Trump & The Baby Snatchers

Protesters gather outside Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen’s home in Virginia

About two dozen people gathered Friday morning outside the Virginia home of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen in response to the Trump administration’s policy on separating children from their parents at the border.
Gabi... you're lying. You responded to EVERY one of my posts and I replied in kind.

It's all there. So now not only are you delusional you're a liar. Maybe you should run for office, you'll do well.
Here's 3 posts I ignored.

Predictable. Y'all niggas do this every time when you can't back up your talking points

She'll never answer you. I gave her ample opportunity to prove it happened and she danced around it. She made that shit up.

I've said it time and time again, when people like her, HellCzar, and Race are pressed for factual information they can never produce any.

because you and niggas like you are a fucking joke. You have no answers. You pulled an article out that STILL didn't illustrate the whole "putting babies in cages" shit you kept goin' on about. You found something that almost kinda sorta in a round about way seems to talk about it, but notthing that is a direct correlation to anything you've said.

You and your kind are worse than Republicans when it comes to manufacturing bullshit talking points.

And the majority of my replies after yesterday were me wondering why you kept talking to me. I never addressed anything you brought up on this topic since yesterday because you acted like you had to leap tall jumps in a single bound to answer a yes or no question.....that wasn't even directed towards you in the first place. You wanted my attention when you had other niggas willing to go back and forth with you on this issue.
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the argument here isn’t illegal immigration or arrests or deportation, it’s the separation of families..

How you cannot see that is mind blowing

You can't be serious. Families have been separated in this country for centuries. Black familes have been the main target. The foster care system is vastly overrun with black youths who spend so much time in the system that the majority of them age out. Black kids have been removed from homes by the justice system for almost any kind of frivolous reasons. They've been abused while in the system and routinely shuffled around so they grow up with no sense of family. No news media is crying on camera for our youths.
You can't be serious. Families have been separated in this country for centuries. Black familes have been the main target. The foster care system is vastly overrun with black youths who spend so much time in the system that the majority of them age out. Black kids have been removed from homes by the justice system for almost any kind of frivolous reasons. They've been abused while in the system and routinely shuffled around so they grow up with no sense of family. No news media is crying on camera for our youths.

Who here is arguing against any of the bolded? We all know this...

We can be pissed about that along with this bullshit at the border as well.
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You can't be serious. Families have been separated in this country for centuries. Black familes have been the main target. The foster care system is vastly overrun with black youths who spend so much time in the system that the majority of them age out. Black kids have been removed from homes by the justice system for almost any kind of frivolous reasons. They've been abused while in the system and routinely shuffled around so they grow up with no sense of family. No news media is crying on camera for our youths.
And you're willing to bet not a single person in this thread has ever had a conversation or done anything irl in support of other children who are institutionalized? You gon act like the prison industrial complex, the school to prison pipeline, black kids being more likely to get in trouble in school... has never been discussed? This is a black forum and so was the many of us do you think saw the wire and say s4 is the best season?

Some of you niggas are so lame with this shit. We're talking about the treatment of these kids because that's the fuckin news story happening right now. Yall use that to assume nobody has ever cared or said anything about another issue ever in life lol.
And you're willing to bet not a single person in this thread has ever had a conversation or done anything irl in support of other children who are institutionalized? You gon act like the prison industrial complex, the school to prison pipeline, black kids being more likely to get in trouble in school... has never been discussed? This is a black forum and so was the many of us do you think saw the wire and say s4 is the best season?

Some of you niggas are so lame with this shit. We're talking about the treatment of these kids because that's the fuckin news story happening right now. Yall use that to assume nobody has ever cared or said anything about another issue ever in life lol.

All I'm saying is if the news media is in such a heartwrenching mood to save mistreated kids why not help our too? Two birds with one stone. But that's not going to happen.
All I'm saying is if the news media is in such a heartwrenching mood to save mistreated kids why not help our too? Two birds with one stone. But that's not going to happen.
But that's not what you're saying. You're turning the shit on us for caring and making this imaginary argument that it's not possible we've ever cared about anything else.
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the argument here isn’t illegal immigration or arrests or deportation, it’s the separation of families..

How you cannot see that is mind blowing

Dawg... Did you even read the article you posted?

"President Donald Trump's practice of separating families that illegally cross the border as a deterrent to other potential border crossers has direct roots in the Obama administration, which said and did many of the same things Trump has been widely condemned for.

While Trump's administration owns its short-lived policy of separating families at the border, former President Barack Obama earned a nickname among immigration activists as the "deporter in chief" for expelling around 3 million people from the US.

And it wasn't pretty when Obama did it either.

Recent court filings allege that US detention centers drugged without consent and abused migrant children in the US under Obama."

C'mon Vibe, let's be real here fam: Trump continued the practices started by Obama. Trump's Administration has only clamped down even harder recently but let's not forget where it all started.
All that other mistreatment shit is wack, as well. But he isn’t the president. Trump is. And trump is separating families.

I have no issues w the deportation of illegals. Never have.
Who here is arguing against any of the bolded? We all know this...

We can be pissed about that along with this bullshit at the border as well.

Inori, the issue that I (and it appears Babelipsss) have with all of this is the hype is how hard everybody is riding for these people that have no business being here, because when the dust settles and the news cycle ends and nobody is talking about it anymore not one person is going to ride hard for any American child currently going through similar shit. Those children will still be forgotten. Those kids are looking at a TV somewhere, seeing all of this uproar, protests, and noise for the children of people entering this country illegally, and wondering "What about me?".
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All that other mistreatment shit is wack, as well. But he isn’t the president. Trump is. And trump is separating families.

I have no issues w the deportation of illegals. Never have.

Then what's the plan here? Who should they stay with because once they're processed and sent to a jail or prison the parents will be separated from each other as well. Who are the kids going to be with? And if the kids are then sent to a jail to be with one of the parents, how will the other inmates look at that?
Then what's the plan here? Who should they stay with because once they're processed and sent to a jail or prison the parents will be separated from each other as well. Who are the kids going to be with? And if the kids are then sent to a jail to be with one of the parents, how will the other inmates look at that?

idk tbh, Obama kept them together and figured it out..
idk tbh, Obama kept them together and figured it out..

Actually he did split up families but so did Bush and Clinton however none of them did it on the scale that Trump has in these last few months. What Trump is doing is applying it to everyone, that wasn't the case under the previous three presidents but it still happened.