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Wealth Gap, Family Business, Is the Child Responsible 2 Continue The Business

The real issue is are we hampering our child’s dream if we force a certain things on them. I strangely believe there is a certain fate that is pre written. I followed the career path of a biological father that I only met once. We even held the same title at the same company at around the same age. I left that path but it is interesting.
The real issue is are we hampering our child’s dream if we force a certain things on them. I strangely believe there is a certain fate that is pre written. I followed the career path of a biological father that I only met once. We even held the same title at the same company at around the same age. I left that path but it is interesting.

A child's dream?

Ok, let's be real. You got a million or a 5 - 6 figure income from a business that you got going.

A black child (males) and I"m using only 1 kid in this assessment, in this society, what kind of dream will that black child have that will surpass that family business?

There are only a few occupations that a black child (male) in America that's going to set them up to get a 6 to 7 figure salary working for someone else

What are those? We all know, so everything else falls near or below the poverty line

I may be reaching, if so, I'm wrong, I'm just going off how society looks now, most black males are not in your top income class, middle class is dayum near non-existing, so what are these dreams that our children will make come true, that's going to put them in a better position
To me:

If a parent has setup something, created something that's going to take care of the son, grand-kids and maybe great-grand-kids and all you have to do is drive, inherit the business, and you don't want to, then to me, that's you destroying the whole blue-print, the whole reason why I'm doing what I am doing.

I'm not saying, what I am saying is right, and your thoughts are wrong, I'm saying that it doesn't sit well with me, I've already carved you out a road to take, and you start 10 miles back to carve out a new road. I'll be feeling some kind of way.

Not about either of us being right or wrong just trying to get a grasp on your thought process.

Just as its my opinion that point of view is very personal. You have to realize what you're building is YOUR blueprint not your child's. They have their own life and will make their own decisions about that life and what works for them and what doesn't.

I get and respect what you saying I just can't see it that way.
Not about either of us being right or wrong just trying to get a grasp on your thought process.

Just as its my opinion that point of view is very personal. You have to realize what you're building is YOUR blueprint not your child's. They have their own life and will make their own decisions about that life and what works for them and what doesn't.

I get and respect what you saying I just can't see it that way.
well we cant really complain about our position in life and this world.

if a blueprint to set up generations is not good enough to follow.....cant be mad at the white man
well we cant really complain about our position in life and this world.

if a blueprint to set up generations is not good enough to follow.....cant be mad at the white man

Who said the blueprint wasn't good enough?

That is your problem. If your child doesn't want to do what you do you take it as disrespect and them looking down at what you do. When more than likely its they want to do and be successful at something of their own choosing. Has fuck all to do with you.

But you in your feelings acting like a child cause you not getting your way and what you want. Shit makes no sense.

Success is success whether its following a path ready made or making your own lane.
Who said the blueprint wasn't good enough?

That is your problem. If your child doesn't want to do what you do you take it as disrespect and them looking down at what you do. When more than likely its they want to do and be successful at something of their own choosing. Has fuck all to do with you.

But you in your feelings acting like a child cause you not getting your way and what you want. Shit makes no sense.

Success is success whether its following a path ready made or making your own lane.
um...bruh we having a discussing...all that other shit aint necessary.

you coulda kept all that other shit to yourself
A child's dream?

Ok, let's be real. You got a million or a 5 - 6 figure income from a business that you got going.

A black child (males) and I"m using only 1 kid in this assessment, in this society, what kind of dream will that black child have that will surpass that family business?

There are only a few occupations that a black child (male) in America that's going to set them up to get a 6 to 7 figure salary working for someone else

What are those? We all know, so everything else falls near or below the poverty line

I may be reaching, if so, I'm wrong, I'm just going off how society looks now, most black males are not in your top income class, middle class is dayum near non-existing, so what are these dreams that our children will make come true, that's going to put them in a better position
It is not about surpassing. If he wants to carry Jah word through music and art do you think I care about these businesses. I didn’t build them for him and my wife didn’t build hers for him. We built them for ourselves and now they provide for him. If he is a good person who plays the guitar I would be fine with that.
um...bruh we having a discussing...all that other shit aint necessary.

you coulda kept all that other shit to yourself

What exactly is the other shit exactly?

Did you not say its a slap in the face and/or you feel your kids looking down on what you do if they don't want to follow in your footsteps?

