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Wealth Gap, Family Business, Is the Child Responsible 2 Continue The Business

What dreams Breh?

Again, where are these dreams being full filled in society, if all these so call dreams came true, then we wouldn't have 36 percent of black ppl living below the poverty lines and another x living near it Lol.

What dreams are we speaking about that arw coming true??

Getting a BS and working at Home Depot or being teacher is a dream? Lol

Niggas have masters but ain't mastering nothing, working a 9-5, clearing 40-50k if that, what are these dreams yall talking about thats happening out here??

Being a mail carrier or working in a plant doing 12's are these dreams we talking about? What dreams?

So you dont know nobody that does any job they actually wanted to do? I mean working 80 hours in one week to keep your business above water, stressed, owing taxes back and always tired is the dream?
So you dont know nobody that does any job they actually wanted to do? I mean working 80 hours in one week to keep your business above water, stressed, owing taxes back and always tired is the dream?

Actually a small few, but those ppl that I know, own their own business.

Most I know have a job that they don't really care for. It's something to keep the lights and water on and running.

Let's break it down and speak reality.

The last part of your post, could be applied to a regular 9 to 5, just cut the 80 hours down to 40. And owning a business, you could hire a staff, it's not always suppose to be you as the owner wearing all the hats.

Business owners have ppl working for them. Manage ppl, not be managed
I'd love to own my own business so im not taking a side here

But some ppl may realize its simply too stressful, keeps them away from quality family time, and in turn can decrease quality of relationships.

Especially if the business is struggling.

I dont think there is a one situation fits all here it really comes down to individuals but does start with instilled values.

I understand this, I get it.

Most that own businesses go in thinking this way, but could this be said about a 9 to 5?

Businesses struggle, no doubt.

I can agree, one situation may not fit everybody, but I don't get the whole full-filling your dream part, when you have a family business that your parents built up and setup for you.

It's almost like Hakeem working at McDowells when his Daddy is the dayum King Lol. Shit is so crazy and stupid. To me. I know he inherit the Kingdom at the end of the movie, but just think if that dude stayed at McDowells busting down tables Lol smh.

Full-filling his dream type shit
Actually a small few, but those ppl that I know, own their own business.

Most I know have a job that they don't really care for. It's something to keep the lights and water on and running.

Let's break it down and speak reality.

The last part of your post, could be applied to a regular 9 to 5, just cut the 80 hours down to 40. And owning a business, you could hire a staff, it's not always suppose to be you as the owner wearing all the hats.

Business owners have ppl working for them. Manage ppl, not be managed

Managing people is a whole nother skill that also not everybody is good at. But somebody has to work for somebody right?
I understand this, I get it.

Most that own businesses go in thinking this way, but could this be said about a 9 to 5?

Businesses struggle, no doubt.

I can agree, one situation may not fit everybody, but I don't get the whole full-filling your dream part, when you have a family business that your parents built up and setup for you.

It's almost like Hakeem working at McDowells when his Daddy is the dayum King Lol. Shit is so crazy and stupid. To me. I know he inherit the Kingdom at the end of the movie, but just think if that dude stayed at McDowells busting down tables Lol smh.

Full-filling his dream type shit
Yea but thats an extreme scenario tho.

Yea most ppl hate their jobs n just tryna scrape by.

But most businesses fail too.

Dont make nobody better or worse.

U can have a happy family/life with a 9 to 5 that works for u

U can have a miserable life with a successful business.

Its never either or, life too complicated for it to work that way.

Personally ill take owning a successful business n healthy fam over anything any day. Most ppl just not built for that road nor care to take it.

Even if it can be gruesome, working for someone else in a lot of ways is a simpler life......given u dont get let go unexpectedly. U just worry about your schedule n figure out the necessary productivity to not get fired. Request your time off n take your sick days. Emergencies while youre on vacation??? Not your problem.
myself, my sisters, cousins we are second generation college graduates which is a nice accomplishment.

our white counterparts are 4th 5th maybe more generation college graduates. they have siblings, cousins, uncles, aunts who are doctors, lawyers, executives etc. when your entire family not just immediate are financially successful you're going to follow the same path more than likely.

all of us first second generation college grads we still have aint shit cousins, uncles. yea they cool, we love them, they talk that shit at the card table. but it makes a huge difference when whites, asains have that success not only in the immediate family and its generational.

