

Respectfully, I think the problem was less that she lied and more that a lot of women were way too gung ho to believe her. One chick lying doesn't discredit women in general. However, when you make that one woman the symbol for how bad black men are, her being a liar will certainly have a backlash.

Chicks still running with this rhetoric that they can't turn a man down when he asks for her number because she might be attacked or killed. How likely is that really?
Respectfully, I think the problem was less that she lied and more that a lot of women were way too gung ho to believe her. One chick lying doesn't discredit women in general. However, when you make that one woman the symbol for how bad black men are, her being a liar will certainly have a backlash.

Chicks still running with this rhetoric that they can't turn a man down when he asks for her number because she might be attacked or killed. How likely is that really?
Or the argument is how black women are the least protected.
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anyone know how her face got all swollen like that, if not from a brick throwing nigga?
The court summons has statements from the officer who interviewed her female friend that was with her at the time after they got picked up by a male "friend", and she told the officer she heard her holler "why you hit me?" while they was riding with them. It doesn't go into detail, but the officer also stated that he asked her friend if any music was playing at the time she heard this and she said no.

So there's your biggest clue. The summons doesn't have all the information of course, so we don't really know what all that transpired, but I'm sure the DA know.
she deserve a real brick upside her head tbh.
I would say her punishment should be a brick but ima chill.

