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COMMUNITY Toxic Femininity vs Healthy Femininity

It's damning that a gay nigga with tits is putting more effort into this than females. If these women can't muster an adult conversation in here then this is a waste of time. Ain't no way we should be talking bout something like this with Hellczar. Gay men are the embodiment of how profound the impact of toxic femininity can be. They embrace it and are too gone to be taken seriously in such a discussion.
Y'all Niggaz gotta relax.

Being attacked on toxic femininity ain't exactly shit that get the pussy wet my Niggaz....

These ain't topics women like to discuss...

Y'all doing what it is that Niggaz be telling y'all to chill on...
Y'all Niggaz gotta relax.

Being attacked on toxic femininity ain't exactly shit that get the pussy wet my Niggaz....

These ain't topics women like to discuss...

Y'all doing what it is that Niggaz be telling y'all to chill on...

Coddling women in order to get pussy is one of the biggest faults in men. That's why all these simps and tricks and buster ass clowns running around with a battery in their back.

There's no point to the women folk commenting because they won't admit anything or change.

The only thing men can really do is understand. Females like to cloak themselves in some mystifying bullshit. But at the end of the day, you boil it down to the root, you got a perpetually insecure creature that needs reassurance that everything will be ok.

Once you realize that you just became a pimp, and pussy fall out the sky. If that's all you really want.
Coddling women in order to get pussy is one of the biggest faults in men. That's why all these simps and tricks and buster ass clowns running around with a battery in their back.

There's no point to the women folk commenting because they won't admit anything or change.

The only thing men can really do is understand. Females like to cloak themselves in some mystifying bullshit. But at the end of the day, you boil it down to the root, you got a perpetually insecure creature that needs reassurance that everything will be ok.

Once you realize that you just became a pimp, and pussy fall out the sky. If that's all you really want.

Coddling women in order to get pussy is one of the biggest faults in men. That's why all these simps and tricks and buster ass clowns running around with a battery in their back.

There's no point to the women folk commenting because they won't admit anything or change.

The only thing men can really do is understand. Females like to cloak themselves in some mystifying bullshit. But at the end of the day, you boil it down to the root, you got a perpetually insecure creature that needs reassurance that everything will be ok.

Once you realize that you just became a pimp, and pussy fall out the sky. If that's all you really want.
No one said coddel women or simp them.

Just relax on attacking them then complaining that none of them want to participate in the onging attack.

There's ways of talking to and with women without simping or arguing....
Y'all Niggaz gotta relax.

Being attacked on toxic femininity ain't exactly shit that get the pussy wet my Niggaz....

These ain't topics women like to discuss...

Y'all doing what it is that Niggaz be telling y'all to chill on...

Du, in all seriousness, nobody is trying to get pussy wet here. Watch the 4 videos I posted and come back to the thread.

I genuinely don't care if this is something women like to discuss, and in fact it's really telling that women utterly refuse to discuss it. That we simply cannot hold women accountable for ANYTHING without a vicious, flippant, or wholly dismissive response from women and their sympathizers is a serious problem. Men's feet are held to the fire all day every day, and in this day and age of the MeToo movement even more so. However, there's nothing going on in the same manner for women. As I've repeatedly pointed out, when a man and woman both engage in the same negative (read: toxic) activities, men are punished and women are usually not or if they are punished, the resulting punishment is so light it's almost laughable.

When do we get to the point of honesty with regards to women?
When will women take the same level of criticism as men without lashing out and dismissing it?
When do we say that if we are to believe that men and women are equals, then we are to stop coddling and protecting women and allow "the real world" to be as harsh for them as it is for us?
I’ve been said that though. When men do something wrong it’s the fault of the man 100%. When a woman does something wrong there’s always the need for something to justify her actions. Like for example if a man cheats he’s wrong, if a woman cheats it’s because it’s something her husband/boyfriend did that made her cheat. But heavy is the head that wears the crown...
Y'all don't get it...

It's fucked up....I wanna say it's cool... But it's not...

And y'all just don't get it.....
No one said coddel women or simp them.

Just relax on attacking them then complaining that none of them want to participate in the onging attack.

There's ways of talking to and with women without simping or arguing....

Critique is not attack.
Only thing bruised up on these brawds is their ego.

Females stay ego checking men.

Goose and ganders and all that guv
Y'all don't get it...

It's fucked up....I wanna say it's cool... But it's not...

And y'all just don't get it.....

So Du... When Race when on the attack saying that Black men are the leading cause of death for Black women, and I responded with every known fact and figure that said that Black men are essentially a very minor annoyance at best, how did you respond?

You didn't.

And this is the apathetic attitude that needs to stop. You came in the thread with what appeared to be half jokes, but still asking questions on some "what can we do to help?" steez without once fact checking her statement in the first place. I came in and held her accountable to her own words by proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that what she said was utter bullshit. You never came back and acknowledged her bullshit, you just let it fly, walked away without so much as a single retort admonishing her for writing that shit in the first place.


Again, this is about holding people accountable for what they say and do, saying there is a standard and everyone must adhere to it. If we cannot do this, they shouldn't ever be allowed to either.
Ironically, the lack of female participation in this thread...........

You know what.......


'Going to bed.
An example of toxic femininity would be how women reacted to that shit Blacc Chyna did to the Kardashian dude. Let a man openly play a woman like that and he would've been raked over the coals. Blacc Chyna did it and she was a "role model" "goals" and all that other stupid bullshit. It's playing into the worst stereotypes of your gender and holding them up as a badge of honor.
Ask @Race Jones how many times we disagreed

My lack of engagement in arguments as more to do with personal availability than feelings on the topic.

Me and race have gone back n forth for pages on multiple subjects and she even made my list of people I gotta run the fade on when we meet....

But not one time did it become a personal contest of hurling insults at each other with no constructive attention to the topic at hand.

Y'all Niggaz got bad communication skills and a lot of deep seeded anger issues regarding women....

It's like y'all really think angry and accusatory arguments are effective communication tools for discussing these issues regardless of the fact that time and time and time again it's been proven that it's just counter productive.

I mean is like y'all want it to be one way, but it's clear it's the other way.

I can hop in any one of these convos and voice my opinion either way and not do it in a manner that comes off attacking women. And it has nothing to do with coddeling or simping.

Y'all just suck at that shit.