cuz they not only learning financial literacy but they in it from birth and then they have the family connections.

i'm still somewhat struggling to learn how to balance my money and my parents are successful majority of my aunts and uncle are also.

we're so far behind because of the priveledges are ancestors never had access to
The bold states the case. White kids have a bounce back if they buy $100 pair of jeans. Black kids don't so knowing that why would WE still cop J's like it's going out of style

I don't disagree with that. I disagreed with your "white kids walk around in $40 Vans and chill". Nah nigga. They blow money on stupid shit too. They make dumb ads decisions with money just like everybody else
Plenty ppl are unhappy owning their own business?? Something that they wanted to do? Or are they are unhappy that it has not hit the mark that they may have want the business to be at a certain point

2 different things

You are saying ppl are not happy owning their own business? Why are these ppl not happy?

There are people who are unhappy even with a successful business if its not ultimately what they wanted to do and just fell in their lap...and your second question leads directly to a point that's been made to you in this thread...your child may not want to do what you do for a living and that's not an insult if they choose a path that's not yours. Your child is their own person and they may have no interest at all in what you do for a living. That doesnt mean they don't appreciate the life you were able to provide dor them it just means they don't want to do what you did to suppprt themselves and their family.
What dreams Breh?

Again, where are these dreams being full filled in society, if all these so call dreams came true, then we wouldn't have 36 percent of black ppl living below the poverty lines and another x living near it Lol.

What dreams are we speaking about that arw coming true??

Getting a BS and working at Home Depot or being teacher is a dream? Lol

Niggas have masters but ain't mastering nothing, working a 9-5, clearing 40-50k if that, what are these dreams yall talking about thats happening out here??

Being a mail carrier or working in a plant doing 12's are these dreams we talking about? What dreams?

Look at the careers you're trying to clown. So now being a teacher isn't something somebody should dream of being? How many times niggas done complained about the quality of education young black kids get? Teachers that don't teach shit but just show up and play baby sitter? Its laughable to want a career that helps build up the next generation coming after you?

And again running your own business just ain't the move for everyone nor should it be. And niggas gotta be more honest about just how much time, money and energy it takes to build a successful one...and simply put not everybody either a. Has that time or financial luxury to fail at business after business or b.is good at being in charge and running shit hence why most businesses fail.
But should we not want our kids to do more than what we did? Not saying they cant grow the business but nobody wants to be 70 saying they didnt try their own dream out
people can run multiple businesses.

you can operate the family business while finding yourself and starting your own and create a blend or two income stream.

continuing business is not the end all be all.
So you dont know nobody that does any job they actually wanted to do? I mean working 80 hours in one week to keep your business above water, stressed, owing taxes back and always tired is the dream?
my life is nothing like that....at times i get tired but so does everyone
Yea but thats an extreme scenario tho.

Yea most ppl hate their jobs n just tryna scrape by.

But most businesses fail too.

Dont make nobody better or worse.

U can have a happy family/life with a 9 to 5 that works for u

U can have a miserable life with a successful business.

Its never either or, life too complicated for it to work that way.

Personally ill take owning a successful business n healthy fam over anything any day. Most ppl just not built for that road nor care to take it.

Even if it can be gruesome, working for someone else in a lot of ways is a simpler life......given u dont get let go unexpectedly. U just worry about your schedule n figure out the necessary productivity to not get fired. Request your time off n take your sick days. Emergencies while youre on vacation??? Not your problem.
so you are ok...with working your way up the ladder and eventually managing a business? or are you ok just getting promoted?

i thought most people want to get promoted to earn more.

so if thats the case...you work hard to get to a place....ceo or whatever...

but would that not be the same as owning your own business...without having to educate someone on why you deserve the $10/hr raise?
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myself, my sisters, cousins we are second generation college graduates which is a nice accomplishment.

our white counterparts are 4th 5th maybe more generation college graduates. they have siblings, cousins, uncles, aunts who are doctors, lawyers, executives etc. when your entire family not just immediate are financially successful you're going to follow the same path more than likely.

all of us first second generation college grads we still have aint shit cousins, uncles. yea they cool, we love them, they talk that shit at the card table. but it makes a huge difference when whites, asains have that success not only in the immediate family and its generational.

cuz they not only learning financial literacy but they in it from birth and then they have the family connections.

