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Trump & The Baby Snatchers

That's exactly what should NOT be happening.

but did you even look at the date?

"July 18, 2012"

Obama's White House did this.

This is why it's important to distinguish between administrations when fucked up shit happens. You post an article, if somebody makes a meme out of this today and start running with it on social media they'll blame Trump for this, but it was Obama's administration that did this shit. He wasn't called "Deporter in Chief" for nothing.
That's exactly what should NOT be happening.

but did you even look at the date?

"July 18, 2012"

Obama's White House did this.

This is why it's important to distinguish between administrations when fucked up shit happens. You post an article, if somebody makes a meme out of this today and start running with it on social media they'll blame Trump for this, but it was Obama's administration that did this shit. He wasn't called "Deporter in Chief" for nothing.

Obama doing it aint relevant still the same government
Obama doing it aint relevant still the same government

It's not the same government. Obama was supposed to be this symbol of hope and change, that kind of shit wasn't supposed to happen on his watch. We all know Trump is a piece of shit and shouldn't be surprised when fuckery happens.

i think you missed my point

i’m not denying the new revelation that the little girl was never separated from her mother

i was pointing out the hypocrisy in babelipsss post. one minute she doesn’t trust the media. the next she’s using the media to help her argument

what makes the latter media story more trustworthy?
i think you missed my point

i’m not denying the new revelation that the little girl was never separated from her mother

i was pointing out the hypocrisy in babelipsss post. one minute she doesn’t trust the media. the next she’s using the media to help her argument

what makes the latter media story more trustworthy?

It doesn't take much to see how this whole issue is being twisted for political positioning. As I said earlier in the thread, it's a political football and the left and right are using it to gain ground on one another. This really has nothing to do with the immigrants, per se because, as I've already pointed out several times, this kind of thing happened as far back as Clinton (children being separated from their families that is...). It's being brought up now, as opposed to, say 3 months ago, is because we're less than 6 months away from the mid-term elections and this makes for a great way to push people back to the left. The left says "look at how horrible the republicans are" and the right says "look the left used old pictures from the last president... who was a Democrat... trying to lie to you". Y'all just see the kids involved and get triggered about it without seeing the bigger picture: Neither party gives a fuck about those kids! Presidents from both parties have detained children exactly the same way since the 90's. When parents came here and were brought up on criminal charges at the border, the very same thing happened; families were separated.

The policy put in place in April was to bring criminal charges against EVERY adult that comes into the country illegally. When those adults have children with them they were to be separated from them while the adults are criminally prosecuted. This falls in line with what I said earlier in this thread: Any US citizen of any color or ethnic background that commits a crime with their children in tow will have their kids taken from them and if no one is available to come get the child those kids will either end up in foster care or, if they're old enough, they'll end up in a juvenile detention facility while the parent goes through the system.
Of course this thing is political. It's like the Democrats have amnesia or something. Trump said build the wall and people ate it up like candy. Right or wrong America doesn't want illegal immigration. Crying kids aren't going change that fact. Trump should be history by now but instead he might actually have a shot at a second term because people want that border security. Don't let the media fool you on that. Again.
I don't see what the TIME cover has to do with the kids torn from their parents.

I think if someone made a thread 'do you trust the media' we'd all be up in there explainin' why we're sceptical of the various networks.

Even if your staunchly anti immigration you should be against this because it's wrong
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anyone excusing this deserves the above treatment.
You fools are so bent on the pictures being unrelated. Do you know how many unrelated photos we’ve seen grace the cover of a story? Probably millions. Don’t sit and hold on to this one. They’re covering this shit everyday. This isn’t some random ploy to make Trump look bad.
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