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Trump & The Baby Snatchers

let's see how "this not our fight" ya'll is when some babies from Nigeria or Haiti get ripped away from their mothers

or did ya'll forget about that "Shithole Countries" remark already

This isn't universal. Haitians aren't separated from their kids when they arrive here illegally. They are immediately turned away with their kids as soon as they touch US soil. Fact. Cubans get to stay. Let that sink in.
This isn't universal. Haitians aren't separated from their kids when they arrive here illegally. They are immediately turned away with their kids as soon as they touch US soil. Fact. Cubans get to stay. Let that sink in.
You're an idiot cause if you actually stayed up to date on things, you'd know Obama reversed that law before he left office. Cubans are on the same level playing field as any Latin immigrant trying to enter this country. Nice try though.
Give me a break. The Cuban lobby stronghold still stands. No Cuban had been turned away. They have a lock. They don't need inner tubes anymore.
You wouldn't accept it. But keep on pretending like the browns aren't getting preferential treatment over us time and time again. They have managed to make their voting block stronger than ours and the Mexicans going to do it too.
""NFL players never do anything for black kids....!!""

I tell ya.....These hotep,super woke wokey conscious militants are some of these most miserable motherfuckas......