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FEATURED Woman Gets Hit With A Brick After Not Giving Guy Her Number: Update, turns herself in to police after story was found to be not true

Respectfully, I think the problem was less that she lied and more that a lot of women were way too gung ho to believe her. One chick lying doesn't discredit women in general. However, when you make that one woman the symbol for how bad black men are, her being a liar will certainly have a backlash.

Chicks still running with this rhetoric that they can't turn a man down when he asks for her number because she might be attacked or killed. How likely is that really?
More likely then it should be.

Next week a chick will say she was touched at 9 by a nigga 11 yrs younger than her.
All you will hear is lock him up.

Dos will say but he wasn’t born yet,
Then niggas will say I defend rapists.
Then the question of how I make this about me will come up.


Love and hate
Have you niggas learned your lessons about jumping to conclusions now?

No… They haven’t.

At least not when it involves a broad who looks like that and a man who looks like me.

Sad but true.

Jussayin... When shit starts looking fishy, don't get mad when folks start to question it; let the facts come out. Don't be so quick to demonize all Black men, especially those of y'all that ARE Black men.

Shit was looking fishy almost from the beginning and when we questioned things and began stating the obvious, these goofy negros was still like..


Ehhhh bro ur daughter, sister, mother, cousin comes home and tells you a nigga hit her w a brick ur first reaction will be

Hey baby let’s wait til all the facts come in?
That broad is not your daughter, sister, mother, or cousin…

To my knowledge, she has no family ties to anybody on this site.

She’s a YouTube influencer who hates black men and hates herself for being black.

And she has a history of pulling stunts like this.

WTF are you talking about?