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When is it no longer just “jokes” ?

nope. ive had rather pleasant experiences with men for the most part

a few asswipes but that happens in dating
Ur thread topics says otherwise in ur threads it just seems that u only see the bad side of men domestic abuse and some mo shit
let lizzo and her ass hang free. criticism is expected in all things but folks should unpack their gripes and see if its rooted in plain on bigotry. thats all im saying

it cost you nothing to be kind.

jesus el salvadore christos... stop with the "unpacking" bullshit. Saying/writing it doesn't make you seem "enlightened", "evolved", or "educated". It make you look like a parrot. repeating shit you've seen online without the brain capacity to actually understand what was written: you just think it sounds like you know some shit.
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jesus el salvadore christos... stop with the "unpacking" bullshit. Saying/writing it doesn't make you seem "enlightened", "evolved", or "educated". It make you look like a parrot. repeating shit you've seen online without the brain capacity to actually understand what was written: you just think it sounds like you know some shit.

I know a lot of shit. thats why I speak on it.
if you think human decency requires a lot of “brain capacity” i see why you struggle in that area :/

i know u wish it was the 50s when Black women were quiet and accepted bullshit at every turn but its 2020 and ppl will have an opinion and folks dont care if u like it or not

&& by folks i mean me :)
I know a lot of shit. thats why I speak on it.
if you think human decency requires a lot of “brain capacity” i see why you struggle in that area :/

i know u wish it was the 50s when Black women were quiet and accepted bullshit at every turn but its 2020 and ppl will have an opinion and folks dont care if u like it or not

&& by folks i mean me :)

Yes, because I was around in the 50's.

You're so FUCKIN' funny little girl. I'll bet you're all the rage down at Starbucks.

Tell me, child, when did thinking for ones self go out of style? I ask because everything you type reads like a mashup of every SJW honky with a Tumblr blog. It's like you're completely incapable of original thought because when you're challenged you either regurgitate what you've already said or result to insulting everyone. You're very much like a child that learned something new but lack the maturity to understand it, are still unable to process what you've learned, or even have the capacity to critically think about it.

The Lincoln Logs are in the plastic bins over yonder, just clean up behind yourself when you're done.
I mean we should shame what's non healthy for us because I promise you they dont parade big women around in the white community. But they keep on pushing destructional lifestyles onto us, like obesity, homosexuality, and things of that nature that will only result in death for us.

homosexuality has not resulted in death for any group we know of. Greeks still exist. And white women been dealing with eating disorders forever. They go way harder on fat people. Why you want to be like crackers?
jesus el salvadore christos... stop with the "unpacking" bullshit. Saying/writing it doesn't make you seem "enlightened", "evolved", or "educated". It make you look like a parrot. repeating shit you've seen online without the brain capacity to actually understand what was written: you just think it sounds like you know some shit.

Nigga you do that often
Yes, because I was around in the 50's.

You're so FUCKIN' funny little girl. I'll bet you're all the rage down at Starbucks.

Tell me, child, when did thinking for ones self go out of style? I ask because everything you type reads like a mashup of every SJW honky with a Tumblr blog. It's like you're completely incapable of original thought because when you're challenged you either regurgitate what you've already said or result to insulting everyone. You're very much like a child that learned something new but lack the maturity to understand it, are still unable to process what you've learned, or even have the capacity to critically think about it.

The Lincoln Logs are in the plastic bins over yonder, just clean up behind yourself when you're done.

lol what?
Nigga you do that often

No, the difference between what I do and what you, Race, and the rest or your ilk do is I read and comprehend, then apply. I can utilize knowledge unlike you. I don't just parrot; I can interpret the information and use it elsewhere. I dissect it to further understand it. Y'all are all talking points, I deep dive into it. I've proven this much on many occasions.

I understand what is written. You just repeat it back.
i was wild young and it was the worst mistake of my life. 2nd one being interacting with u up here


also pointing that out for the 30th time means nothing and its corny at this point.

come harder or smarter

which ever one you arrive at first
I don’t like Lizzo for tha same reasons I don’t like Tiffany Haddish...and it has nuttin’ to do wit’ bein’ fat....I can’t stand “extra” people who seem disingenuous and if you are just a genuinely “extra” person then you’re too much for me to handle so I keep my distance anyway...

Nooow your outer appearance is only what I’m gonna “pick at” when I get fed up and feel like I wanna be an asshole...cuz I’m childish like that

For me it stops being a joke when being funny isnt the main intention. If you bring up someone randomly, say you joke then move on, thats just a joke. But if you constantly keep randomly bringing that topic or person up, when they have nothing to do with the topic at hand, thats person and you just want to hurt them.

I forgot to quote and im not going back, but when I saw Cory Holcomb talk about that girl getting punched, he wasnt cheering for the white guy. His stance was this is what can happen when you got ratchet parents, raising ratchet kids. Also Kids that young should of been allowed to the movies without an adult and an 11 year old should never of felt comfortable enough to square up with a random adult, because things like this could happen (the guy hitting her). TBH I agreed with him.

But this reminded me that the last time Cory Holcomb was brought up on here, a lot of yall were calling him a coon & saying he hates black people, which made me laugh, because I tune into his show sometimes. And on numerous occasions, hes shouting out Farahkhan, talking about the community stuff hes done with NOI & calling white people trash and how you cant trust them. If thats coonery, we need to retire that word for a while.
Also, no one really paid attention to Lizzo till she let her ass out at that game. After that she got the attention she wanted, but is acting like she didnt want attention. Then she said she was quitting social media because of the comments on her body, then shes on social media twerking in a thong. These are the reasons people are really on her rn.
You talking about when like 20 kids was all around him and the girl ran up on him?

I would have pushed the shit out of her myself
Fdb for real. I have no sympathy for stupid ass hoodrats that don't know how to act. Race has nothing to do with it those same heifers wouldve been up in a black mans face or any other mans it makes no difference. Girls like that have no respect for authority figures. I look at it as no different than that hoe that got smacked up by that deaf dude in that avirex jacket on that new your subway and also that chick that caught that mortal kombat uppercut from that old bus driver