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Tyrese: The Black Community Is Fragmented, Every Other Race Works Together

I think it’s true that we don’t practice group economics to the extent that other groups do and that’s to our detriment in a capitalist society.

We also celebrate entertainers and criminals more than our business people or community leaders moreso than other groups.

And then our families are more broken than every other group.

This can’t be easily blamed on slavery and Jim Crow because previous generations of Black people didn’t operate like this.
I get what you're trying to say, but I don't like that you describe real roadblocks we face as having a "victim mindset" that's straight out of the racist white guy's playbook.

You ever wondered why Asians tend to have more businesses in black communities than black people? Part of that has to do with the fact that they get business loans to help start businesses far easier than black people. Us trying to work together wouldn't really change that. In fact shit like that is why it's sometimes hard for us to group together and build.

The reason I call his a victim mindset is because he's letting those roadblocks span across any kind of efforts for improvement. Tyrese was talking about talking with your people, discussing plans, sharing information, working together, etc.

To say "Ya, but systemic racism" to that is weird to say when we're not talking about the system.

I hear you, but even loans can be taken care of within the community. My cousin (the good brother from my story earlier) needed a loan for some work on a rental property he owns. I loaned him $5k. The family, and his friends, can rally around him and help with the money. No bank necessary.

I forget the name of it (I think it varies by culture. I'm sure someone up here will know.), but groups get together and everyone puts equal money into a pot. And they rotate who receives that pot until everyone has had a chance. It's basically an interest free loan, but no banks involved.

You got 10 people, they all throw in $200. One person gets all $2000. Then repeat, and the next person gets the $2000. Until everyone has had a chance. No bank. No interest.

Every single time someone spits similar shit that Tyrese said, they always try to paint a picture as if every other race is just thriving an building while only Black people are being left out and struggling.

All white people do not work together. Their are entire subsets of white people. Rich white people, hillbillies, middle class, racist, you name it. All white people are not in lock step.

All Asian people are not in lock step. Do niggas even realize how Asians beef amongst each other between Chinese, Korean, and Japanese people? Why do niggas act like every Asian person just sticks together no matter what? WTF type of dumb shit is that? Have niggas never heard of North Korea and South Korea? China? Japan? This idea that Asians are in lockstep is some real self hating Black people shit.
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I mean, one could look at this another way. They spent money to try to keep the dumbass brother from dying or doing life, but the other brother was doing fine so they figured he didnt really need any help & wasnt the priority. Vast majority of families arnt going to just shrug and just pay attention to the other kid just for being in school.

Theres no excuse for not offering zero support to the one on the right path, but idk that family dynamic or the people in it. Plus I'm old enough to know just because you go to school doesnt mean you are a good person.

Dude was able to go to school on his own and start a business, sounds like he was fine. Doubt that ramen money they sent his brother would of did much.

He didn't get to go to school. He didn't have the money, so he just started working, and saving, until he had enough to start his own thing. Instead the family gave their resources to the one that committed bunch of armed robberies.

But that's what I mean. If he's doing what he's supposed to, it's "He'll be alright" and "Keep grinding. You got it". If he did some shit he's NOT supposed to do it's "Alright everybody. What can we do to help him?".

Can't ignore the entrepreneurs, support the felons, then wonder why other people got more successful entrepreneurs (for my extended family specifically. But I doubt my family is the only one).
The reason I call his a victim mindset is because he's letting those roadblocks span across any kind of efforts for improvement. Tyrese was talking about talking with your people, discussing plans, sharing information, working together, etc.

To say "Ya, but systemic racism" to that is weird to say when we're not talking about the system.

I hear you, but even loans can be taken care of within the community. My cousin (the good brother from my story earlier) needed a loan for some work on a rental property he owns. I loaned him $5k. The family, and his friends, can rally around him and help with the money. No bank necessary.

I forget the name of it (I think it varies by culture. I'm sure someone up here will know.), but groups get together and everyone puts equal money into a pot. And they rotate who receives that pot until everyone has had a chance. It's basically an interest free loan, but no banks involved.

You got 10 people, they all throw in $200. One person gets all $2000. Then repeat, and the next person gets the $2000. Until everyone has had a chance. No bank. No interest.

lol Bro, most Americans, not just Black Americans but Americans in general, can't handle a $1000 dollar emergency.

And you not starting many businesses with just $2000 these days. My wife owns a dance school, and between equipment, rental costs, and payroll, she needed like 25K to get started. By your plan she'd need like 100 people chipping in.

Anyway, I don't know what to tell you. Our people do discuss plans, share information, and work together. I'm really not sure where the idea that we don't comes from. To be honest, most of the time I hear this rhetoric, it's coming from someone who has failed in some aspect of their life and is looking for a person to pin that failure on.

I mean we got a topic about Umar trashing Hip Hop. I don't know if it was mentioned in there, but Umar first started bashing rappers because none of them would donate to his school. So because people like Dr. Dre and Jay-Z didn't fall for his grift, Hip Hop in general doesn't do anything for the black community. See how silly that sounds?
Anyway, I don't know what to tell you. Our people do discuss plans, share information, and work together. I'm really not sure where the idea that we don't comes from. To be honest, most of the time I hear this rhetoric, it's coming from someone who has failed in some aspect of their life and is looking for a person to pin that failure on.

It's usually coming from Black people who are well off and like to take shots at other Black people on some holier than thou type shit ie, celebrities.

You notice that these rich and wealthy niggas that love to say stupid shit like this, only have the confidence to say it when they feel like they are in a protected class with little to lose. These same niggas wasn't talking this we don't build shit when they were trying to get put on to whatever shit that they got put on to.

Which is why this rhetoric is not only stupid but incredibly embarrassing for Black people. These niggas, especially rappers and entertainers, had no problem monetizing off of theirs and our own perceived struggles only to "Make It" and look back and talk down like they cracked some sort of code.

No nigga, ya didn't. On top of that, the whole time why niggas like Tyrese are trying to shame niggas for not building (wtf is this dumb shit anyway?) the same white people that put the barriers up that you had to overcome will put another barriers up on yo Black ass to keep you in check just when you think you're getting somewhere. Got niggas who are Black and rich thinking that they did something when they are just reinforcing the same racist white tropes.
I do think we operate differently than other races, but not in the way he says. I think we focus too much of our time and resources on the wrong people.

I saw this in my family. I had 2 cousins (brothers). One got locked up for some shit for about 7 years. His brother kept his nose clean, wanted to go to college, and has started his own business. The family sent the criminal brother money, wrote letters to make sure he was doing good, gave him his own place to stay when he got out.

But they didn't give his brother SHIT. No tuition money (and his mom spent what would have gone to him for school on lawyers for his brother), no money or resources to help his business, no free place to stay...nothing.

I think we don't focus enough on our motivated, successful people. Then we compare ourselves to the success stories of other races, and wonder why there's a difference. They focus on building theirs up. Those Asians that buy the stores get money from their family/community to buy the stores... they're built up and are ashamed of someone going to prison.

Too many of us are quick to put money on prison books, rather than school books and it's a problem.
Sir....you basically are saying the revolution has to start at home. Change begins there! You are on point - and repped. Also, Tyrese forgot to mention the part of trying to wipe us out is due to white supremacy\fragility and what keeps up alive is our god force as we are the first on the planet...the alpha before omega