Feminism been around for about 80 years. Got women the right to vote, actually let women work outside the home but not just as nurses and shit like that I would think black people would at least know that being that all our moms worked. But i think feminism is only divisive when people think feminism is anti man. And its not i cant name a situation where feminism hurt a man.
I get it black men feel attacked all the time and don't want to fight with black women but are we really trying to understand why black women feel some type of way or are we just going to assume its all on white people?
Feminism has been around since the late 1800, so your time line is way off.
The founders of the feminist movement in this country were also staunchly racist to the core. Susan B Anthony, Elizabeth Stanton, Carrie Chapman Catt, Rebecca Ann Latimer were all terribly racist.
Susan B. Anthony was quoted as saying “I will cut off this right arm of mine before I will ever work or demand the ballot for the Negro and not the woman.” as well as:
“What words can express her (the white woman’s) humiliation when, at the close of this long conflict, the government which she had served so faithfully held her unworthy of a voice in its councils, while it recognized as the political superiors of all the noble women of the nation the negro men just emerged from slavery, and not only totally illiterate, but also densely ignorant of every public question.”
“The old anti-slavery school says women must stand back and wait until the negroes shall be recognized. But we say, if you will not give the whole loaf of suffrage to the entire people, give it to the most intelligent first. If intelligence, justice, and morality are to have precedence in the government, let the question of the woman be brought up first and that of the negro last.”
Elizabeth Stanton stated "We educated, virtuous white women are more worthy of the vote." when the question of the 15th amendment came up giving the vote and citizenship to Black Men. She claimed to be an abolitionist but only when it served her. As with Anthony, when it came time to give Black men the vote, their true colors showed through with shit like this:
"What will we and our daughters suffer if these degraded black men are allowed to have the rights that would make them even worse than our Saxon fathers?"
“White supremacy will be strengthened, not weakened, by women’s suffrage.” - Carrie Chapman Catt, founder of the League of Women Voters
“I do not want to see a negro man walk to the polls and vote on who should handle my tax money, while I myself cannot vote at all.” - Rebecca Ann Latimer Felton, first female Senator and last member of either house of Congress to be a slave owner.
Feminism is divisive because it was created for the interests of white women first and foremost, and with the current wave of feminism it's decidedly anti-man. The current crop of feminists is so anti-man that the remaining "old guard" of feminists don't even fuck with them and, in fact, oppose their vitriolic rhetoric being thrown about.
Feminism is so divisive that it's divided itself.