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Tyrese: The Black Community Is Fragmented, Every Other Race Works Together

This man thought he was saying some profound shit. “Just check up on people” like we don’t already do that?

What's profound about saying "call your people and check up on them"?

But you think everyone is calling their cousins, aunts, uncles, friends, nieces, nephews at least once every couple months? And not just to shoot the shit, and talk about buying. But to check up on them?

Maybe you do, maybe don't. But I think a lot of people's call and text history will say they don't.
Other communities have their problems as well , but they tend to keep it in house and not blast it on social media or interviews like our community

I don't think this is true at all. I think this is a case of things happening in other communities that don't affect you so you're not as keyed in on it.

I mean, I've seen Asians from different communities beef with each other all my life.

In Cleveland, the hispanic communities are not all in lock step. The Puerto Ricans and Dominicans will let you know immediately that they are one or the other. They don't all roll the same direction. Same for the Chinese, Korean, and Japanese people.

Even amongst white people there is a very clear divide between the haves and the have nots.

I think a lot of Black people have blinders on when it comes to race relations. A lot of niggas think that the shit we deal with internally as a race, doesn't apply to other races and that's simply not true.
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What's profound about saying "call your people and check up on them"?

But you think everyone is calling their cousins, aunts, uncles, friends, nieces, nephews at least once every couple months? And not just to shoot the shit, and talk about buying. But to check up on them?

Maybe you do, maybe don't. But I think a lot of people's call and text history will say they don't.

You're making the point............
Whew a lot of denial going on in this thread. I guess one day white people will do better so Black people can be better?
lol Bro, most Americans, not just Black Americans but Americans in general, can't handle a $1000 dollar emergency.

And you not starting many businesses with just $2000 these days. My wife owns a dance school, and between equipment, rental costs, and payroll, she needed like 25K to get started. By your plan she'd need like 100 people chipping in.

Anyway, I don't know what to tell you. Our people do discuss plans, share information, and work together. I'm really not sure where the idea that we don't comes from. To be honest, most of the time I hear this rhetoric, it's coming from someone who has failed in some aspect of their life and is looking for a person to pin that failure on.

I mean we got a topic about Umar trashing Hip Hop. I don't know if it was mentioned in there, but Umar first started bashing rappers because none of them would donate to his school. So because people like Dr. Dre and Jay-Z didn't fall for his grift, Hip Hop in general doesn't do anything for the black community. See how silly that sounds?

I hear you. And if people don't got it, they don't got it. They can't do what they can't do. But others do have money. And I just made up numbers to describe the process. (A susu (sp?). That's what some folks call it. Its group economics, but I forgot some of the names).

It depends on your circle and who you surround yourself with. Your wife runs a business. She's probably met other successful business owners, and workers. They may be able to make one, and put in a decent amount into the pot.

I get you. Our people do discuss plans and get together. I just think we too often do it to focus on the wrong stuff. My family got together, shared info, and communicated to help my felon cousin. They didn't get together to talk about what they could invest in, or how they could make money with the land they own.

Ya, Umar's bitter and a con man. He's different. I don't feel my extended family owed me anything. I just noticed when they decided to give, where it went.
Even if other communities are not as united as this celebrity claims, that doesn't change that every other group has a habit of uniting against Black people when it suits them.

Black people are the original advanced technology that created the future we have today. The problem is that these other groups that eventually buy into whiteness, well they never expected this "technology" to have a soul and a will to be autonomous. Native Americans couldn't handle the labor demands. No one could outside of the Africans, and only the strongest even made it here to be slaves.

I could go on a tangent about this, but I really believe that despite Black America's influence on pop culture and civil rights globally, white supremacy still reigns and the world unites against Black skin when that supremacy is threatened. Black people, like most humans, are not immune from group think and the influences of white supremacy, so we too uphold their values and learn their hate for Black skin; we tend to amplify our disagreements with other Black people because of this.
People be mad disengenous though gotta keep it 100 a subset of niggas do thing in demonstrative ways which a lot of times have negative and self destructive outcomes in turn it has adverse affects on community..
I don't necessarily agree with Tyrese but we have to get away from "they're doing this shitty thing too so why can't I?" mentality. It's not productive or conducive to anything.
I don't necessarily agree with Tyrese but we have to get away from "they're doing this shitty thing too so why can't I?" mentality. It's not productive or conducive to anything.

That's not anyone on here's mentality. No one is saying that other groups are divided so it's ok that we're divided. We're saying that people need to stop lying about how other communities operate to make us look worse.

The black community has problems it has to solve, but misrepresenting how other communities function to trash our community isn't productive.

Old school example, but Richard Aoki was a Japanese member of the Black Panthers (and a Fed snitch but that's another story). When asked why he joined the Panthers, he basically said because black people are willing to fight and Asians just bend over and take it. See, we're not even the only ones that shit on our own communities to boost up others.
My thing why can’t we have the discussion in us doing better without having to say somebody else is better? Thing is none of the black celebrities would be anywhere without the black community. The same community they say does not exist.
My thing why can’t we have the discussion in us doing better without having to say somebody else is better? Thing is none of the black celebrities would be anywhere without the black community. The same community they say does not exist.

I guess if the opinion is other groups have reached a goal you're after, you follow the blueprint of that group in relation to the goal.

But I do get what you're saying.
That's not anyone on here's mentality. No one is saying that other groups are divided so it's ok that we're divided. We're saying that people need to stop lying about how other communities operate to make us look worse.

The black community has problems it has to solve, but misrepresenting how other communities function to trash our community isn't productive.

Old school example, but Richard Aoki was a Japanese member of the Black Panthers (and a Fed snitch but that's another story). When asked why he joined the Panthers, he basically said because black people are willing to fight and Asians just bend over and take it. See, we're not even the only ones that shit on our own communities to boost up others.

Not going to get in a back and forth over semantics of who said what.

The conversation should be about solutions instead of debate or shitting on Tyrese. We all agree the black community is fragmented, so where is our community fragmented? why is it fragmented? Who is responsible? and how can we fix it?

Might be energy better spent.
Not going to get in a back and forth over semantics of who said what.

The conversation should be about solutions instead of debate or shitting on Tyrese. We all agree the black community is fragmented, so where is our community fragmented? why is it fragmented? Who is responsible? and how can we fix it?

Might be energy better spent.

It's not semantics though. People like Tyrese are doing is making it seem like complete unity within a community is possible and black people are the only ones that don't do it.

The problem is there's no real proof that such unity is even possible. Every community is fragmented. The human race is fragmented. If that's the reality then any energy used to get people to stop pushing false and detrimental narratives is well spent.
Not going to get in a back and forth over semantics of who said what.

The conversation should be about solutions instead of debate or shitting on Tyrese. We all agree the black community is fragmented, so where is our community fragmented? why is it fragmented? Who is responsible? and how can we fix it?

Might be energy better spent.

I mean we broke down the who’s and the whys a long time ago. I think the thing is what is he defining as fragmented? Because we all don’t vote the same? If we go into a black neighborhood you can can see people who aren’t just on some selfish individualistic shit. But niggas don’t believe that. I think black folks world wide rather believe negative stories over positive. We go whole colleges but we can’t stick together based on Tyrese?