So is that not you in your feelings for perceived slights from your kids?
It is not about surpassing. If he wants to carry Jah word through music and art do you think I care about these businesses. I didn’t build them for him and my wife didn’t build hers for him. We built them for ourselves and now they provide for him. If he is a good person who plays the guitar I would be fine with that.

Same shit I was saying. As long as my child is doing something respectable and they successful fuck do I care for if they don't want to take up a business I started.
What exactly is the other shit exactly?

Did you not say its a slap in the face and/or you feel your kids looking down on what you do if they don't want to follow in your footsteps?

So is that not you in your feelings for perceived slights from your kids?
nigga you aint got to be apart of the convo if you gonna act like an ass.

we all in here respecting each others views and you come with fuckery? saying people in they feeling and acting like a child

man foh
but anyway.....
generational wealth must not be in our DNA.

if too many want to do their own thing and not add on to what is already working .....what can be said?

mom makes cupcakes
mom starts cupcake business.
mom teach me how to make cupcakes but i dont like it.
i take my ass to work for Aetna.
mom business suffers when she gets older and eventually fails,
after 15 years i am laid off...i have a nice savings to live off of but i must get a part time job during retirement years.


mom makes cupcakes
mom starts cupcake business
mom teaches me to make cupcakes but i dont like it.
I learn how to market and distribute and license so moms cupcakes can be franchised out.
mom has loot
im doing something i might like and the business goes on another 20 years.

problem is ......their is more to business that you can branch into.
just like you can specialize in working for someone else.....you can build up or build on what is already placed in front of you....and you wont be fired if you mess up.

but i guess i just see thing different.

i highly doubt the asians who work in the hair stores all like dealing with nasty black women or hair all day.
i highly doubt the kid working in chinese stores like the shit they deal with all day.

you can have options....but it comes down to where you allegiance lies....are we going to make a family name? or are we going to allow division?
@Knock_Twice. Don’t get me wrong. I would love for him to take what we built and run with it. But it is cool if he doesn’t. I will give him as much knowledge as I can. I will show him the value of money as much as spirituality. I hope he understands that he will need both in my opinion to survive. But I will not force anything on him. I
nigga you aint got to be apart of the convo if you gonna act like an ass.

we all in here respecting each others views and you come with fuckery? saying people in they feeling and acting like a child

man foh

You ain't gotta be part of the convo either.

I'm a say whatever the fuck I feel like saying. You don't like it. I'm sure this site has an ignore button use it nigga and keep it moving
with all the options out there......us black folk are really killing huh?

why wait for someone to give you a chance when you are born into stability?

sometimes too many options can be a bad thing.
To me:

If a parent has setup something, created something that's going to take care of the son, grand-kids and maybe great-grand-kids and all you have to do is drive, inherit the business, and you don't want to, then to me, that's you destroying the whole blue-print, the whole reason why I'm doing what I am doing.

I'm not saying, what I am saying is right, and your thoughts are wrong, I'm saying that it doesn't sit well with me, I've already carved you out a road to take, and you start 10 miles back to carve out a new road. I'll be feeling some kind of way.

So you ok with everybody doing the same until that thing becomes obsolete? What if industry takes a hit and income dips are they supposed to stay?
In Dos example i can work 15 years in family business and still fail tho. If my kids dont wanna shovel shit or run my store im supposed to almost force it on them. We dont lack generational wealth becaue of lack of business imo. You cant unrig capitalism. This aint our system
i got a question.....

lets say you was born in the hood....and times was really tough and at times you had nothing to eat. a real struggle.

then one day you found out your dad didnt want to take on all the headaches and responsibilities of the family business your grandfather owned. so the business dissolved with his death but it was very profitable.

how would you feel if your dad told you...he didnt want that responsibility or the work that went along with it because he didnt like it....even tho yall struggling now.
So you ok with everybody doing the same until that thing becomes obsolete? What if industry takes a hit and income dips are they supposed to stay?
the new young blood should be able to help the business grow with the times.
i got a question.....

lets say you was born in the hood....and times was really tough and at times you had nothing to eat. a real struggle.

then one day you found out your dad didnt want to take on all the headaches and responsibilities of the family business your grandfather owned. so the business dissolved with his death but it was very profitable.

how would you feel if your dad told you...he didnt want that responsibility or the work that went along with it because he didnt like it....even tho yall struggling now.

If we struggling id be pissed if we not struggling i wouldnt care. My parents didn't do what their parents did and we ain't struggle.

So it comes down being broke or not. And not just doing family business