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What are you watching? The Official TV Show Thread


showtime cancelled white famous. smh. I dug this show. was interested to see where they would go w the homie Balls. the arab agent was funny af. Showtime pulled the cord hella quick imo. tho the S1 finale did kinda feel like a series finale

I was luke warm. It had its moments but jay pharoh is not a lead guy. Jamie foxx would have been better off playing the main character himself.

Anyone watch Atlanta?
I'm tired of waiting for the second season, getting impatient as hell

When is atlanta coming back anyway?
I was luke warm. It had its moments but jay pharoh is not a lead guy. Jamie foxx would have been better off playing the main character himself.

When is atlanta coming back anyway?
who knows, since donald glover was doing the han solo movie we gotta wait

new Netflix series droppin on Friday looks dope af. Gone binge after I finish the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Yall keeping up with black-ish? New ep was great. Very on point.

Nah. Got a season and a half on the pvr to binge at somepoint. Noticed the ads for the spinoff grown-ish on the subway with the oldest daughter as the lead. Surprised its getting such a heavy push here. Any of you check for that yet?
Nah. Got a season and a half on the pvr to binge at somepoint. Noticed the ads for the spinoff grown-ish on the subway with the oldest daughter as the lead. Surprised its getting such a heavy push here. Any of you check for that yet?
I have hulu and they updated the new black-ish ep on there. New eps of Grown-ish is on there too but I haven't gotten around to it. I'm not interested in it but I'm open to giving it a chance.
jus downloaded the 2 grown-ish eps. I'll give em a watch later (cuz of course I watch everything lol jk)

question tho. how does Deon Coles character work at Dre's job and teach at USC? Uh. WTF?!
Finally finished The Punisher and caught up on Shameless.

Punisher is dope but how do they expand his story now?

Shameless is Shameless. Eventually, they're going to have to start rounding this shit out. I don't forsee this show going past a 10th season.
Finally finished The Punisher and caught up on Shameless.

Punisher is dope but how do they expand his story now?

Shameless is Shameless. Eventually, they're going to have to start rounding this shit out. I don't forsee this show going past a 10th season.
@Lou Cypher

what is punisher's deal in the comics?
Im not too hip to the Punisher. I have a short run of his comics back from 2012 by Greg Rucka, but was just him being hired by some agency to carry out missions.

I saw in recent comics they gave him the War Machine suit haha.
He's a anti-hero he kills without remorse basically Batman with guns
i should've been more specific

mister b wanted to know where could they possibly go with this story now?
Circle of Blood

Circle of Blood - 1986
While back in Prison we learn that Frank was drugged before, which was the cause of some of his more questionable actions. He learns that a criminal named Jigsaw, who he had earlier thrown out of a window scaring his face, was behind it. When confronting Jigsaw, Frank fights off his henchman and then breaks his hand before the fight is broken up by Jigsaw's boss, Don Cervello. Afterwards Frank makes a deal with the Don to break out of prison. A few day later, on the day of escape, the Don gives the order to kill the Punisher but fails. Punisher chases Don Cervello and Jigsaw to the wardens office where he defeats both men. Afterwards the warden tells Frank that he is part of a secret group called the trust and offers to break Frank out so he can continue his war on crime. The Punisher accepts his offer.

Free again, Frank continues his war on crime. He decides to take down Wilson Fisk, The Kingpin. Frank uses a grenade to break into the building, but once inside he notices somthing is wrong. It is a trap with explosives set to go off. Frank jumps out of the window and partially breaks his fall with a grappling hook. Losing consciousness, The Punisher is rescued by a woman named Angela, who tells Frank that she has lost her family just like him. Frank begins to develop a relationship with her. When calling his supplier, Alaric, at the Trust, The Punisher learns that people think Fisk is dead. Without the Kingpin the gangs start fighting each other with everyone trying to take his place. While eavesdropping on Charlie Siciliano, Frank learns that there is going to be a meeting where all the mobsters will be together. Before Frank can break up the meeting a Hitman named Nolo Contendre does it first. Punisher chases Nolo down to a train and kills him there. Afterwards his van, full of supplies given to him by the trust, explodes.

Next The Punisher rescues a crime boss named Santiago from a mob hit. Santiago didn't deal in anything to dirty, mostly gambling and loan sharking, so Frank didn't mind dealing with him. Frank tells Santiago to get Siciliano to call another meeting. Back at Angela's, she tries to convince him to join the Trust. Frank says he will think about it. On the day of the meeting one of the crime-lord's, Marcus Coriander uses the chance to attack and kill all of his competition. Punisher goes after Coriander, the last crime boss. When confronted he claims that he and Frank are on the same side, that he wanted to take out the gangs and the Kingpin. Frank don't buy it, and he runs. During the chase, Coriander accidentally shoot a child. When Frank finally catches up to him, he is crying, ashamed of what happened. Frank tries to get the name of his boss from him, and he screens Alaric before getting shot by Angela, who then shoots Frank next, it puts him down but does not kill him.

Frank's next targets are The Trust, due them trying to kill him and using sloppy methods that killed innocents. The Punisher goes after the warden from the prison, the member of the Trust that freed him. In order to get to him he goes after his aid, but when he gets to the apartment he is dead with a member of the Trust standing over his body. The attacker gets away, but withing the aids file cabinet Frank finds the address to the Warden. At the wardens place he is being attacked by another member of the trust. Frank kills the attacker and gets Alaric's address, but the warden kills himself, refusing to be locked up in his own prison. While still in the apartment the police show up and arrest frank. The Trust attacks the squad car that The Punisher was in and the Punisher gets away after fighting them of. While infiltrating Alaric's mansion, Frank realizes that the henchmen there are brainwashed. One of them was Jigsaw. While trying to find Alaric, Frank get hit with the gas that he was using to brainwash the henchman.

The Punisher uses part of his attire as a filter to keep himself from inhaling the gas. When he gets through the area he is confronted with Jigsaw again. Frank defeats Jigsaw and continues to make his way towards Alaric. Frank forces Alaric to call reporter Ben Urich and tell him everything he knew about the Trust. Frank then leave and while outside on the bridge to exit the mansion he is confronted by Angela. Think that he had killed Alaric, Angela tries to run him down with her vehicle. Frank shoots the vehicle in the radiator casing her to lose control of the automobile and crash it into the side of the bridge. The vehicle is tilting back like it might fall off the bridge as The Punisher walks away.

^^^^^ Could be a cool story to adapt to a series.
I was luke warm. It had its moments but jay pharoh is not a lead guy. Jamie foxx would have been better off playing the main character himself.

When is atlanta coming back anyway?
should be this year... they said after the 1st season season two wasnt dropping until 2018 think to do with Gambino's movie schedule
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