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Who hit who first?

You're purposely avoiding the question I asked. Just like @Hellczar

You know that if you were in his position, regardless of how you may have reacted, you would reasonably anticipate violence.

Talking about what the younger you would have done and then swerving with the "well the current me wouldn't even be in this situation" purposely avoids the question of "eat would you do"

I read the first line and didn’t even read anymore. What the fuck did I avoid? I legit answered already. What more do you want me to say? It seems you are looking for a specific answer which you won’t get from me. I already said IF IT WAS ME, it wouldn’t have got to that point. So I can’t give you whatever answer you’d like. The younger me wasn’t a mother, I’m a mother now and the way I move is totally different now than back then. Point blank, go search for whatever answer you want from someone else.
I feel the need to say first and foremost, I'd knock his bitch ass out on sight regardless of who hit who first. The principle is to keep our women, black women, safe at all costs.

But this thread is a different conversation around the accountability of women. I've watched this video tons of times and even in slow motion. She turned, reached her hand out, pulled back slightly to thrust it back toward him and shoved his shoulder. I don't know that he punches her if she doesn't do that.

Can we as a people have the critical and nuanced thought to both hold ourselves accountable for the roles we play in addition to that of outsiders acting irresponsibly? Telling our women that she didn't touch him "on purpose" is doing a disservice in my opinion.

he was ready to punch her.....

as a man he should be able to control himself.
but the woman returned what her child took and felt like she could brush it off.

she grazed his shoulder with what looked like a shoo fly type thing.
it didnt deserve her getting punched but i can understand someone hitting after being shoved.

we can protect our women...but our women need to stop giving money to the people who treat them like shit.

a man defending her wont stop other women from giving these people money.

dude shouldnt have felt empowered to hit her without fear of repercussions. most people know aint no black men around that will do anything about it.

you have the guys who dont want to throw away their future then you have the men who dont have a problem throwing it away but they really bitches and will only come up there wolfin

our women also need to take into account their actions
I read the first line and didn’t even read anymore. What the fuck did I avoid? I legit answered already. What more do you want me to say? It seems you are looking for a specific answer which you won’t get from me. I already said IF IT WAS ME, it wouldn’t have got to that point. So I can’t give you whatever answer you’d like. The younger me wasn’t a mother, I’m a mother now and the way I move is totally different now than back then. Point blank, go search for whatever answer you want from someone else.
You're done here.
he was ready to punch her.....

as a man he should be able to control himself.
but the woman returned what her child took and felt like she could brush it off.

she grazed his shoulder with what looked like a shoo fly type thing.
it didnt deserve her getting punched but i can understand someone hitting after being shoved.

we can protect our women...but our women need to stop giving money to the people who treat them like shit.

a man defending her wont stop other women from giving these people money.

dude shouldnt have felt empowered to hit her without fear of repercussions. most people know aint no black men around that will do anything about it.

you have the guys who dont want to throw away their future then you have the men who dont have a problem throwing it away but they really bitches and will only come up there wolfin

our women also need to take into account their actions
100% real shit was said through and through.
Mofos saying they would have jumped in to protect the woman need to realize that shit like that can get you killed...and over what?

Keep your hands to yourself, Ive seen mofos 'help' out girls and get stomped the fuck out...on one occasion the girl actually helped beating her saviour up lol smh. Worst thing was back in Indo when some older dude thought he could be the voice of reason between a group of youngsters, that man got jumped by all of em wielding scooter helmets, they all scattered like mice when he pulled out a damn luger or whatever the brand was from that oldskool handgun...

And for what? Some dude/girl talking shit Ill just walk away cause my son already knows some people are crazy and not worth our time...

Keep your hands to yourself because you can never really predict who someone else reacts...

In this threads case, the lady was waving a red flag in front of a bull...was his response inappropiated? Yes...was her initial behaviour inappropiated? Yes...why pick a side when both people are clearly wrong?
Alright. Let's not swing too far in the opposite direction.

What do you care more about? The safety of your people or the possibility of being arrested?

I'm not saying jump to every woman's defense or be scared to do anything. But there's a middle ground there called integrity.
You legit slapped a drunk nigga for talking shit to you and followed his ass down the block. Not for putting his hands on you; for tough talking.

Cuz I wanted a fight.

I knew exactly what I was doing, so I can speak from 100% personal experience that dude was looking for a fight..... With a woman.

Fuck him
I'm just about done here.

I'm not going to be the loudest voice in the room criticizing a black woman no matter how wrong she is. Just know that alot of you are being intellectually dishonest and not doing right by our people by pretending as if we are a perpetually blameless people.

This isn't a public conversation where white people are watching intently. This was an in house talk, which tells me that many of you are too fearful of your own people to hold your brothers and sisters accountable. Because you're too afraid of being called some type of coward or coon, you'd rather lie to them and tell them they are never wrong.

Jokes on you. You're a yes man. A coward. Spineless. And a traitor to black people, who don't have the luxury of living in the fantasy world of "No matter what we did, it's never our fault".

