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FEATURED Woman Gets Hit With A Brick After Not Giving Guy Her Number: Update, turns herself in to police after story was found to be not true

It’s more of the keep the venom the same or just acknowledge you have double standards for men and women and don’t treat them the same.

And nothing is wrong with that because I have double standards. Shrugs
I agree

I make no apologies for trying to believe women over men. Niggas be full of shit. I also prefer the company of women over men (like Katt 😂), and will in most situations give them more grace than I do men cause I know niggas

I'm not saying it's right but I'm acknowledging my blinders in this dynamic.
But you di……..

Nevermind lol
I did what brother?

From jump I gave her the benefit of the doubt and said if she's lying, then fbd

I made at least 2 posts saying this

I've seen niggas call women everything but a child of God when rejected by a female. It's not beyond reason this was just another situation where this occurred and the nigga decided to hit her

I didn't know anything about any previous attempts when the story first dropped, but as details came out, it started looking fishy