i'm still somewhat struggling to learn how to balance my money and my parents are successful majority of my aunts and uncle are also.

we're so far behind because of the priveledges are ancestors never had access to
yea....i see this everyday.

black people are sooo far behind.

i dont think alot of people understand how far.

but keep saying what you dont want or should take over.....

i dont want to start showing how this shit makes no sense by bring other mindframes into this.
the common theme i get from these thread are people dont believe in themselves and want stability at the cost of freedom.

most people dont even like their jobs...most people dont work in the field of their degree.
most people want the easier path but want to dream of the rich life.
Look at the careers you're trying to clown. So now being a teacher isn't something somebody should dream of being? How many times niggas done complained about the quality of education young black kids get? Teachers that don't teach shit but just show up and play baby sitter? Its laughable to want a career that helps build up the next generation coming after you?

And again running your own business just ain't the move for everyone nor should it be. And niggas gotta be more honest about just how much time, money and energy it takes to build a successful one...and simply put not everybody either a. Has that time or financial luxury to fail at business after business or b.is good at being in charge and running shit hence why most businesses fail.

I hear you but to me you're speaking on a moral stance vs a reality stance.

Being a teacher in the U.S. is nothing little kids dream of doing. I've never met a kid that at the age of 8 said that they wanted to be a teacher. It's a rare dream that a kid wants to have, to become a teacher.

How many male Chinese, Arab, male teachers you know? Actually went to school, got a BS and became a elementary or middle school teacher in 2018? That this was their goal, and not their fall back plan until something else opened up? Cuz this is what most of what black ppl do. Become teachers as a fall back plan, or they just settle of becoming a teacher.

Speaking reality again, being a teacher, yields in the state of LA, 40k-44k (if that) a year. So you're telling me a kid is dreaming of becoming a teacher, going to college just to become a teacher or is this a fall back plan for most? How many male black teachers do we really have if this is the so call dreams these kids are having? Again, I'm speaking reality not from a morally stance.

There's nothing special about working an occupation that isn't paying. Teachers right now complain every year about the pay, so what child is dreaming of becoming a teacher when most don't even like their teachers Lol.

Again, we are the only ppl that's on that let a child choose their path type tip instead of directing that child into something that's gonna to be beneficial for their future.

If the family business has been setup for them and it's a plug and play situation, where is this whole (stress factor) coming into play.

Again, there are a few occupation that will pay a black man or woman a substantial salary, most of us are living under the poverty line or near it. Few are in the top class income bracket, so again, I ask, What are these (dream) occupation that our kids are chasing?

Black kids are getting master degrees and they are not mastering anything, niggas are working in call centers and at Lowes, Wal Mart, US Postal, etc. being P.E. teachers, teacher aids, so these are the dreams that our children are chasing? to be teacher aids?

Instead of inheriting a family own business that's generating residual income, Ima go chase this dream of mines to get a Master degree, get my MBA and don't have job, or get that job working at AT&T call center?

There is a major disconnection we have

You don't see too many yangs working at Wal Mart and being mail carriers. I wonder why?

When the last time, your mail carrier was a Chinese
There are people who are unhappy even with a successful business if its not ultimately what they wanted to do and just fell in their lap...and your second question leads directly to a point that's been made to you in this thread...your child may not want to do what you do for a living and that's not an insult if they choose a path that's not yours. Your child is their own person and they may have no interest at all in what you do for a living. That doesnt mean they don't appreciate the life you were able to provide dor them it just means they don't want to do what you did to suppprt themselves and their family.

I agree with you on this.

The child is their own person, but again, you are the parent and to me, some things you should steer your child towards for their own good. If you have a successful business and it has been taking care of you and the family, yall eating off the benefits, why not have that same setup for your child or children.

A lot of things children may not want to do, oh well, that's life. I don't wanna do a lot of things either, but me not wanting to do those things but me knowing those things will take care me are two different mind-sets that I have.

Children don't like eating veggies, so that mean you don't make them eat veggies? Even though they are good for your body and you're suppose to eat them?
most people force their children to go to school?

why? children always say they hate school. and if they are being bullied....it gets even worse.

but what do most parents do? they try to speak to someone so it can be easier for their child...right?
the parent could teach the child self defense...and force them to not be a punk but give them tools to make their life easier, right?

how many kids have a different religion from their parents? they might change it when they get older...but is the religion not forced?

just saying.