Nigga please you act like we con signing killers and rapists. We say all the time how black folks do wrong towards each other. Sorry we dont care about non black people being offended. You trying to stretch this into something else and its bullshit.
"First"? What's the very first fuckin thing I said in this thread?

I feel the need to say first and foremost, I'd knock his bitch ass out on sight regardless of who hit who first. The principle is to keep our women, black women, safe at all costs.

But you don't care about that part, do you? You read what you wanted to read, saw what you wanted to see, and heard what you wanted to hear. And anything that didnt fit in that narrow hole of an opinion of yours gets tossed out like it never happened.

@Hellczar you did this same shit in the toxic femininity/masculinity threads. You were leading the charge on pointing out the fucked up things men do but when the topic was about women, suddenly you acted like we were talking about Bigfoot.

You're a hypocrite.
Black people only victims in the world who look to see what we did wrong first. Aint that some weak ass shit

If you create the conditions that cause some foul shit to happen are you really a victim?

If you leave your bike outside overnight without a lock and you come out in the morning and it's gone are you really a victim? Could you have done something differently like maybe put the shit in the garage or lock it up that would have prevented it?

If you sellin drugs on the block and get shot over that corner are you really a victim or did you intentionally put yourself in a position where you know this was a possible outcome? Could you have done something different somewhere in your life?

We don't like to take responsibility for the shit that we do that leads to fucked up shit happening and when people point out that you could have done something differently niggas like you get mad.

There are consequences for our decisions. She decided to touch dude. This was the consequence for it. I'm not saying he was right in socking her, I'm saying her actions had this as a possible consequence. His hitting her carries consequences as well. For starters, he was arrested for assault and battery. Another possible consequence could have been a dude pulling out the tool and blasting his ass on the spot. Yet another one could have been that she cold cocked his ass back and left him on the ground leaking. Anything could have happened behind that.

You have to understand that what we do carries a consequence.

I told y'all about both times I was face to face with swinging on a white boy while we were living in the ghetto, one of which wasn't even a year ago. We lived on the ground floor of that building with a patio with doors leading to both bedrooms as well as the living room. My family was in there, if shit went down dude coulda came back and shot up the patio leading to my family possibly getting killed or seriously injured. I could have wound up dead. Any number of things could have been the result of me swinging on dude. All of this ran through my head while I balled up my fist and got ready to swing but I didn't do it: The consequences for that could have been too high. So I didn't. And that's the shit y'all niggas need to think about in situations like this.
Did ya'll actually watch the video? She didn't really put her hands on him like some of ya'll are saying. She turned to walk away and threw her hand up like "Whatever nigga." As she did that he was rushing her and invading her space and there was some contact. I'm not one that thinks a man is always wrong for hitting a woman, but that dude was out of line for punching her. Even if she legit pushed him, he was invading her space. She has the right to push his ass away from her if he's getting to close.

I don't have a problem with Asians. The farther along in the sciences I got the more I met and the more I was cool with. That said, there is no doubt that some of these Asian shop and business owners in black neighborhoods are out of line. I wish black people would stop supporting them. Asians look down on us, but I wonder how many of them would act that way if they weren't able to build their livelihoods off of us. They mock us for not being able to afford college, but pay for their kids' schooling from dollars they get from the black community. Shit is disgusting.
If you create the conditions that cause some foul shit to happen are you really a victim?

If you leave your bike outside overnight without a lock and you come out in the morning and it's gone are you really a victim? Could you have done something differently like maybe put the shit in the garage or lock it up that would have prevented it?

If you sellin drugs on the block and get shot over that corner are you really a victim or did you intentionally put yourself in a position where you know this was a possible outcome? Could you have done something different somewhere in your life?

We don't like to take responsibility for the shit that we do that leads to fucked up shit happening and when people point out that you could have done something differently niggas like you get mad.

There are consequences for our decisions. She decided to touch dude. This was the consequence for it. I'm not saying he was right in socking her, I'm saying her actions had this as a possible consequence. His hitting her carries consequences as well. For starters, he was arrested for assault and battery. Another possible consequence could have been a dude pulling out the tool and blasting his ass on the spot. Yet another one could have been that she cold cocked his ass back and left him on the ground leaking. Anything could have happened behind that.

You have to understand that what we do carries a consequence.

I told y'all about both times I was face to face with swinging on a white boy while we were living in the ghetto, one of which wasn't even a year ago. We lived on the ground floor of that building with a patio with doors leading to both bedrooms as well as the living room. My family was in there, if shit went down dude coulda came back and shot up the patio leading to my family possibly getting killed or seriously injured. I could have wound up dead. Any number of things could have been the result of me swinging on dude. All of this ran through my head while I balled up my fist and got ready to swing but I didn't do it: The consequences for that could have been too high. So I didn't. And that's the shit y'all niggas need to think about in situations like this.

A whole essay