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When is it no longer just “jokes” ?

Nigga you can't be this stupid in real life. Right now you're among the most intergalactically stupid people alive if you believe fat people are healthy. There's not a doctor anywhere in the world worth his or her PHD that would agree with you or people like you. Medical science says that being a gelatinous hock beast has significant health risks up to, and including, death.

Kindly stick your fingers in a running paper press.

youre a fucking weirdo
No, they don't. Fat niggas got a whole host of problems. Sure you can live longer these days with those issues thanks to advances in medicine, but you ain't healthy if you gotta pop a pill for something you're afflicted with.

I know you were born in the 30s when science hadnt lived up to its full potential but if u r able to google articles to support your lopsided claims, youre just as capable to see the other side of the game

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lets not act like yall dont be foaming at the mouth every other minute looking at women on ig with their ass, titties and coochie cat out.

the jig is up fellas

Are they doing all that courtside at the lakers game?

You really be saying anything thinking you killing niggas lmaooooo.
I know you were born in the 30s when science hadnt lived up to its full potential but if are able to google articles to support your lopsided claims, youre just as capable to see the other side of the game


I quoted the CDC, National Institute of Health/National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Issues, The World Health Organization, and muhfuckin' Harvard.

You trying to counter it with not a single medical organization or institute of higher learning... Are you fuckin' serious???

Nah b... You trolling at this point.