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Why is Ciara and Russell Wilson’s relationship so polarizing?

She rich im not rich thus being a regular nigga. Which im not mad about. I doubt any if yall would want our daughters with poor dudes. If we had money we wouldnt want her with regular dudes either
money means nothing.

i would want my daughter with a man whole loves her and treats her right.

why would money supersede that?

so you look at yourself as a regular and a nigga with money as an upgrade?

since i have a few dollars, does that make me better than you?
no, it doesnt. i could be beating the shit outta my wife and dont feed my kids....but you could wine and dine your lady and have her feel special every day.

cmon man ...you better than that.
money dont make you a better man.
Well said

To sum it up people buy into the "stereotype" archetype as the authentic.. its dangerous/ ignorant and pervasive intraracially just as it is the world over.

He does come off corny.. in an Elvin type of way. but that shit doesnt matter for anything..
I met Rodman his rookie year. He was a normal, regular ass dude. This was Rodman pre-tats, piercings, and rainbow hair. He used to be at the Space Station arcade on 13 mile and Woodward and the arcade at Tel 12 mall all the time. This was back in '86 - '88, at least when I was going. You would just run into dude at regular ass spots around Detroit back then.
i met him in maimi airport like 4 years ago...him and the fat lil white dude hes always with.
he was cool ... was taking time and signing shit for people and all.
I think it's polarizing because they show us what having self-confidence to make the right decision looks like.

He's a good dude with no extra kids who you just KNOW is only fucking with white women while shitting on black women. Except he didn't. He divorced the white chick while still on his short money AND then went and got a black woman once he got super paid. Unheard of move. Not only did he get a black woman, he got a SINGLE BLACK MOTHER with hood-ass baby daddy. And put a ring on her finger. Niggas hate that because it forces the narrative to change that SBM's are girlfriend material only and gives those women courage to stop settling for "Oh, my phone died" fuck shit from dudes who work at Jason's Deli.

Conversely, women hate Ciara for taking herself out of the baby mama loop. She could've just as easily kept pursuing Future, got a reality show to exploit the Twitter drama, and been out here a whole well paid clown. Except she didn't. She upgraded to a cornball--and let's be real the only "corny things" about him is that he speaks proper English and doesn't have a bunch of hood cliches tattooed all over him--who believes in something bigger than himself. Most of all they hate her for having the self-confidence to be with a dude like that.

End of the day that's what it all is: bankroll or not, their relationship represents self-confidence. Most women buckle when they meet a guy who embodies all that stuff they supposedly prayed to God for and send him packing for arbitrary stuff like "being corny," "dressing with no swag," etc. because they know they aren't good enough to be with him. The same issue is with men. They want a woman who looks like this, does this, says this, and has this but will meet her, even have her, and then lose her fucking with a weak bitch.

To see a couple of black people who made the right decision AND enjoying life has to be a secondary bunch of bullshit not just sound decision making. I mean, come on. Who really lives happily marrying that girl from high school who was slightly overweight buuuut let you sleep over every night your parents kicked you out? How can you fuck with a dude who doesn't own Gucci anything and hasn't held a gun for his niggas but goes to church every Wednesday and Sunday and is on the debate team? You cannot be happy with these people! Yet here we are...
everything you said is cool and all...and i kinda agree with what you are trying to say.

but keep it 100 .....is the upgrade statements about the dude or the dude plus the loot?
we gonna act like if dudes was out here being respectful...it wouldnt get over looked until that certain woman gets tired of being shit on.

then it becomes a matter of ...did the person really change because they wanted a better life with better decisions or is it a case of the nigga wont do fuck shit and he got loot and easier to control?

i keep bringing up his loot because...thats what seems to make him the upgrade.
all that chemistry first site shit is always suspect to anybody with means.

case in point....jayz and beyonce.
the narrative is hes ugly but got money.
should people not focus on his looks vs he married her and takes care of his family?

but i think its been stated quite a few times about how dudes should step up...but in the process of stepping up...ladies cant shit on them while trying to be better. not saying ladies dont have a right to be angry....but sometimes....stepping back and patience will give you all you want.

i have always said...our community is the way it is because the men are not leading or holding each other accountable and encouraging each other to do better.

we should not have more fuck niggas than men.

its alot of blame to go around, but us men need to lead the charge to get it right and take the first step. but during the process...toxic communication and imagery needs to cease or we still at square one.
I say this all of the time. It's crazy because the dude that lived passively & kept his head in the books were perceived corny in high school. I look at all them street niggas that had clout & fame back in high school as lame af today. They never matured from high school. All of those characteristics that you stated makes them washed & extremely lame

Any passive nigga is always going to be looked as corny or a sucka. Shit has nothing to do with being smart or well spoken.

Being passive is being weak and no matter the race of said person if they are looked at or known to be passive they will also be known as being weak, a sucka and corny.

I've seen and know plenty of smart, well spoken, good hearted men who could never be mistaken for passive and none of them were ever labeled or looked at as corny.

Russel Wilson is viewed as corny because he has the look of a man who won't stand up for himself. Whether that is true or not I don't know but that is the image that he projects. IMO has nothing to do with him being smart and well spoken.
Any passive nigga is always going to be looked as corny or a sucka. Shit has nothing to do with being smart or well spoken.

Being passive is being weak and no matter the race of said person if they are looked at or known to be passive they will also be known as being weak, a sucka and corny.

I've seen and know plenty of smart, well spoken, good hearted men who could never be mistaken for passive and none of them were ever labeled or looked at as corny.

