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Tyrese: The Black Community Is Fragmented, Every Other Race Works Together

I mean we broke down the who’s and the whys a long time ago. I think the thing is what is he defining as fragmented? Because we all don’t vote the same? If we go into a black neighborhood you can can see people who aren’t just on some selfish individualistic shit. But niggas don’t believe that. I think black folks world wide rather believe negative stories over positive. We go whole colleges but we can’t stick together based on Tyrese?

Black people are really quick to believe the worst about our own people. I know a lot of black people that don't believe there are middle class or upper class black neighborhoods in this country. They think all black people are struggling and the few that aren't live around white people.
Black people are ignorant to other communities

Indians have a caste system

Middle Eastern Arabic’s have been at war for centuries, due to a caste system

Asians don’t get along amongst the countries they come from

Latinos don’t all get along, Cubans don’t like Mexicans, Mexicans don’t like PR’s

He says what he says because he’s ignorant to other communities and doing relation by comparison.

Everyone is fragmented, we know how fragmented black people are because we are black. Thus it’s hard to be ignorant to it
What Tyreese is witnessing is a class system, within America.

P.O.C usually are in the same class, in America , people in the same class, usually have the same ideals and or aspirations and they work together to better their situations together.

And so do black people, our biggest problem as black people is our culture reinforces self hate. Because we don’t all have a foundation to connect t, we don’t have a foundational love

That’s why the only time we do, is in opposition to white violence…I.e, that boat dock fight

It’s the only thing all of us relate to, but us being more and more fragmented should be evidence to us that, that boot that was on our neck for so long, isn’t there like it use to be and now it’s more like this, in a lot of cases


Most recently some chick posted a video of herself getting fired and couldn’t understand why still coming in late after being told not to, was such a big deal
This Sambo babble. Them people don't form any type of cohesion until they get over here. In most of their native countries they have caste systems, institutional tribal beefs, corrupt governments, cartels and gangs that make crips and bloods look like girl scouts. If they so united why do they come here in search of a better way of living. Every race has internal issues they deal with
Every race is divided and infights I hate when dumb niggas who only read Harry Potter books gets on public platform to belittle our race uplift others. East Asians hate South Asian/South East Asian and look down upon them in Mexico the indigenous Mexican(darker skin Mexican) get oppressed by the "white" mexicans and white people my god they have a long history of being divided Britain and France had a 100 year war. There's infigting and division in everything even religion 😂😂😂 stupid niggas
Black people are really quick to believe the worst about our own people. I know a lot of black people that don't believe there are middle class or upper class black neighborhoods in this country. They think all black people are struggling and the few that aren't live around white people.

Most black people aren't living in upper class or middle class neighborhoods that's like saying because Black people dominate the NBA it's a benefit to the black race it ain't that's a select few people that shit does nothing for the community as a whole.