Russel Wilson is viewed as corny because he has the look of a man who won't stand up for himself. Whether that is true or not I don't know but that is the image that he projects. IMO has nothing to do with him being smart and well spoken.
Is this what y'all niggas think about me?

money means nothing.

i would want my daughter with a man whole loves her and treats her right.

why would money supersede that?

so you look at yourself as a regular and a nigga with money as an upgrade?

since i have a few dollars, does that make me better than you?
no, it doesnt. i could be beating the shit outta my wife and dont feed my kids....but you could wine and dine your lady and have her feel special every day.

cmon man ...you better than that.
money dont make you a better man.

You reading too deep. We love in a country where money matters dont mean you better but our lives aint the same. Be real. Women are taught generally to date up, or look for a provider. I mean we all know this. That dont mean they cant have fun.
You reading too deep. We love in a country where money matters dont mean you better but our lives aint the same. Be real. Women are taught generally to date up, or look for a provider. I mean we all know this. That dont mean they cant have fun.

The Feminazi's are gonna have a field day with you.
Bro my 10 year high school reunion was a few weeks ago.

The broad that put it together was on some shady rinkydink shit and when people called her out on it, she went on this "you wasn't relevant in high school and you not relevant now" rant.

What the fuck makes you "relevant" as an adult? Holding on to whatever popularity you had a over decade ago or owning your own shit and a good job/career?

Lmao birds say the darndest things, bruh. I got some former high school classmates that try to hang on to their 10 year plus high school rep like


Be having to tell them to "Long live your high school rep".
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I think it's polarizing because they show us what having self-confidence to make the right decision looks like.

He's a good dude with no extra kids who you just KNOW is only fucking with white women while shitting on black women. Except he didn't. He divorced the white chick while still on his short money AND then went and got a black woman once he got super paid. Unheard of move. Not only did he get a black woman, he got a SINGLE BLACK MOTHER with hood-ass baby daddy. And put a ring on her finger. Niggas hate that because it forces the narrative to change that SBM's are girlfriend material only and gives those women courage to stop settling for "Oh, my phone died" fuck shit from dudes who work at Jason's Deli.

Conversely, women hate Ciara for taking herself out of the baby mama loop. She could've just as easily kept pursuing Future, got a reality show to exploit the Twitter drama, and been out here a whole well paid clown. Except she didn't. She upgraded to a cornball--and let's be real the only "corny things" about him is that he speaks proper English and doesn't have a bunch of hood cliches tattooed all over him--who believes in something bigger than himself. Most of all they hate her for having the self-confidence to be with a dude like that.

End of the day that's what it all is: bankroll or not, their relationship represents self-confidence. Most women buckle when they meet a guy who embodies all that stuff they supposedly prayed to God for and send him packing for arbitrary stuff like "being corny," "dressing with no swag," etc. because they know they aren't good enough to be with him. The same issue is with men. They want a woman who looks like this, does this, says this, and has this but will meet her, even have her, and then lose her fucking with a weak bitch.

To see a couple of black people who made the right decision AND enjoying life has to be a secondary bunch of bullshit not just sound decision making. I mean, come on. Who really lives happily marrying that girl from high school who was slightly overweight buuuut let you sleep over every night your parents kicked you out? How can you fuck with a dude who doesn't own Gucci anything and hasn't held a gun for his niggas but goes to church every Wednesday and Sunday and is on the debate team? You cannot be happy with these people! Yet here we are...


Women got the game sewed up, they know that the Russell Wilsons of the world are gonna save them once they're in their 30s so there's no need not to have their fun with the Futures of the world in their 20s.

It is what it is.

What world you in?

It’s soooooo many single bitter old women walking this earth.

Naw bruh.
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You reading too deep. We love in a country where money matters dont mean you better but our lives aint the same. Be real. Women are taught generally to date up, or look for a provider. I mean we all know this. That dont mean they cant have fun.
yes i am reading this deeply....
people are too programmed to look at and stay at surface shit.
if we knew how to critically think and look deeper than the surface...we would all be better off.

hence why alot of people look at a russell type dude as corny until you want to settle for someone who wont cheat on you and actually takes care of his family.
What world you in?

It’s soooooo many single bitter old women walking this earth.

Naw bruh.

Due to their mindset not changing like Ciara's did. Gotta give the Russell's a chance in order for the shit to work.
heres my thing with this.......

i dont have a problem with russell. if hes a good dude...then hes a good dude.

my problem is with a chick a smutted around and then want to shit on the nigga she had a kid with like the nigga aint already have a few babymothers.

she saw what it was......she thought she was different.
she saw the money...lets keep it 100. aint no other reason to have a kid with a nigga known to not care for his kids unless you wanted the check.

same with russell.

the fact she had a nigga wait for sex....like frfr.

russell is the nigga who had to wait?
but she got a baby by future? fucked with bowwow, 50 and a few other niggas....but the "good" dude has to wait?

and as soon as they got married......baby.

this is what chicks call securing the bag.

russell is not an upgrade.....russell is the no stress nigga. the nigga who treats her like a queen. russell is the nigga she aint got to worry about.

a nigga like russell should have been the first choice......but like we say on this site so often......chicks like her dont see niggas like him until after they damaged goods. russell was and still is a corny nigga to her,.

and remember....all them chicks that was rooting for her...she shitted on them.

dusty ass chick.
This is EXACTLY my thoughts. No hate at Russel, but he got played in this situation. They seem happy though so good for them.
I think when they say nice giys finish last its more to a lack of going for what you want. Being timid and too nice just looks like pushover.
Nah brother I may have personal bias but this ain't true. I went through it before I found my Queen and I was NEVER timid for something I go for. Was always told I was too good to be true or some shit like that. I hear what your saying, that can be applied to some points, but not all points.